show episodes
無論換到哪間公司,每個星期一還是很想翹班啦!!! 在這裡,聊聊我們報復性消費過的玩具、從沒實踐過的創業 idea 以及科技業職涯中的小故事 ----- 聯絡方式
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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The Spark Podcast

Amy Tianyi Zhao & Meg Dowaliby

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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Welcome to Her Venture Talk, your go-to podcast for women seeking financial and entrepreneurial empowerment. Join us as we explore personal finance and business topics tailored for women, sharing expert advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips to help you achieve success on your terms. Subscribe now, and let's venture forward together! Become a Paid Subscriber: Support this podcast: ...
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show series
Send us a Text Message. 這一集聊到Linda回到台灣後的文化衝擊和網路購物的經驗。 Linda分享了她在台灣和美國生活的差異,以及在台灣網路購物時遇到的問題。 台灣的物流和購物系統非常的進步,但還是有一些努力的空間。 此外,Linda還談到了在台灣的交通文化和行人的權益,以及她對搬回台灣的計劃和孩子入學的研究。 Linda的兩個小朋友是雙胞胎,他們的生日在7月,算是暑假寶寶。不管是國外還是台灣,每個學校可能會有一兩個月的時差,但是入學的學齡就是按照生日來計算。 仔細研究發現,小朋友只能進一年級,再過一個月就要報名,就只能入學到二年級或三年級。Linda回來後才發現這個部分有點傻眼。因為在美國,小朋友是7月生,當媽媽的Linda和爸爸一起討論後,決定選擇讓他們是班上年紀…
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Send us a Text Message. 這集節目中,Linda分享了關於一位醫生開車與妻子和孩子衝出懸崖的新聞,但Linda突然情緒失控,Why? 這次Reddit故事很多元: 我拒絕男友求婚,因為怕失去原有的贍養費 我原本答應捐卵給自己哥哥使用,但現在我反悔了 我老婆偷帶零食到醫院給我,我按鈴舉報他,我是混蛋嗎? 你會為了2000美元(6萬多台幣),讓出機位,然後晚回家嗎? 老婆在酒吧與其他人聊天,我卻不能? 這集Linda介紹了三部電影: Netflix的《非常家務事》和 《窺探者》與《異形:羅穆路斯》 Chapters 00:00 醫生將家人推下懸崖 04:06 治療計劃和法律問題 08:24 精神狀況和治療資格 10:46 心理疾病和病態行為 12:42 真正想開podcas…
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Send us a Text Message. Linda回到台灣過暑假了!她遇到的台灣超大的午後雷雨,也分享了在台灣購買衣服的經驗。再來Linda聊了一則有趣的新聞,是有關美國首任總統喬治華盛頓的櫻桃故事,過了幾百年後在他家地窖下面竟然挖掘出來了保存完整的整顆櫻桃。另外,節目裡還分享了一則關於一位眾議院議員在同事包包中倒水的新聞。 接著Linda分享了一個使用AI的小技巧,並介紹了一個TikTok用戶Kyle Balmer發明的一字口訣R-I-S-E-N。其中R代表role角色,I代表instruction指示,S代表steps步驟/結構,E代表end goal輸出對象,N代表narrowing範圍/長度。只要正確使用這個口訣來引導AI,你絕對可以獲得最棒的答案。 依照慣例,Linda挑選…
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Send us a Text Message. 紐澤西州是美國唯一禁止自助加油的州,而每次加油都要給小費, 你受得了嗎? 呼吸是要有技巧的!呼吸就可以瞬間消除緊張,幫助減輕焦慮感,來學一下! Kim Kardashian的女兒North West在好萊塢【獅子王】紀念音樂劇中的表演引起了爭議,多數網友認為她只是因為父母的關係才得到這個機會。經典電影《小鬼當家》的房子要出售了!這是一個非常難得的機會。房子經過全面翻修並保留了電影中的經典場景。 這集節目裡Linda回歸老模式,分享了許多令人嘖嘖稱奇的reddit故事 還有極力推薦電視劇《絕命毒師》和《絕命律師》, 還有新上映的電影 【當殺手戀愛時】 Chapters 00:00 紐澤西州的自助加油禁令 02:10 加油站給小費的爭議 06:22…
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Send us a Text Message. 今天的Linda的美國時間分享了一些Reddit的故事,其中包括一個關於整形手術的故事和一個關於訂婚戒指的故事。定期的斷舍離對身心健康很有益。 在第一個故事中,一個丈夫不喜歡妻子整形後的樣子,詢問網友是否他是混蛋。在第二個故事中,一個女子拒絕將已故未婚夫的訂婚戒指歸還給他的家人。 美國有個異教專門吸收年輕抖音TikTok 網紅舞者,他們進入聲稱教會兼經濟公司7M後,被灌輸必須與家人斷絕關係和連繫。 非常多受害的年輕人還深陷其中不以為意。這個異教的創辦人是位韓裔美國人,號稱自己是神的男人,被多名前教友指控性侵。 這個在Netflix上面的紀錄片Dancing for the Devil引發了很多人的注意,但目前為止,警方也是愛莫能助。 此外,Li…
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Send us a Text Message. 你知道嗎?擁抱對身體和心理健康有益,可以減少壓力、降低血壓、減少發炎、保護心臟、增強免疫系統,甚至縮短感冒時間。 接著Linda分享了安潔莉娜·朱莉和布萊德·彼特的女兒Shiloh在滿18歲後要求改姓,引發熱議的新聞。 前房客的生存守則完結篇。凱特與Derek能夠擊敗Natalia他們嗎?故事中的主人公Derek和凱特發現特殊樓層,並遇到了縱火犯。當他們試圖解開樓層的秘密時,又遭遇到更多的恐怖和危險。 電影《到我們為止》《魔法壞女巫》 Chapters 00:00 擁抱的益處和科學研究 04:28 安潔莉娜·朱莉和布萊德·彼特女兒滿18歲做的第一件事情 07:30 被縱火的公寓樓中的恐怖事件 18:12 被燒毀的公寓 19:09 推進另一個公寓…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 在本期節目中,Linda分享了一個關於Ashley Madison交友平台的故事,她還推薦一個名叫Tanner Leatherstein的皮匠,以及老婆幫老公在Costco度過的特別生日驚喜。 前房客生存守則系列: 這次凱特開始決定反抗,經歷恐懼、挑戰、對抗邪惡。 凱特在大樓內發現了一個神秘的男人,他的出現引發了新的疑問和挑戰。 下個禮拜就是這個故事的完結篇,所以有在follow這個前房客的生存指南的聽眾朋友們請鎖定下個禮拜完結篇,很精彩 Chapters 00:00 Ashley Madison: 已婚人士的交友平台 04:52 送禮物的文化差異 07:14 Tanner Leatherstein: 皮件評論家 10:57 C…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary Linda分享了在美國的抖音平台上出現了一些有趣的趨勢。 包括女生寧願選擇與熊一起被困在樹林裡的,互相幫助彼此付清學生貸款的趨勢以及一位女生在自己家中挖隧道並建造城堡的故事。 前房客的生存守則有了更緊湊的故事發展 凱特到底能獨自繼續奮鬥下去嗎? 另外Linda 還推薦了2024電影 《幻幻之交》和《龍捲風暴》 Chapters 00:00 抖音趨勢:女生選擇與熊一起被困在樹林裡 02:49 學生貸款:付清學生貸款的新趨勢 05:10 挖隧道與建造城堡的故事 09:56 AI對人類生活的影響 14:06 失蹤者的故事 21:18 與鄰居的交談 23:31 海明斯太太的秘密 25:28 失蹤事件的揭示 27:55 《幻幻之交》 32…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 演員Scarlett Johansson聲稱Sam Altman跟他的公司OpenAI在未經他的許可下讓Chap GPT-4O複製了他的聲音。OpenAI否認複製Scarlett Johansson的聲音,並表示他們選擇了一個叫做sky的聲音演員來生成Chad GPT-4O的聲音。 Scarlett Johansson對此表示憤怒並向OpenAI提出申訴。 接著節目分享了一個在No Sleep上的故事,講述了一位新租房客在新公寓發現前房客留下的生存指南的經歷。 這封封奇怪的信及整棟路發生撲索迷離弔詭的事一件又一件, 該去還是留呢? 電影《捍衛任務:復仇芭蕾》《愛爾蘭之願》搶先介紹 Chapters 00:00 Scarlett …
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Send us a Text Message. 這集Linda分享了一個有趣的推文,講述了一個人與AI聊天的實驗。這個實驗展示了AI在保護秘密和報警之間的矛盾。接下來,Linda分享了一個Reddit故事,講述了一個35歲的男人拒絕捐贈腎臟給他重病妹妹的故事。最後,Linda提到了“Portal”這個公共藝術裝置,讓兩個城市實現視覺直播連結了紐約和都柏林。 在這一部分的對話中,討論了兩部電影《變形金剛:源起》和《關於你的想法》。 《變形金剛:源起》講述了變形金剛系列中柯博文和密卡登之間的故事,回歸了原始的變形金剛漫畫作品,吸引了很多老粉絲的期待。 《關於你的想法》安海瑟薇 發揮熟女魅力大談姐弟戀 OpenAI的新模型ChatGPT的發布,是一種全方位的人工智能模型,具有更快的速度和即時的交流…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 這集Linda分享了恐怖故事。這些故事涉及到森林搜救隊員遇到的一些無法解釋的事件,包括失蹤的孩子、神秘的樓梯和奇怪的人物。這些故事非常驚悚和離奇。 如果你對這些類型的故事感興趣,不害怕的話,可以繼續聽下去。其中一個故事是關於搜救隊幫助一位母親尋找他失蹤的五歲男孩的,最終找到了他的殘骸,但無法解釋他是如何到達那個地點的。還有一個故事是關於在雪地中走失的人和被困在樹井中的人。 Linda還推薦了三部電影:《A Quiet Place: Day 1》、《Anyone but you愛愛愛上你》和《特技玩家The Fall Guy》。 接著還有一系列在森林裡發生的怪異事件,包括奇怪的聲音和神秘的樓梯。這些事件讓人感到毛骨悚然,同時也引發…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 在這集裡 管管分享了她最近在準備考駕照的困難和挑戰。 波音第二個吹哨者離開人世 是巧合嗎? 鐵達尼號文物黃金懷錶再度高價賣出(台幣4787萬)! Reddit 八卦:一個雙胞胎兄弟在生日派對上的尷尬經歷,其中一個兄弟被邀請參加另一個兄弟的生日派對,而他自己則被當作賓客。 這則Reddit引發了關於兄弟關係和友情的思考。 Keywords 冠夫姓, 雙胞胎, 生日派對, 尷尬, 兄弟關係, 友情, 考駕照, 駕照, 練習題庫, 考試, 中文翻譯, YouTube, 技術問題, 錄音軟件, 錄音問題, 軟件工程師, 考試挫敗感, 生日派對, 播音吹哨者, 波音公司, 鐵達尼號, 文物, 小提琴袋 Takeaways 雙胞胎生日派對上…
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We first had Alex Kim on The Spark in July of 2022 - go back and listen to episode 31 if you haven’t already. Last time we talked, we delved into the incredible work he’s doing to get the BIPOC community outside with Here Montana. To this day, it is one of our most listened-to and engaged-with episodes. Not just because of the work he’s doing with …
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 在這一集中,我們討論了冠夫姓的習俗。我們探討了冠夫姓的起源和不同國家的習俗。在中國,冠夫姓的習俗可以追溯到漢朝時期,而在歐洲一些國家也存在類似的習俗。我們還討論了冠夫姓對個人身份和家庭身份的影響,以及一些人選擇保留原姓的原因。最後,我們分享了一位Reddit用戶的故事,她拒絕將姓氏改回婚前的姓氏,引發了一系列討論和反思。 在裸體遊輪的話題中,主持人介紹了一艘裸體遊輪,乘客可以在特定區域裸體用餐和遊泳。此外,還討論了一些與恐怖片和TikTok禁令相關的內容。 在這一集中,我們討論了TikTok在美國的禁令以及Momofuku品牌的商標爭議。關於TikTok,我們談到了美國政府對其安全性的擔憂,以及用戶對個人隱私和信息安全的看法。 …
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Disclaimer: On April 16th, Amy had the opportunity to finally have lunch with her mentor, the former president of NYU. On the night of the Year of the Dragon New Year’s Eve, Amy found herself in tears while FaceTiming her parents. In this episode, she continues the conversation from our previous installment, sharing her mix of anxieties and excitem…
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Send us a Text Message. S1E4美國新天后-泰勒絲 在這一集中,Linda討論了泰勒絲的成功。她介绍了泰勒絲的音樂世界和巡回演唱會對經濟的影響。此外,Linda還提到了亞馬遜的人工智能技術和泰勒絲的幸運數字13和在超级盃比賽中的出現。 最后,Linda分享了泰勒絲對工作團隊的慷慨年終獎金和對數字13的熱愛。 ChatGPT的推出引發了人們對英文課堂作文的擔憂。抄襲檢測公司Turnitin使用AI來抓AI,檢測學生是否使用AI寫作文。 Turnitin发现有82%的論文是由AI生成的。學校開始懷疑AI的使用,認為學生應該正確使用AI来寫作文。 教師們采取新的方法来預防學生使用AI,如隱藏提示來檢測學生是否使用AI。 Taylor Swift經歷了一系列的爭議,但她通過自…
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Send us a Text Message. S1E3 AI寫故事可以直接出版賺錢嗎? 我的辣香草 新的AI平台 玩玩看 線上可以用的人工智慧數不清,這個網站人工智慧今天能做什麼幫你整合分門別類 讓你不再有選擇障礙 都去試試看 那個AI工具可以讓你生活,工作起來更輕鬆,更有趣由Linda Liao
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Send us a Text Message. AI複製了我的聲音 這樣好嗎? Open AI 還有Eleven Labs現在快速的學習人說話的方式 對創作者算是一大福音但倫理道德上好像有點尷尬 詐騙集團已經大量在使用複製聲音在做壞事了 Reddit2021年堪稱最大的一場網路及廚師大戰 你會站那邊? 美國政府在努力規劃,使用行政命令來約束複製聲音的技術 真的有效嗎?由Linda Liao
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Meg is back from her first trip to China in five years. We said we’d be back in three weeks, but that quickly turned into eight. For Meg, jet-leg, getting back into routine, and processing this trip so that she can share her experience took a little longer. This is one of the most precise and poignant episodes we’ve ever recorded. The points of con…
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Send us a Text Message. 初試啼聲 蝦米是娘工智慧? Reddit上最火紅的故事 挑戰你倫理道德的那把尺, 要是你, 你會這麼做嗎? 阿里巴巴EMO人工智慧越來越厲害的Deep Fake到底要不要繼續開發下去? 全球第一個跟AI結婚的女人 以及全球第一家AI餐廳你知道嗎?由Linda Liao
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本週除了分享看Ark 最新 2024 Big Ideas 報告內容與感想外。IEO雕大開啟新的支線,找到新夥伴「房房」嘗試對談式的 「異溫層」 Podcast,針對生活、社會與商業議題閒聊,看能不能擦出新的火花,歡迎大家也去訂閱支持。 異溫層 Podcast 連結: 異溫層的IG: 房房的IG: 商業合作請洽: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn…
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By the time you read this, Meg will be on a plane to China for the first time in five years and you won’t hear from us for about a month. In this episode, Meg shares her thoughts as she finally gets to go back to China. Amy shares what she’ll be up to while Meg’s gone. 当你读到这条消息时,Meg 已经在飞往中国的飞机上了。接下来的一个月你可能不会收到我们的更新,这是因为Meg要在中国好好体验。毕竟这是五年来她第一次回国。在这一…
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We all take risks, big and small, every day - especially those of us who are leading unconventional lives that span across multiple countries and cultures. In this episode we ponder the question, “When is a risk worth taking?” 无论大小,我们每天都在冒险——尤其当我们是过着跨越多个国家和文化的非传统生活的人。在这一集中,我们思考一个问题,“何时冒险是值得的呢?” Listen along to hear our answers. Join in on the conve…
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We’re baaaackkk! Did you miss us? In our 40th episode and first of 2024, we take some time to reflect on 2023 and share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. Our first episode of each new year has become a ritual of sorts - a way for us to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. 我们回来了!你想我们了吗?2024年的第一集也是我们的第40个整集。在这集中,我们花了一些时…
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INTP版主首次嘗試講廢話,也跟大家聊聊美國Black Friday的零售狀況。 ------- 【2024國泰世華全球投資趨勢論壇】本次論壇將邀請來自 #橋水基金 的資深投資策略師 Patrick Dimick 擔任主講,將分享他在匯率預測、政府債券市場策略、高收益研究和全球資產配置等領域的專業見解。這次的分享,不僅是一次學習機會,更是一次與國際級投資專家交流的難得機會。 活動時間在 2023年11月28日(週二)下午2點,透過國泰世華銀行的YouTube頻道與LINE官方帳號直播,參與這場免費的線上直播。 欲了解更多詳情或報名參加,請點擊以下連結。 [預約報名連結] 測測你財務健康分數有幾分:https://cathaybk.t…
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In this episode, Meg and Amy deep dive into AI, their experiences exploring its capabilities, where they think it will be adapted and where they think it won’t, and more. Both Amy and Meg share how it is or isn’t being used in their respective fields, and Meg shares the fun ways she’s been using it outside of work. Meg 和 Amy深入讨论了人工智能——这个可能对创意行业产生深远…
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Dive into the world of Melanie Perkins, the visionary co-founder of Canva, as we chart her journey from a student in Perth to leading one of the most intuitive design platforms in the digital age. 🌱 Join our community: ⁠ 👩‍💻 Instagram: ⁠@herinventure --- Support this podcast:…
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What you might not know is that when Meg is not behind the mic for The Spark Podcast, she’s writing. Surveyor of life, midwife of stories - the truest thing Meg knows about herself is that she’s a writer. In May of 2022, she started a personal newsletter called Field Notes where she shares her lyrical essays, poems, and personal anecdotes. With Fie…
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In this episode, Amy and Meg sit down to talk about the Barbie movie - because it’s a MUST. IYKYK. They talk about their experiences going to see both Barbie and Oppenheimer, how the Barbie movie was received in both America and China, the stark contrast between Barbie and Oppenheimer, and their arrival at this moment in history. 在这集中,Amy和Meg分享了观看电…
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AI 股的大波動,台美科技股都已經漲了一大波,宏觀來看通膨降溫高利率債券夯,這次特別邀請到認識多年,人很實在的小老闆 Nelson 黃大展。他在大型法人服務資歷很深,是曾帶領過千億資金的債券專家,好奇以現在的市場他會如何配置,專業法人角度如何觀察? ---- 小老闆的臉書會分享一些市場的觀察,可以追蹤:小老闆的二三事 展新投顧推出的投資領航方案, 原價 $999 限時特價$699,訂閱終身優惠限時只到 9/3 內容乾貨滿滿包含二份精選投組,投資人輕鬆跟著操作 【多重資產投資組合】 建議及績效追蹤 透過台灣發行的ETF買進國內、海外股債ETF約10檔,每月提供建議比重,來追求達到超越經典策略「股六債四」參考指標再加超額報…
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Meg and Amy sit down for a mid-summer check-in. They talk about what they’ve been up to since the last episode, visiting past versions of themselves, work, Amy’s trip home, and more as they look forward to what fall holds for The Spark. Meg 和 Amy在这仲夏之日,坐下聊了聊过去几个月发生的点点滴滴。她们分享了从刚开始做播客到现在的心态变化,工作上的起起伏伏,以及Amy的回家之旅。在这集的结尾,Meg和Amy分享了对“火花电台”接下来节目的策划和期盼。 I…
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美國各大銀行的財報,也顯示即便快速升息高利率的狀態延續,美國經濟仍然有很強韌性。微軟公布Office Copilot AI 的價格,同時和 Meta 合作開源項目 Llama 2 ,可以用於研究和商用,對生成式AI市場的影響深遠 今年已經過了一半,下半年全球投資趨勢會有哪些重點?更多動態新常態的前瞻思維,有興趣的人可以看國泰世華2023下半年投資趨勢論壇內容 ---- 對財經有興趣的人也歡迎加入IEO的社群 Telegram財經聊天室: Facebook: Instagram: 合…
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Join us in this episode of Her Venture Talk, Season 2 as we explore the entrepreneurial journey of Jessica O. Matthews, the mastermind behind Uncharted Power. Discover how a soccer ball sparked an idea that turned into a multi-million dollar renewable energy empire. Learn about Jessica's toolkit for success, the challenges she faced, and how she es…
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Join us for the grand finale of Her Venture Talk as we take a ride back through the entire series, share key takeaways, encourage dreamers out there, and make exciting announcements for the future. Get ready to set sail on a new journey with Her Venture Talk in Season 2! Join our community: ⁠⁠ Follow us on social media: ⁠@herinventu…
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In this episode, we explore how to define and measure your victories, celebrate milestones, and give back to create a positive impact. Join us to discover how to leave a legacy that will endure. 🔮 Subscribe and keep the magic alive! Join our community: ⁠⁠ Follow us on social media: ⁠@herinventure Transcription: https://herinventure.…
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Join us as we discuss common challenges faced by entrepreneurs, strategies for overcoming them, and the importance of adaptability and resilience in entrepreneurship. Tune in for some valuable insights and tips to master the roller coaster journey of entrepreneurship. Join our community: ⁠⁠ Follow us on social media: ⁠@herinventure …
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Learn how to recognize signs of growth, effective scaling strategies, and how to manage growing pains. We also touch on the balance between expansion, sustainability, and profitability. Join us to learn how to elevate your venture without losing its essence. Don't forget to subscribe and share with fellow entrepreneurs – let's grow together! Join o…
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Uncover the importance of a robust sales strategy, learn effective techniques for attracting and retaining customers, and discover how to measure and optimize your efforts. Equip yourself with the knowledge to drive growth and success for your venture. If you're ready to power up your sales game and create a loyal customer base, this episode is a m…
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Ready to elevate your entrepreneurial journey with the power of marketing and branding? In Episode 6 of Her Venture Talk, we delve deep into the vital role of marketing, how to pinpoint your target audience, create a standout value proposition, and unveil the most effective marketing strategies for startups. Discover how to propel your venture and …
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Unlock the secrets to building a strong, cohesive team in Episode 5 of Her Venture Talk: Building Your Team. In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of identifying your needs, recruiting the right talent, and creating a company culture that attracts and retains top performers. We also discuss how to foster an environment of respect, collabor…
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Join us as we demystify the world of business financing. We'll dive into the various funding options available to you, from bootstrapping to venture capital, and share insights on how to determine which approach best aligns with your business goals. Learn the ins and outs of securing the right financial support, and set your entrepreneurial venture…
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Meg and Amy revisited their past episode "Two Cities, Multiple Lives” after three years of turbulence, travel bans, and growth. The world may seem and feel different after the pandemic. However, upon re-listening to the episode and reexamining their lives over the past three years, they realized that instead of splitting lives in between different …
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Learn about the importance of a solid business plan, explore different business models, and discover the key components of an effective plan. Don't miss this crucial episode for entrepreneurs looking to launch and grow their businesses. Subscribe, share with your network, and let's take your venture to new heights together! Join our community: ⁠her…
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Ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey but unsure where to start? Join us in this week's episode of Her Venture Talk, where we'll explore the art of identifying business opportunities! Discover how to evaluate your ideas and turn them into successful ventures. Subscribe now, and don't miss this invaluable episode – your next great business…
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Discover the secrets to entrepreneurial success in this powerful episode of Her Venture Talk! Learn how to develop a growth mindset, build resilience, embrace risk, practice adaptability, and nurture self-belief to unlock your full potential. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your approach to entrepreneurship and fuel your journey toward suc…
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Discover the limitless potential of entrepreneurship for women in this inspiring debut episode of the Herinventure Podcast! Learn what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur and the unique benefits it offers to women. Get ready to be inspired and embark on your own entrepreneurial journey with the support of the Herinventure community as we d…
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