Episode Notes [01:14] Unexpected Email from Employer [05:49] The Deferred Resignation Program [06:34] Initial Reactions and Concerns [08:01] Evaluating the Offer [08:21] Enhanced Standards of Conduct [08:55] Personal Reflections and Concerns [12:21] Seeking Advice and Making a Decision [13:01] Option One: Do Not Resign [14:56] Option Two: Resign [16:44] Insights from Conversations [21:30] Making The Decision [23:51] Final Thoughts and Gratitude Resources Mentioned Sebastian Junger The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson Donald Trump Elon Musk Steve Bannon Russell Vought Derek Sivers Sumner Crenshaw Brian Fretwell at Finding Good Chad Littlefield The Thought Leaders Practice by Matt Church Simon Cowell Beauty Pill Producer Ben Ford Questions Asked Is it legitimate, and can it be trusted? How are you feeling? What questions come to your mind? Where does your mind go? Are you seeking safety? Would this have been an adrenaline rush as you raced to send the resignation response? What an "enhanced standard" regarding loyalty and trustworthiness was? What are these new "enhanced standards?" Are they beyond what my Constitutional oath requires? If I don't resign, how bright will the target on my back glow? My leadership has supported all my work, but would termination direction come from higher up the chain of command? What would you recommend if we talked over coffee? What questions would you ask? How would you use listening? How would you use silence? How is this scenario playing out in your mind and body? What is coming to the surface for you? How might that influence what you are about to say to me? What are the chances of my name popping on a list and getting fired? How about the chances of being part of an official Reduction in Force and early retirement? Would the administration make a better offer? What do I know about the pending job market? What did I expect the workplace to be like and did I want to be there as the contractions took place? Will the administration pay me through the end of September or will they renege? Can I sufficiently build the Curated Questions business to transition by 1 October? - Do I have the faith or confidence to step into this future as a sole practitioner and grow Curated Questions into all I envisioned? Was this purpose calling? What would I expect the job market to look like at the end of summer if I hadn't developed the income streams to maintain our lifestyle? What is your recommendation? Did it change from your initial recommendation? Where in your body are you feeling the uncertainty? Are you processing this scenario in parallel with your decision as if you had received the email? What additional questions should I have considered? Who else should I have consulted with? How would you have changed my risk rating? What is the correct length of the pregnant pause before making an important announcement? What processes would you use in my circumstance, and what would be different? What questions are at the top of your list to get to a decision? Who would be the members of your pantheon you would counsel with to gain clarity? Apart from the heady analysis, what other key practices would you include in your journey through a similar situation?…
Haben Sie sich schon mal gewünscht, dass jemand sein Verhalten Ihnen gegenüber ändert? Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das passiert ist nahe Null. Wenn Sie auf der anderen Seite Veränderung erreichen wollen, müssen Sie bei sich selbst beginnen.
Durchstarten mit Thomas Gelmi, dem Experten für InterPersonale Kompetenz
Wenn Menschen zusammenarbeiten, ist die Diversität der Persönlichkeiten eine der größten Herausforderungen. Für eine effektive Zusammenarbeit braucht es Klarheit und soziale Elastizität: Behandeln Sie andere Menschen nicht so, wie Sie selbst behandelt werden möchten, sondern jeweils so, wie Ihr Gegenüber behandelt werden möchte.…
Durchstarten mit Thomas Gelmi, dem Experten für InterPersonale Kompetenz
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Durchstarten mit Thomas Gelmi, dem Experten für InterPersonale Kompetenz
Mit der Zunahme der Digitalisierung wird analoge Führung immer wichtiger. Es stehen nicht nur technologieorientierte Kompetenzen an erster Stelle, sondern sehr analoge Kompetenzen, die mit dem Menschen zu tun haben.
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Versuchen Sie bei Veränderungen im Alltag oder Job zu vermeiden, in der Emotionalität, Entscheidungen von großer Tragweite zu treffen – Kommen Sie zu innerer Klarheit.
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Sie selbst wissen am besten, wie Sie Ihre Zeit sinnvoll und auch effektiv nutzen können. Daher seien Sie so selbstbestimmt wie Sie können, in dem, was Sie tun.
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Durchstarten mit Thomas Gelmi, dem Experten für InterPersonale Kompetenz