1 - (Nicht-) Politisierung
Manage episode 458540652 series 3630806
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Quellen für diese Folge zum Nachlesen:
Politisierung in der Politikwissenschaft: Palonen, K., Wiesner, C., Selk, V., Kauppi, N., Dupuy, C., Van Ingelgom, V., & Liste, P. (2019). Rethinking politicisation. Contemporary Political Theory, 18(2), 248-281.
Politisches Interesse in Europa: ESS Round 6: European Social Survey Round 6 Data (2012). Data file edition 2.0. Norwegian Social
Science Data Services, Norway: Data Archive and distributor of ESS data.
Persönliche Gründe für geringes politisches Interesse: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/260798/umfrage/umfrage-zu-den-gruenden-fuer-geringes-politikinteresse/
Politisches Interesse und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Van Deth, J. W., & Elff, M. (2004). Politicisation, economic development and political interest in Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 43(3), 477-508.
Faktoren für Politisches Interesse bei Jugendlichen: Levy, B. L., Solomon, B. G., & Collet-Gildard, L. (2016). Fostering political interest among youth during the 2012 presidential election: Instructional opportunities and challenges in a swing state. Educational Researcher, 45(9), 483-495.
Entwicklung & Stabilität des Politischen Interesses: Russo, S., & Stattin, H. (2017). Stability and change in youths’ political interest. Social indicators research, 132(2), 643-658.
Einfluss der Herabsetzung des Wahlalters: Zeglovits, E., & Zandonella, M. (2013). Political interest of adolescents before and after lowering the voting age: the case of Austria. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(8), 1084-1104.
Schwartz‘ Wertekreis: Schwartz, S. (2006). A theory of cultural value orientations: Explication and applications. Comparative sociology, 5(2-3), 137-182.
Gender & Politisches Interesse: 1) Ferrin, M., Fraile, M., Garcia-Albacete, G. M., & Gomez, R. (2020). The gender gap in political interest revisited. International Political Science Review, 41(4), 473-489. 2) Coffé, H. (2013). Women stay local, men go national and global? Gender differences in political interest. Sex Roles, 69(5-6), 323-338.
Gender & Politische Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung: Preece, J. R. (2016). Mind the gender gap: An experiment on the influence of self-efficacy on political interest. Politics & Gender, 12(1), 198-217.
Psychische Auswirkungen von Politischem Interesse bei Jugendlichen: Russo, S., & Stattin, H. (2017). Self-determination theory and the role of political interest in adolescents' sociopolitical development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 50, 71-78.
Mikro- und Makrosorgen: Ballard, P. J., & Ozer, E. J. (2016). The implications of youth activism for health and well-being. Contemporary youth activism: Advancing social justice in the United States, 223-243.
Psychologische Prädiktoren und soziales Umfeld für Politisierung: Thomas, E., McGarty, C., W. Louis (2014). Social interaction and psychologiscal pathways to political engagement & extremism. European Journal of Social Psychology 44, 15-22.
Meinungsbasierte Gruppen: Bliuc, A., McGarty, C., Reynolds, K., D. Muntele (2007): Opinion-based group membership as a predictor for political action. In: European Journals of Social Psychology 37, 19-32.
Auswirkung des sozialen Umfeldes auf politische Partizipation: Ritter, J. (2008): A National Study Predicting Licensed Social Workers‘ Levels of Political Participation: The Role of Resources, Psychological Engagement, and Recruitment Networks. In: Social Work 53(4), 347-357.
Externale politische Selbstwirksamkeit: Geurkink, B., Zaslove, A., Sluiter, R., K. Jacobs (2020): Populist Attitudes, Political Trust, and External Political Efficacy: Old Wine in New Bottles? Political Studies 68(1), 247-267.
Migrationshintergrund und Selbstwirksamkeit: Sachverständigenrat deutsche Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (2019). Mit der Politik auf Du und Du? Wie Menschen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund ihre politische Selbstwirksamkeit wahrnehmen. Policy Brief des SVR-Forschungsbereichs und des DeZIM-Instituts, Berlin.
Politische Partizipation: Pavopoulos,V., Kostoglou, D., F. Motti-Stefanidi (2019). From Political interest to Participation in EU relatied Action: The mediatin Role of european identity and political efficacy. the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society 24(2).
Sozioökonomischer Status und Politische Partizipation: Cohen, A., Vigoda, E., A. Samorly (2001): Analysis of the Mediating Effect of Personal-Psychological Variables on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Political Participation: A Structural Equations Framework. Political Psychology 22(4).
Lebendig fühlen und Aktivismus: Klar, M., & Kasser, T. (2009). Some benefits of being an activist: Measuring activism and its role in psychological well‐being. Political Psychology, 30(5), 755-777.
Meta-Analyse Wohlbefinden und Aktivismus: Zawadzki, S. J., Steg, L., & Bouman, T. (2020). Meta-analytic evidence for a robust and positive association between individuals’ pro-environmental behaviors and their subjective wellbeing. Environmental Research Letters, 15(12), 123007.