show episodes
出生台湾,现在正在暴走世界的Lily边走边爱的学英语环游世界的历程,2014年开始每天一集播客已经走了43个国家,每天分享一句旅行格言,带你探索充满爱、丰盛和自由的人生,只因生命就是一场精彩的旅程! 免费加入我的30日赢得早起挑战 预约一个30分钟的免费通话咨询
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跨时区三应[Three Ins]是永远有时差的三个逗比在随缘谈话。隔着北太平洋,来自文理工三个领域的她们在人生思考、自我成长的话题里反复横跳。Hope you will find it interesting, be intellectually stimulated, and get inspired! 可以通过RSS链接在各个平台找到我们~
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Cat & Alley

LiLi J & Tree S

走路是一件健康的事情, 但走進巷子裡又是一件很不一樣的樂趣。 大家好, 我們是曆和樹。 走進巷裡看看藏在大城市外表下的小店家們。 巷子裡總有一些我們意想不到的小意外~ 跟我們一起去發掘八。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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你知道各種麵食的英語怎麼說嗎?如何用英語介紹我們特有的麵食文化呢?「學英語環遊世界」主播Lily Wong,受邀科技部人文創新與社會實踐計畫、國立中山大學社會實踐與研究發展中心並參與SKB文明鋼筆文具店在4.10~5.9的「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽來獻聲說法! 本系列總共十集! 高雄「畫說鹽埕麵」展覽的細節內容網站,歡迎大家到高雄鹽埕SKB玩: 關注主播最新動態 FB| IG | Webpage| Podcast製作 FB| 「FLY WITH LILY 學英語環遊世界」最新節目收聽最新節目 Spotify Apple Podcast Google Podcast ht ...
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企業講師聯誼會為非營利組織,所有的幹部皆為無酬志工,我們抱著熱忱、樂於分享的心態參與其中,成員多為人資、訓練或熱愛學習的夥伴,2021年也將在Podcast和大家見面。 本節目分為六大主題,企講大小事、課程來聊聊、培訓內心戲、企講讀書會、企講知識點、潛力新人才。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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以 Podcast 為主題的 Podcast,由臉男和揚主持,我們密切關注聲音媒體如何變動,並且為你介紹值得了解的資訊與創作者。 找到我們: Instagram| Powered by Firstory Hosting
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有的時候,我們所身處的這個世界 現實或許比虛構更令人難以置信 然而面對每個網路事件 一百個人就有一百種價值觀 請保持著開放的態度、遼闊的心情 與我們一起透過網路事件 看看網民的價值觀,了解我們所處的世界 究竟是有趣還是荒唐? ------------- 人物介紹: 王翰| 創作歌手x創業家x音樂製作人 2012年發行首張創作專輯 台灣最大樂譜網站-91譜創辦人 台北市街頭藝人計畫主持人 IG:wanghan.91 -------------------------- 莉莉|歌手x直播主 療癒系幹話女神,不管是唬爛還是唱歌都一把罩 2019年發行單曲[了了] 2020年發行單曲[愛轉身離開] IG:yen_lily_ -------------------------- 木質|職業舞者x直播主x設計師 多才多藝,能動能靜,從做圖到跳舞都難不倒他 IG:enzheng91 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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物理背景 闖蕩金融 期許以經年累月打造出來的理科腦 帶給大家邏輯清晰有條理且白話的解析 粉專 :物人子弟-Roland說理-105041147702955 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一對小夫妻來聊聊性生活上的大小事 透過 PODCAST這個平台 帶給大家一個私密、安全又有趣的聊天空間 平常不敢讓人知道,但又很想分享的性趣事 希望可以帶給大家一些不一樣的新靈感 並帶著心愛的另一半嘗試不同的愛情火花 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「Herstory 她的赫茲共振」是一個傳遞女性影響力的頻道,用她的故事,給想要追求夢想的妳、渴望改變的妳,帶來力量,減少迷茫與摸索的路,找到實踐自己理想人生的方法。 節目主要邀請不同領域的女性代表,分享她們的努力與奮鬥故事,也許曾經為自己勇敢的某個時刻、也許是在社會小角落微微發光的故事,希望透過這些分享,讓在人生中迷惘的妳能獲得啟發與共鳴。節目中也會包含主持人的所見所聞心得分享。我深深相信,每一個人都是獨一無二的,在這個時代,你絕對能擁有與眾不同的機會,無論你在什麼年紀與階段,請不要停止尋找自我!勇於活出自己想要的樣子。 歡迎追蹤我IG 跟我聊聊 FB粉專:@Herstroy她的赫茲共振 任何建議或合作歡迎寫信給我 也可以贊助我一杯咖啡,讓我可以分享更多「她的故事」 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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當了媽,才開始學著當媽咪! 放下孩子手上的平板 mamimoon協助家長成為孩子們的偶像 讓孩子聽全英文童書 家長依據內容介紹同步翻譯 mamimoon共同陪伴及互動支持 When I became a mother, I started to learn to be one! Take the tablet and mobile phone away from the kids. Mamimoon helps parents become their idols! Kids will be listening to English stories, and parents can discuss and explain the stories with them. Mamimoon is your good friend and your parenting support! mamimoon集結專業幼教老師、親子外語、親子職能治療師、嬰幼護理教育師多位領域專家 提供潛能開發 親子共同進階 一起享受媽咪的黃金10年 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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show series
Hello everybody, I have a tip and advice that was given to me by life coach Lily to help reach your goals and organize your life. So everybody get a notebook and get a pen and leave the first page blank and put above there, right above there, weekly to-do list. Then get a second page blank and write down monthly to-do list. 大家好,我有一个由生活教练 Lily 给我的建议…
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你现在可以到我的网站 下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"Letting go is the path to freedom."“放下是通往自由的道路。” Day 11 挑战问题:How does your digital life (emails, files, social media) contribute to your overall sense of clutter? “你的数位生活(邮件、文件、社交媒体)如何影响你的整体杂乱感?” Answer: "For me, my emails are definitely cluttered with unread messages, and I haven't been good at k…
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今日格言:"Your home is living space, not storage space." “你的家是生活空间,不是储物空间。” Day 10 挑战问题:What relationships are cluttering your emotional space, and how can you address them? “有哪些关系让你的情感空间感到喘不过气?你如何处理它们?” Answer: "For me, there are some friendships that make me feel drained, especially when it seems like I don’t live up to their expectations. In those m…
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你现在可以到我的网站flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言: "Minimalism is not about having less; it’s about making room for more of what matters." “极简主义不在于拥有更少,而在于为真正重要的事物腾出更多空间。” Day 9 问题挑战: How can you create more space for creativity and relaxation in your life? “如何在生活中创造更多空间来激发创意和放松?” "For me, I find that being close to nature is when I feel the most re…
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你现在可以到我的网站Flywithlily.com下载“简化生活的30日挑战手册”喔! 今日格言:"You can't reach for anything new if your hands are full of yesterday's junk."“如果你的手里全是昨天的垃圾,你无法触及新的事物。” Day 8 简化生活挑战问题: What fears or beliefs are keeping you from letting go of things?“有哪些恐惧或信念让你无法放下东西?” Answer: "For me, I think one of my biggest fears is that if I let go of something, I won’t find …
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今天,我们有幸邀请到一位特别的嘉宾——Lilu,她带着独特的生活故事,与我们分享她从台北到澳洲的非凡旅程。从失恋后孤身前往陌生国度,到在澳洲找到自己的人生方向,Lilu用坚韧与勇气,诠释了什么叫做迎接挑战、超越自我。她从不会讲英文,到在异国他乡打拼、结识爱人,并最终在澳洲定居,开始了属于她的全新人生。 在这次访谈中,Lilu会与我们一起探讨文化冲击、语言学习的艰辛,以及移民生活的点滴。她的故事不仅感动人心,更能让我们看到人生的每一次转折,都是一段不可思议的成长旅程。 无论你是否也曾梦想过环游世界,还是正在追寻自我,Lilu的经历都将为你带来深刻的启发和力量。让我们一同走进她的故事,感受那份勇敢与自信。 Lilu的聯繫方式 IG:…
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0:02 开场介绍,Lily Wong 主持《学英语环游世界》节目,并介绍嘉宾 Stella。 0:35 Stella 介绍自己,提到她在巴厘岛待了两周,接下来还会在这里待两周,并计划前往 Jabb 岛体验当地文化。 1:50 Lily 说明 Stella 在志工期间非常受欢迎,并分享了一个关于阿根廷朋友 Messy 的故事。 3:10 Stella 讲述与 Messy 在巴厘岛西部海滩上发生的故事,并提到他们在海边欣赏星空的浪漫经历。 4:30 Stella 回忆自己因为太激动,在海边奔跑时丢掉了左脚的拖鞋,并描述 Messy 如何勇敢地帮助她找回拖鞋。 6:30 Stella 分享了她与父母之间的关系,特别是她总会在信息中对父母表达爱意。 8:00 Stella 谈到东亚父母通常不善于直…
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Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) Intro: "Welcome to Day 7 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we begin with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and share some personal experiences. The goal is to help you find inner peace and happiness by simplifying your life." 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第7天!每天,我们会从一句…
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Peace begins when clutter ends.' (当杂乱结束时,平静开始。) 问题: “今天的问题是:'How do you feel when you look at a cluttered space, and how would you like to feel instead?' 『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』” Femke的回答: “今天,我们再次邀请到来自荷兰的Femke,她也是我在巴厘岛认识的朋友。我问了她这个问题:『当你看到杂乱的空间时有什么感觉?你希望有什么样的感觉?』以下是她的回答: 'When I look at a cluttered space, it reminds me of how cluttered my own…
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『东西少了,自由多了。』 Intro: "Welcome to Day 6 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Each day, we explore a thought-provoking quote, reflect on a question, and then I’ll share personal stories or experiences. The purpose is to inspire you to find freedom and joy by simplifying your life." 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第6天!每天,我们会探索一句发人深省的名言,反思一个问题,然后分享一些个人故事或经…
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'Less stuff equals more freedom.' 『东西少了,自由多了。』 问题: “今天的问题是:What habits are weighing you down rather than lifting you up?'『有哪些习惯让你感到沉重而非振奋?』” Femke的回答: 'Well, for me personally, I would say that the first habit is that I go to therapy, and every two weeks, I have a therapy session. But therapy requires daily practice of exercises, and it needs daily…
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'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess.美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。 Intro: "Welcome to Day 5 of our 30-day Simplify Your Life challenge! Every day, we start with an insightful quote, reflect on a meaningful question, and I’ll share my personal experience. The goal is to help you identify areas of your life wher…
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'The secret to living well is not in accumulating more, but in shedding excess. 美好生活的秘诀不在于积累更多,而在于减少多余的东西。 问题: “今天的问题是:What activities in your life no longer align with your goals and values?'" 『生活中有哪些活动不再符合你的目标和价值观?』” Lily的回答: "I've been thinking about my diet lately. I'm hoping I can choose to eat healthier snacks like fruits instead of cookies a…
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"Hello everyone, I have an exciting update! I’ve decided to change the name of our challenge from the 'Decluttering Challenge' to the 'Simplify Your Life Challenge.' The reason for this change is simple—I’ve realized that the word 'decluttering' is a bit tricky for me to say, and I want to make sure everything is as smooth and simple as possible fo…
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”Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天清理杂物挑战的第4天!每天,我们会从一句有意义的名言开始,反思一个问题,然后我会分享我的个人想法。目标是激励你思考生活中可能会拖累你的事情,以及如何放下它们。” 名言: “今天的名言是:Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.'『杂物不过是推迟的决定。』这句话鼓励我们思考那些我们推迟做出的选择,这些选择往往会导致我们生活中的杂乱。” 问题: “让我们来探讨今天的问题:“Are there any possessions you're holding onto out of gu…
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那麼久沒更新節目,最近都在工作跟看劇啊!本集要推薦《無罪推定》這個讓我每週日都欲罷不能的台劇 ! 《無罪推定》 播映資訊 ► 首播|公視台語台|禮拜日|晚上八點到十點| ► 網路平台:LineTV|中華電信 MOD|中華電信 HamiVideo 補充資訊 《無罪推定》前導預告 徐自強的練習題 (短版) 參考資料 徐自強案懶人包 從徐自強案看刑訴演進 關於我 ➤ 她說犯罪 Instagram ➤ 生活分享 YouTube 頻道 免責聲明 ✦ 此節目內容可能引起某些人不適,建議謹慎收聽,如果需要請尋求專業協助。 - 衛福部心理諮詢服務專線 0800-788-995 - 免付費生命專線 1995 - 免付費安心專線 1925 - 家庭暴力防治保護專線 113 - 婦女救援基金會 02-2555-8…
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"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow." “简化生活,快乐自然增长。” Intro: "Welcome to Day 3 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I’ll share my own answer. My hope is that these reflections will inspire you to make positive changes in your life." 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天…
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"Simplify your life and watch your joy grow." “简化生活,快乐自然增长。” 开场白: “欢迎来到我们30天断舍离挑战的第3天!每天,我们会以一句激励人心的名言开始,然后反思一个引人深思的问题,接着我会分享我的答案。我希望这些反思能激励你在生活中做出积极的改变。” 名言: “今天的名言是:『简化生活,快乐自然增长。』这句强而有力的话告诉我们,简单与快乐之间有着密切的关联。” 问题: “让我们来探讨今天的问题:『How does physical clutter affect your mental and emotional state?'" 物品上的杂乱如何影响你的心理和情绪状态?』” Lily的回答: "When I was younger, …
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"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less." “幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。” Intro: "Welcome to Day 2 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! As always, we'll begin with an inspiring quote, dive into a reflective question, and then I’ll share my personal thoughts. I encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and share them with our community." 开场…
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"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less." “幸福不是拥有更多,而是需要更少。” 'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?『你家里有哪些物品已经不再带给你快乐或已经失去了它的用途?』” Lily的回答: "Although I don't have a home or permanent address right now, I can recall a time when I had a lot of clothes and boxes laying around the house, and it really annoyed…
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"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." “放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间。” Intro: "Welcome to Day 1 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we'll start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I'll share my own personal answer. I encourage you to think about your own answers and share them …
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"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." “放下越多,真正重要的东西就有越多空间。” What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空间是什么样子的?它会让你感觉如何?』” Lily的回答: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beaut…
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"Hello, and welcome to my podcast! I'm Lily, and I'm so excited to share my journey and insights with you. Over the past few months, I've traveled the world with nothing more than a 7-kilo backpack. You might wonder, 'How is that even possible?' Well, it's all about embracing minimalism and focusing on what truly matters. The freedom of having less…
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VOL 75 “我把上辈子这辈子下辈子要见的樱桃都见完了!” 关关去年从北京的外企辞职,拿着打工度假签(working holiday visa)去了澳洲,进过樱桃厂,现在是橘子厂的包装工。在“裸辞博主”、“旷野文学”流行的今天,我们请关关来分享她在异国他乡开启一段全新生活、体验“轻体力劳动”的感受。在自由和浪漫之余,现实的焦虑并没有消失。 关关说,或许不久后的将来,她还是会回到稳定的日常中,但在澳洲的这段“出逃”经历,已经让她的人生有所不同:学会随遇而安,以及允许自己勇敢尝试。“行不通也没关系,就像开车一样,走错路了,导航永远会为你指出一条新路。”“如果有一个机会,还是应该试一试。人只活一次嘛。” /内容 01:47 关关现状:在南澳小镇包装橘子 04:48 为什么选择去澳洲打工度假 09…
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今日格言 Self-awareness makes us better people. —Stephen Covey 自我觉察使我们成为更好的人。—史蒂芬·柯维 Day 30 自我察觉挑战 How fulfilling is my everyday life? 我对我的每日生活有多满足/满意? I would rate my satisfaction with my daily life a 9 out of 10. Compared to my past, my life now includes a vibrant community where I can engage with people who are also traveling and share similar value…
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今日格言 Self-awareness is the soul of life. —Dale Carnegie 自我觉察是生命的灵魂。—卡耐基 Day 29 自我察觉挑战 How much do I prioritize spending time and energy on myself and on my passions? 我是如何将花时间在我的热情上面放在第一位? My biggest passions are traveling, meeting new friends, learning languages, and personal growth in mind, body, and spirit. I also love sharing my experiences, so …
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今日格言 He who knows himself knows the world. —Laozi 知己者,知天下。—老子 Day 28 自我察觉挑战 How do I recharge, rejuvenate, and replenish my energy? 我如何为自己充电、恢复活力并补充能量? I usually choose to travel, read a good book, take a long nap, eat my favorite foods, and spend time with good friends. 通常我会选择去旅行、读本好书、或睡个长长的午觉、吃自己喜欢吃的东西,还有和好朋友在一起。 More ways to recharge and repleni…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Self-knowledge is the beginning of wisdom. —Albert Einstein 自我认识是智慧的开始。—爱因斯坦 Day 27 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with the violence, hate, and suffering in the world? 我是如何面对这个世界上暴力、仇恨和苦难? While I do follow the news, I usually choose to distance myself from it to cope. The closest I've b…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Only through self-awareness can one achieve true success. —George Washington 只有自我觉察,才能达到真正的成功。—乔治·华盛顿 Day 26 自我察觉挑战 How do I response to bad and inconvenient news? 我是如何面对不好而且对我不利的新闻? Usually, I am quite indifferent because news often focuses on negative events rather than posit…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Knowing yourself helps in knowing others. —John Locke 认识自己,才能认识他人。—约翰·洛克 Day 25 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to someone who is different from me or whose ideals and beliefs I don't agree with or understand? 我是如何面对和我不一样的人? I find that I usually feel a bit at a loss/uneasy because I k…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Self-awareness brings inner peace. —Marcus Aurelius 自我觉察带来内心的平静。—马克·奥里利 Day 24 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to new ideas and new ways of thinking? 我是如何回应新的思考方式和想法? I am curious about why others think the way they do. During my travels around the world, I experience various new ways …
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言Self-awareness is the starting point of healing. —Marcel Proust 自我觉察是疗愈的起点。—普鲁斯特 Day 23 自我察觉挑战 How do I spend my free time? 我如何打发空闲的时间? I am currently volunteering in Bali. Apart from working from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, all other times are my free time. In the morning, I go to a se…
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你接下来会听到的这段访谈是我在去年10月的时候录制的,这个不到8分钟的对话,对我的个人成长帮助非常的大,因为我亲眼看到了这位朋友的蜕变,而且我现在也在经历他说的这段变化,因为“减重”而引发的心灵之旅。过去我带着我全身不到30公斤的东西展开了环球之旅,我心里一直希望可以帮我的行李减重,可是一直有不能放下的东西。这不就是像我们的人生那样吗?总是有想要飞,可是却放不下一些东西,今年的七月,我带着7公斤的行李,独自前往了巴厘岛做志工,目前一个月即将过去了,一切都好,我的快乐没有减少,甚至更丰满,原来我真的需要的不多。这个对话只有前言一分钟是中文,后面是全英文,所以我会分成三段来解说下。 Lily (In Chinese):Hello, welcome to Fly with Lily. I am n…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Only through self-understanding can one find happiness. —Leo Tolstoy 只有自我了解,才能找到幸福。—列夫·托尔斯泰 Day 22 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to obstacles, hardships, and "bad" things that happen in my life? 对于挫折、困难、或遭遇的坏事,我是如何面对? Although I don't like these things, I face them bravely and try to…
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参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 boss@flywithlily:com 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Awakening of the mind is true freedom. —George Orwell 心灵的觉醒,才是真正的自由。—乔治·奥威尔 Day 21 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with people who have hurt me in the past? 我是如何处理/面对过去曾经伤害过我的人? Whenever I think of those who have hurt me, I now feel a sense of gratitude—not for their actions but because …
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感恩今日嘉宾(出现顺序): 法国Emily、Alice 义大利 Anita 美国 Keaghen 参加迷你退休体验营 申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Self-reflection is the beginning of progress. —Blaise Pascal 自我反省是进步的开始。—布莱斯·帕斯卡 Day 20 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with uncertainty? The unknown, or a future event that I have no control over? 我是如何面对未来的不确定性? Because I've chosen a lifes…
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参加迷你退休体验营。申请预约30分钟的免费谘询通话 写信到 标题:Fly with Lily 今日格言 Facing your flaws makes you stronger. —Friedrich Nietzsche 面对自己的缺点,才能变得更强大。—尼采 Day 19 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with other people's mistakes and unpleasant behavior? 我是如何回应他人的错误和令人不悦的举动? My initial reaction to other people's mistakes and unpleasant behavior is often impatience. I ai…
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一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 The awareness of the mind is the deepest insight. —Joseph Campbell 心灵的觉察是最深的洞察。—约瑟夫·坎贝尔 Day 18 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond when I make a mistake or when I fail at something? 当我犯错或失败的时候,我是如何回应? I currently respond to small mistakes with ease and big mistakes with self-blame a…
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一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 0.00-0.25 前言 0.25 - 2.29 嘉宾俄罗斯美女“希望”简介 2.29 - 5.32 实现梦想的钱从哪里来? 5.32 - 8.05 学习中文的契机故事 8.05 - 9.06 每天学习中文多少时间? 9.06 - 11.21 学习语言遇到最大的挫折 11.21 - 17.26 骑重型机车环游亚洲的契机故事 17.26 -18.36 碰到意外是怎么面对 18.36 - 21.59 给我们想要学英语环游世界的听众建议 21.59 - 24.40 父母去世后,造成的生活态度转变 24.40 - 26.32 结尾 希望的微信号:OneT…
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一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 Self-awareness is the first step to success. —William Shakespeare 自我觉察是成功的第一步。—威廉·莎士比亚 Day 17 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond when someone judges me, makes fun of me, or call me names? 当别人骂我、批评我或嘲笑我,我是如何回应? One of my reactions is to immediately get angry and retaliate. However, …
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一个可以让妳停止无尽的焦虑,让妳从现在开始就做你热爱的事的迷你退休营8.5即将开营了,请到 flywithlily.com申请一个30分钟的免费谘询 今日格言 Only by knowing yourself can you change the world. —Mahmoud Darwish 只有认识自己,才能改变世界。—马哈茂德·达尔维什 Day 16 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with my emotional pain? 我是如何处理我情感上的痛苦? Over the past six months, I have found that I welcomed my emotions. I allowed myself to cry and sleep, essenti…
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今日格言 Self-awareness is the greatest wisdom. —Percy Bysshe Shelley 自知之明,是最大的智慧。—雪莱 Day 15 自我察觉挑战 How much do I follow through on what I preach and talk about? 我遵守我自己说的或给别人的建议吗? In the past, I used to be someone who liked to give advice to others. However, I realized that many times, I couldn't follow through on the advice I gave. Additionally, givin…
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西元 1997 年 1 月 17 號,盧正在被留置警局 31 小時後做出認罪自白,若他真的有冤?什麼原因讓他在明知可能會被叛死刑的狀況之下做出認罪?無辜的人怎麼會知道案情? 特別感謝名單 Pin、小宇宙 - 顧問諮詢 士翔、于晴、盧萍、盧菁、欣怡 - 本集受訪者 意姍、小宇宙 - 視覺設計 曉銘 - 剪輯 台灣冤獄平反協會資訊 ➤臺灣冤獄平反協會官方網站 ➤如果你有和這起案件相關的任何資訊及線索,請聯繫臺灣冤獄平反協會( ➤《島國殺人紀事2》正在舉辦全台巡迴播映計畫,如果你有任何公共播映想法,請點擊此表單 關於我 ➤ 她說犯罪 Instagram ➤ 生活分享 YouTube 頻道 免責聲明 ✦ 此節目內容可能引起某些人不適,建議謹慎收聽…
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VOL 74 5月上旬,我们被台湾新剧《不够善良的我们》吸引。这部剧集刻画了两个悄悄窥探着彼此的女性,她们在事业和爱情上的不同选择,提供了两种“活法”,可惜两条路都荆棘丛生。 难道不论选择做贤妻良母还是单身事业女性,最终都是历劫?主角说,在这场纳入了“假想敌”的游戏里,“一切都是意识的作用”,因为有假想敌的存在,事情的意义才扭曲了;在平淡生活中,人就是倾向于寻找痛苦。不过,我们当然不满足于主角的解释,一些问题仍在脑海中悬停:让女性陷入困境的,除了自我意识,还有什么?如果说每种选择都会带来遗憾,人们如何找到自足的剧本? /内容 02:41 两个女性的对照题材,有多新鲜? 12:40 女性的人生意义,为何还是回到了男性? 24:50 人人都知晓目标的荒谬,但人人都在追逐 28:40 单身女性可以…
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民國 86 年、西元 1997 年 12 月 18 號,台南市發生一起擄人勒贖撕票案,在經過一個月的調查後,警方鎖定了三位民眾,並要求他們至警局協助調查,最後盧正警局被留置 31 小時,並且在沒有錄音、錄影的情況下,做出認罪自白。 特別感謝名單 Pin、小宇宙 - 顧問諮詢 士翔、于晴、盧菁 - 本集受訪者 意姍 - 視覺設計 曉銘 - 剪輯 《島國殺人紀事2:盧正案》巡迴映演計畫 ➤ 時間:7/13(六)14:00-16:00 ➤ 地點:台灣公民人權聯盟野火教室(106 臺北市大安區信義路四段 61 號 5 樓) ➤ 報名表單: 台灣冤獄平反協會資訊 ➤臺灣冤獄平反協會官方網站 …
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今日格言 Those who know themselves do not blame others. —Confucius, Analects 自知者不怨人。—论语 Day 14 自我察觉挑战 How motivated I am to change my life for the better? 对于让生活变得更好我的动力有多大呢? I feel quite ashamed because my motivation has been really low during this period. I have entered a state where I don't care much about my life, simply waking up each day and askin…
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今日格言 Each man has his own universe inside him. —Hermann Hesse 每个人的心中都有一个宇宙。—赫曼·黑塞 Day 13 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with being misperceived or misunderstood? 我是如何处理被误解或误会? In the past, when faced with misunderstandings, I usually got very angry, and it was easy for these misunderstandings to affect my friendship. Now, I handle misunderstandings more calm…
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今日格言 Only through self-awareness can one truly grow. —James Allen 唯有自我觉察,才能真正成长。—詹姆斯·艾伦 Day 12 自我察觉挑战 How do I deal with rejection? 我如何处理拒绝? In the past, the feeling of being rejected was very painful. I didn't like being rejected and even avoided opportunities where I might be rejected. However, recently when I encountered rejection, I only felt s…
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今日格言 Self-awareness is a lifelong journey. —Khalil Gibran 自我觉察是一生的修行。—纪伯伦 Day 11 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to situations that force me to get out of my comfort zone? 我是如何回应那些让我强迫走出舒服圈的事物? I usually take on the challenge and actively adjust my feelings. For instance, during my round-the-world trip, while volunteering, many situations required me to st…
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