110: One Family’s Experience with Functional Lab Testing for ADHD with Marisa Faassen
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Have you ever wondered if there was more you could do to understand and manage your child's ADHD symptoms?
One family's journey with functional lab testing might just offer the answers you're looking for. In this episode of the Soaring Child podcast episode, you can hear from Marisa, the mother of a child with ADHD who used functional lab testing to support her child.
Hear their story and discover how you too might benefit from this approach.
Link Mentioned in the Show: Thriving with ADHD Book - adhdthriveinstitute.com/book
Key Takeaways: [4:27] About Marisa & her family’s journey with ADHD [9:43] Why Marisa decided to explore functional lab testing for her child [14:32] The lab tests Marisa did with her child [19:24] Key findings from the lab tests [23:32] How Marisa first felt when they got their lab results back [26:43] How Marisa handled the dietary and lifestyle changes they needed to make [32:43] How long it took before Marisa saw improvements in her child [35:08] Marisa’s advice to parents considering functional lab testing for their children
Memorable Moments: “She was a very picky eater…Then we started noticing the emotional dysregulation.”
”We were starting to get some judgment from some of our family, because when you don’t understand ADHD, you don’t get it. You look at a child and think, ‘Why can’t you discipline them? Why can’t you calm them down? Why can’t they regulate themselves?' They’re looking at them as bad kids because they see that as bad behavior.”
”For the first time in our journey, I felt understood. I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, this makes sense.’”
”Honestly for us, it was a relief. It was validation that we weren’t crazy..that there was something going on that we couldn’t identify.”
”We go to doctors now…and you’re just always given something. Here’s a pill. Here’s a pill. Here’s a pill. And you never get to the root of the issue.”
”We never want her ADHD to be a handicap to her.”
”We go in and we think we need to do it all at once, but that’s overwhelming for us…We just did one thing at a time.”
”It was noticeable in her appearance as soon as she went off the gluten.”
”It just takes time. It’s hard at first…but just give it the time.”
”The functional lab testing… is that foundation, and you can build on it.”
”There’s more to treating ADHD than just medication. That is the one thing I wish I’d known.”
Dana Kay Resources:
Thriving with ADHD – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/book/
Free Reduce ADHD Symptoms Naturally Masterclass - https://bit.ly/3GAbFQl
ADHD Parenting Course – https://info.adhdthriveinstitute.com/parentingadhd
ADHD Thrive Method 4 Kids Program – https://adhdthriveinstitute.com/packages/
Dye-Free for ADHD Course - https://bit.ly/4aFj6TY