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藝術發聲,好菌滋生!「藝聲菌」是桃園市立美術館的聲音平台,每集依主題邀請相關主持人與來賓,暢談藝術和美術館的相關議題,透過聲音匯聚各方能量,培育一個有機而多元的藝術生態。 官網 聯絡我們 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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斜槓男子,用玩樂探索與體驗生活。 歡迎收聽《漢克543》,你可以從Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify等各大平台找到我,和我用魔性的笑聲一起來笑看人生! 更多互動與合作,請敲敲我。 除了Podcast可以聽到我的分享,晚上我在17 Live直播~ 歡迎訂閱收聽、5星評分、然後線上贊助支持我做更多的創作~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.
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張心銳神父(慈幼會)將由12月17日起,一連九天為我們準備「聖誕節九日敬禮」— 每天七至十分鐘的文字及粵語聲音導航,包括:講道、反思和祈禱,與我們一起迎接及慶祝救主耶穌的來臨。 聖誕節九日敬禮(12月17至25日) 的主題: 第一日 主將來臨,決不遲延 第二日 默西亞--上主的智慧 第三日 默西亞--選民的牧者 第四日 默西亞--葉瑟的根苗 第五日 默西亞--達味的鑰匙 第六日 默西亞--升起的旭日 第七日 默西亞--萬民的君王 第八日 默西亞--厄瑪奴耳 第九日 默西亞--和平的聖王 費用:自由捐獻 捐獻連結: (加幣) (港幣) 祝主內平安!
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PODCAST每週更新 節目輪播 1.宗教與生活:宗教教會你愛情如何斷捨離;教會你如何跟閨蜜吵架讓他啞口無言;教會你如何遊說爸媽! 2.靈修:先不要管靈修了,你有沒有聽過先把自己照顧好,先顧肚子再顧菩薩! 3.神話故事:基督和佛祖猜拳的神話故事 4.鬼故事:比搞笑更搞笑的鬼故事。π。 真理大學宗教文化與組織管理學系畢業 想把在系所裡宗教先人們的愛、恨、情、仇代入現代人的悲、歡、離、合;如是我聞最高境界:「求不得、愛別離」。 用生命體驗愛情、友情、親情! 歡迎收聽、追蹤並留言和我討論喔。 PS.也會剪輯精華放上我的YouTube頻道喔:「你的吉馬寶貝上線囉 your jinma online」。 可以幫我按讚訂閱留言加分享喔😘 記得要開啟小鈴鐺才可以收到我最新的影片通知唷🥰 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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買 fb 粉絲 社群經營x網紅媒合x行銷第一站 萬人迷WrmFans 整合行銷 社交粉絲平台萬人迷 加 fb 粉

買 fb 粉絲 社群經營x網紅媒合x行銷第一站 萬人迷WrmFans 整合行銷 社交粉絲平台萬人迷 加 fb 粉

買 fb 粉絲 社群經營x網紅媒合x行銷第一站 萬人迷WrmFans 整合行銷 社交粉絲平台萬人迷 加 fb 粉 自助下單網站: 👉 👉 加Line客服: WrmFans 買粉絲 Ig刷粉 ig點讚 Ig漲粉 I粉絲 買粉絲 哪裡加FB粉絲 加粉絲 G粉絲、Ig追蹤,ig粉、Instagram粉絲,買ig粉、ig愛心、ig按讚、貼文留言、真人粉絲,IG粉,ig Powered by Firstory Hosting
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观看 〚神奇女侠1984〛 在线电影完整版 〖HD 2020〗神奇女侠2 看线上 | 神奇女侠2 电影票和放映时间 | 神奇女侠2 最终预告片 | 神奇女侠2 电影预告 | 神奇女侠2 免费在线流媒体 | 神奇女侠2 在线免费完整电影高清 | 神奇女侠2 完整电影在线 | 看电影 神奇女侠2 | 神奇女侠2 下载电影 | 看完整部电影 神奇女侠2 | 神奇女侠2 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, High Quality. 看这里 ➥➥ 看这里 ➥➥ 神奇女侠1984 Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Wonder Woman 1984导演: 派蒂·杰金斯 编剧: 戴夫·卡拉汉姆 / 派蒂·杰金斯 / 乔夫·琼斯 主演: 盖尔·加朵 / 克里斯·派恩 / 康妮·尼尔森 / 罗宾·怀特 / 佩德罗·帕斯卡 / 更多... 类型: 动作 / 奇幻 / 冒险 官方网站: 制片国家/地区: 美国 / 韩国 / 西班牙 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2020-12 ...
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善良热心 put a smile of joy on face, very nice and warm-hearted 街边市场 shopping on the street market 以一个合理的价格 with a reasonable price 有些地方不让讲价 it is not allowed to bargain hard in that area 她有财政大权 in my family she's the one who controls the money 源自于 it is originally from…
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小的时候总穿带图案的短袖 when I was at my young age, I liked to wear the t-shirts with different kinds of pictures 没图案的短袖才是我喜欢的 the t-shirts with nothing could be my favorite 顺便讲一下 我喜欢亮色系的短袖 I'm really into some candy colors today 忙碌之余 especially after a tough day of regular work or study
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最大的区别是有自由度 The biggest difference between them is the freedom 资源共享资料免费 different kinds of resources can be downloaded for sure, even some of them can be free of charge 对于互联网的描述 description for the Internet 老旧过时的 a bit old fashioned
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我喜欢的网站的正式名字是TB The website that I often visit is a very famous one in my country, formally named Taobao 在上面买东西价格便宜所以朋友推荐给我 it had the price advantage for sure, and this was the main reason why my friend recommended it to me. 这网站是我首选 Taobao would come to my mind for sure. 登录这个网站我就很开心 I like to go on the website just for fun…
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來賓 桃園市立美術館研究典藏組 吳佳靜 開館主題書展策展人 蘇懿禎 簡介 響應世界閱讀日,兒美館3樓兒童藝術圖書空間,4/19至6/30舉辦「我們的房子—2024世界閱讀日桃園市兒童美術館開館主題書展」,精選30多本以建築為主題的優秀繪本,從六種不同主題帶觀眾漫遊建築奇境,希望來館觀眾都能夠在美術館的新房子中,快樂閱讀,感受建築與繪本的美好。 本集邀請兒童藝術圖書空間承辦人吳佳靜,與開館主題書展策展人蘇懿禎聊聊,介紹「兒童藝術圖書空間」扮演什麼樣的角色,且如何透過選書和主題書展為小讀者們打開藝術視野,其中又有哪些必看的繪本。 #桃園市兒童美術館 #兒童藝術圖書空間 #主題書展 #繪本 節目摘要 1:53 「兒童藝術圖書空間」介紹 3:40 「兒童藝術圖書空間」怎麼使用? 8:11 開館主題書…
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感觉没啥区别 I don't feel any different the next morning 我适应熬夜了 because I'm used to it now 很多时候我总熬夜 most of the time, I usually stay up late the day before 之前一天熬夜的话第二天心情不好 I wasn't in a good mood at all if I stayed up late the day before
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参加聚会 take part in/join in/attend/go to parties 我们的文化 it has been a culture of our country 真不知道为什么但真事儿 I don't know the specific reasons but it happens for real 上班的人 some employees who have been working for many year/ people who sit in the office… 拒绝 say nope/refuse/give up 找到平衡 find a balance between family time and regular work…
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没什么理由 no different reasons 在图书馆一直坐着很傻 I don't think sitting in somewhere for a long time is a very smart decision 去网络图书馆 I go to the website of my school library 啥都可以下载 I can download whatever I want 免费 be nearly free of charge 受不了 disastrous
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我选大公司 I think most of the time I’ll go with the big companies 价格公道 it usually has a reasonable price 价格优势 the price advantage 商品靠谱 the products could be quite reliable 解决 work it out 个人购物习惯 that is my personal shopping habit
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学校是一个学习的好的地方 that is'a really good place for us to study on campus 学习环境和氛围好 it has the very nice academic environment, physical environment and atmosphere 小组学习或者自己学 studying in a group or studying alone 学生适应在学校才能学得进去啦 young students are used to it
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穿着舒适 wearing t-shirt would certainly make me feel very comfortable in my life 喜欢黑白色 不喜欢亮色系 the black color and white color would be my favorite, I am not really into those candy colors 材料舒服 the material on t-shirt is very soft , and it is very comfortable to wear 夏天更流行 in summertime it could be more popular in my country…
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不满意现状 You know they need to find something different in life that's it 生活单调无聊 the life is quite boring and simple 完成艰难的一天 they have to finish a tough day 也算规律的生活 some sorts of regular life 极限运动让人兴奋 the dangerous sport could make them feel very excited 所有负面情绪都烟消云散 fatigues, bad emotions, all of these negatives would be gone…
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等车经历 several years ago when I just waited for my brand new car 爸妈给我买车 I had an opportunity to buy a brand new car and my parents bought it for me 预算有限 My budget was a bit limited 超喜欢大奔 I was a super fan of Mercedes 两门车 银色外观 The two-door sport car could be my ideal one and the color was my favorite, too, metallic gray 爸妈支持我 no matter what I do, no m…
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Yes sure of course, our life can be certainly influenced by different kinds of robots 当然啦 机器人给我们生活带来了影响 无人驾驶很流行 the robot driving can be very popular in today's society 仍然有问题 but I think there are still some problems on it 不太信任 we couldn't trust it with a hundred percent
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I'm so honored to have Mestre Pinga Fogo ( Gui Torres) from Benção Capoeira on the show today! He is my Capoeira instructor here in Austin. In this heart-warming conversation, Gui shared with us: Why is Capoeia a healing movement practice? Why did he choose to come to the States, and the challenges he overcame along the way Differences between teac…
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聪明人 because I'm not a smart person/intelligent/clever 我喜欢独立思考 what I like to do is thinking independently 好朋友 我会给建议 But if my close friends come to me, I would probably give them some advice 尊重他人和他们的生活 I would show respect to them and their life
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2个重要的地方 I think two points are important when we need to cook 准备食材 作料 we need to prepare different kinds of raw materials, ingredients, the food, fruits, and vegetables 考虑预算 think about the financial budget for sure 厨房是关键 a good kitchen can be also important, the place where we cook should be quite reliable…
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我妈妈做饭很厉害 很多年啦 she has been doing this for a long time for my family, more than 20 years 传统食物 西餐食物都会 some Chinese traditional food or some foreign food, the western style fast food and so on 食材和原材料什么的 她可厉害啦 the ingredients and raw materials, I mean she's quite talented in this area 西红柿炒鸡蛋一绝 Fried eggs with tomato is the one that I love the most from…
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小时候爱看动作片 For me, the action movies could be my favorite when I was at my young age 小时候就喜欢这些 the violence and crimes made my personal life in the childhood 现在爱看喜剧片 I think that I'm really into the comedies 忙碌之余 去电影院看 after a tough day of work or study I would go to the cinema just to watch some comedies 清洁主线和背后含义 about the storyline about the meanin…
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从没学过 I haven't learned any kinds of musical instrument before 小时候喜欢钢琴 when I was at my young age, I was a super fan of piano 学点钢琴的周边 learn something one or two on piano 品学兼优好学生 a very good student with a better result, with a good score 数理化之类的科目 the subject of mathematics, physics and so on 我不被允许学钢琴 I wasn't allowed to do so…
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现在 at the moment/now/today/currently 住在市中心 I'm living just right in the city center, the central area of my city 早晚都塞车 I usually get stuck in the traffic, sometimes in the morning, sometimes just in the evening 真事儿 it happens for real 买房三要素 when you are trying to buy a new home, three points are important, location location location 走路 by walk 打车 b…
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我用电脑做两件事 Two things can be done by my laptop 完成各种作业 I can finish different kinds of homework assignment and essays or reports 工作遇到问题的时候 when I'm dealing with my regular work or when I'm meeting some problems at work 工作效率提升 my working efficiency can be improved for sure 就是娱乐就是玩 just for fun 带着电脑到处走 and I could take the laptop anywhere that I want…
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我们家最有用的物件是跑步机 对我们和有帮助 The very useful object in my home is a treadmill and it works well for me and my parents 2年前决心减肥 2 years ago when I decided to lose weight and keep fit 纯白色的跑步机 不占地方 Its color is pure white which is my favorite, and it doesn't occupy too much space in my living room 价格也公道 it has a reasonable price too 不需要去户外跑步 遛弯 I don't have t…
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时间自由的话 if I have plenty of freedom/much free time 找个地方做一下 喝点东西 聊聊天 I like to sit in somewhere , the coffee shop, grab some coffee then share something with my friends in person 是我喜欢的 that could be my preference 文字信息或者语音消息 through the text message or voice message
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📚 點擊追蹤安吉的寫書資訊 👉 成為媽媽的心事蝦郎災?今天安吉有幸請到讓我飆淚千百次的來賓:台中心之悅翎孕產婦小天地的吳秀娟老師(拍掌尖叫)!吳老師在這集和我們分享孕婦在懷孕常有的迷思、身體和情緒關係、他所看到女人成為媽媽後各種心路歷程,以及懷孕、生產和當媽後身體要注意的事. Follow 心之悅翎: D Card: Tiktok: IG: FB: 網站: ht…
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爸爸妈妈和朋友 我信任他们 I think my parents and friends they would do it for me and of course I trust them for sure 爸妈经验丰富 my parents can be very experienced 靠谱 be very reliable 共同话题多 usually we have a lot in common 观点过时啦 but probably that cannot be right for today`s marriage, too old fashioned 当然会支持我啦 support me for sure…
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我的答案是肯定的 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 人们有点累 because a lot of people today are suffering 问题是找不到生活和工作的平衡 but the problem is that they couldn't find a balance between the regular work and their personal life 上班的人需要长假期 People who are at work need long vacations for sure
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來賓 桃園市立美術館研究典藏組組長 洪郁喜 修復師 李秀香 修復師 張碧俐 簡介 本集要來聊聊美術館的典藏和修復。桃美館庫房裡有什麼寶藏?負責庫房的藏鏡人,觀眾最不容易接觸到的研究典藏組,都在做什麼呢?而這些藏品就跟人一樣,會隨著時間老化,若需進行到醫美修復階段,則要尋求專業媒材的修復師雷射、拉皮等。本集邀請桃園市立美術館研究典藏組組長洪郁喜,以及書畫修復師李秀香和張碧俐老師,一起探討各種典藏修復的案例,揭開典藏與修復的神秘面紗。 #桃園市立美術館 #美術館典藏 #藝術品修復 節目摘要 1:57 桃美館的藏品範圍和數量 2:53 典藏與否的判斷和入庫流程 3:44 藏鏡人!研究典藏組都在做什麼? 5:50 美術館如何選擇修復師 6:42 印象深刻的修復案例:〈鐵工廠故事〉 9:25 修復師的…
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这是生活的一部分 it's been a part of the everyday life 社交软件是好东西 不会消失泯灭 social media is a good thing you know, no good thing ever dies 社交媒体和相关软件 social media and its related apps 年纪大了用不明白 they are too old to use it in my mind 家庭琐事 family affairs
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很有趣 it could be great fun 认识新人之前都很激动 very excited before getting to know a brand new person in life 网络和软件 the Internet and its related social apps 不要忽略潜在问题 the potential dangers couldn't be ignored 个人安全 something on personal safety 区分好人坏人 tell the differences between the good ones and bad ones
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结束忙碌的一天之后 When I finish a very tough day 买点喜欢的吃的 sometimes I would grab something that I like 在街边小摊的地方溜达溜达 I just go for a walk on the street market 体验真实的生活 I could feel the real life of the world 买一些需要和喜欢的东西 buy something that I need and that I like 一般是晚上时间充裕的时候 normally it could be in the evening when I have much freedom…
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如果可以的话 if possible or if I could make it come true in life 在市区有大房子而不是郊区 have a super large house, not on the suburb but just in the city center 游泳池 后院是必须的 a swimming pool, a backyard. I mean, that could be very important and required 自己住 live independently or live on my own 有很多访客 I would certainly have a lot of visitors 老有意思啦 that could be great fu…
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现在 at the moment/currently/now/nowadays/today 昂贵的 some expensive ones from Prada GUCCI Louis Vuitton 便宜的 cheaper/inexpensive 年纪小的时候 in the past when I was at my young age 总这样做 I liked to do it very in life 喜欢便宜的 the cheaper ones would be my favorite
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(Note: this episode was recorded back in June 2023) My guest today is Valerie! Valerie is @vals_pals_ on Twitter. She is a computer science graduate,work in finance, and a writer. Valerie is relentless in mining her emotions. She writes personal essays about sticky, taboo topics that people don’t normally talk about, such as jealousy of fellow crea…
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