4 Game-Changing Shifts to Thrive in 2025 — with Catherine Maley, MBA (Ep. 289)
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Hello, and welcome to "Beauty and the Biz," where you'll learn my 4 Game-Changing Shifts to Thrive in 2025. Additionally, we'll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I'm your host, Catherine Maley, author of "Your Aesthetic Practice – What Your Patients Are Saying." I'm also a consultant to plastic surgeons, helping them get more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, "4 Game-Changing Shifts to Thrive in 2025 — with Catherine Maley, MBA."Hello, and welcome to "Beauty and the Biz," where we’ll discuss functional cash pay in Mexico. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of "Your Aesthetic Practice – What Your Patients Are Saying." Furthermore, I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, helping them get more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, “Functional Cash Pay in Mexico — with Dr. Gabriel Garza Martínez.”Hello, and welcome to "Beauty and the Biz," where we’ll discuss functional cash pay in Mexico. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of "Your Aesthetic Practice – What Your Patients Are Saying." Furthermore, I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, helping them get more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, “Functional Cash Pay in Mexico — with Dr. Gabriel Garza Martínez.”With everything happening in the world right now – relentless competition, changing patient trends and behaviors, and technological breakthroughs like AI —it’s the perfect time to rethink how you attract and convert cash-paying cosmetic patients.
In this episode, I’ll share a fresh perspective on how to grow your revenues without relying on advertising or discounting.
You’ll learn How to scale your cosmetic revenues without ads, even in competitive markets.
Why premium pricing can actually deliver better results for your patients and your bottom line,
As well as a simple yet powerful plan that boosts patient visits while keeping overhead low.
Plus, I’ll lay out proven strategies that work on autopilot to bring in premium patients that generate predictable cash flow, while creating a more streamlined and fulfilling practice.
So, this episode is for you If you’ve been experiencing yo-yo revenue or if you’re doing ok but know you could be doing better.
- I’ll show you how to 10X your revenue using the resources you already have—without depending on expensive ads or time-consuming social media strategies.
- You’ll learn how to increase visits, referrals, reviews, and shares in a fun, effortless way—by leveraging your existing patients (your lowest-hanging fruit).
- You’ll also discover how to attract ideal, high-paying patients while filtering out those who drain your energy.
Because too many practices are stuck in a cycle of:
- Competing on price and hurting profit margins.
- Spending more on ads while seeing diminishing returns, and
- Dealing with the stress of inconsistent revenue and undesirable patients.
Plus, social media—while effective—requires significant time and effort to showcase YOU as the face of your practice. You might have noticed how exhausting it is to juggle the roles of surgeon, marketer, AND content creator.
The bad news is that cosmetic patient attraction is not going to get any easier.
The competition isn’t going away. And, as surgical and non-SX advancements increase, patients have more options. If you don’t build strong relationships early, they’ll choose your competitors—and stay there.
And with google ads rates increasing 20-50% this year alone, while also taking away your audience targeting capabilities, this marketing channel will only get more expensive.
And it looks like AI is going to seriously disrupt google search rankings big time and that could mean less organic traffic to your website.
To combat all of this, I have 4 game-changing shifts you’ll want to embrace to thrive in 2025 so you feel in control with a predictable and reliable plan to keep your revenues coming in month after month and all year long and you’ll lock out your competitors and make it impossible for them to steal your patients away because your patients are loyal to you and see you as the ONLY choice, as well as the BEST choice.
It's like putting golden handcuffs on your patients so they wouldn't dream of going elsewhere.
So here are 4 key shifts to make in 2025 that most TOP cosmetic practices do that other less successful practices don’t so here goes:
Shift #1: Patient Centric vs. Money Centric
When you shift your thinking from a “One and Done” money grab event to a “Patients for Life” mindset, you win the long game because....
Instead of thinking about your own bottom line and what's best for you, you think about what is best for your patient.
This shift in thinking changes your perspective as well as your attitude about the services you provide.
You now see and treat patients as family and friends. They see your practice as a friendly safe haven. They trust you and your staff to take good care of them.
That trust is what keeps them coming back again and again.
Think about it this way....
You cater to a very hungry audience of cosmetic patients who care about their appearance.
They have endless needs for a lifetime, thanks to the aging process.
For example, they may want Botox today and then a laser treatment months later, and then surgery, and then back to non-surgical treatments to keep their look fresh. This goes on for decades.
So, commit to treating your patients like friends and family by giving them a 5-star patient experience and they will stay with you for the long run.
They will also reciprocate by growing your revenues for you by returning to YOU rather than your competitors.
And by referring their friends, family, gym buddies, coworkers and neighbors.
And by giving you great online reviews that thousands of other potential patients will see online.
And by sharing you on their own social media platforms so THEIR followers get to know you and contact you because they're ready for your services.
Think of your cosmetic patients as your lifeblood to all you want in life…such as a fulfilling livelihood that affords you a comfortable lifestyle that supports your family, your interests and your financial future.
I have to tell you when you start looking at your patients in this different light, that changes your perspective, as well as your attitude and your patients feel that shift and act accordingly.
Shift #2: Command Premium Pricing
In other words, stop discounting!
You don’t want to advertise specials to attract new patients because all you will attract are the WRONG patients who nickel and dime you to death.
Discounting eats away your profits and it’s a race to the bottom.
There’s a better way to attract new patients without discounting, while ensuring they are your preferred patients who care more about you than saving a buck, but let’s first talk about why you’re not charging higher prices…
Either you think this industry is commoditized and your expertise isn’t worth higher prices…OR….
You think you will lose patients to your low-balling competitors if you don’t discount.
But here's the thing...discounting doesn’t work. You’ll end up attracting price-shoppers who only care about a low price.
You’ll work way harder because you need more of these low-priced patients to make a profit. And you’ll deal with more issues from these penny-pinchers who end up giving you bad reviews and complaining about your service (or lack thereof).
And frankly, it’s a race to the bottom that you can’t win.
Instead, you set higher standards to attract higher value cosmetic patients who gladly pay more for great customer service.
This group enthusiastically brags about you to their other high-value friends, leaves you 5-star reviews and is a pleasure to work with.
When you really get this, it changes everything.
So rather than discount, you set higher standards for great customer service and smooth processes so your patients have a WOW patient experience every time.
That's because you have enough revenues coming in to treat your patients better than if you are penny pinching on expenses and cutting back on the very things patients will pay extra for such as an excellent patient experience and special treatment.
And, In terms of your revenue goals, there's an easier or harder way to get to $1 million.
For example:
You can cater to the “price shoppers” who are worth $500 to you so you need 2,000 of them OR you can raise your standards, attract better patients who have the financial wherewithal to pay more for a better experience, and become your practice ambassadors who are worth $5K to you so now you only need 200 of them.
That's how you scale and work less but get better results.
And here’s something else to consider….
You need to Mirror Behavior You Want from those very Patients because there is NO escaping cause-and-effect.
If you want high-end patients that will gladly pay more for your services, then give them a high-end experience and excellent customer service.
If you want patients to stop negotiating and gladly pay your FAIR prices - YOU stop negotiating and pay fair prices.
Do you want decisive patients who don’t procrastinate when making decisions? Then you’ll need to be decisive!
Do you want agreeable patients who are a pleasure to work with? Then you Be agreeable and be sure your staff be the same.
Because what you give out – you give back.
It’s really that simple.
Shift #3: Use the Secret Weapon
The majority of cosmetic practices go about attracting new patients and growing their revenues the wrong way.
They typically do what everyone else is doing and then wonder why it’s not working.
Oftentimes, they don’t even know if it’s working or not because they have no easy way of seeing the results. For example….
The OLD traditional methods of getting new patients are to spend a ton of money on:
New website design or redesign….again.
SEO, PPC, Google Ads, directories, social media ads and charity events and so on
...and maybe you'll get new patients.
That's what we call the "hope and pray" marketing approach….Hope it’s money well spent and pray you get new patients from it so you feel like you made a good investment.
There is a better way and here is the secret weapon....
A creative Loyalty/Rewards Club that is the most powerful way to scale for predictable revenues without advertising or discounting....
....AND while turning your existing patients into your raving fans who gladly grow your practice for you, so you no longer worry about "slow spells" and covering your overhead.
It does ALL of this while developing lasting relationships with happy patients you enjoy working with.
So here is how you use a loyalty/rewards system to 10X your revenues.
You encourage your patients to return more often, refer their friends to you, give you great reviews that thousands of other prospective patients see online, consent to their B/A photos being shown to prospective patients, and share you on social media with their OWN followers – all leading to new patients for you organically, without you spending an extra dime.
So, the new way is simple.
You pull your entire list of existing patients, and it doesn't matter how long it's been since they've been in to see you. Many will return after being gone for many, many years.
Now you make a marketing plan to consistently stay in front of these patients, so you are top of mind and when they are ready, they choose you.
Then you reward them for their loyalty and for helping you grow your practice and reputation online.
For example, you make it fun for your patients to grow your practice for you by rewarding them when they return more often, refer their friends/family, write a review, approve their B/A photos, share you on social media, shoot a video testimonial, and/or complete a SX procedure.
And when your patients collect enough rewards at different tier levels, they are rewarded with Free cosmetic services.
And that leads us to the last Shift #4: Retention is the New Patient Attraction Strategy for 2025
Because of intense competition, social media, the Internet and AI, it’s gotten and will continue to get increasingly more difficult, technical, confusing and time-consuming to attract new cosmetic patients.
So, retaining your cosmetic patients has become the most direct route to more revenues.
Not sure about that?
Consider these recent stats showing you how:
- It costs 7-12X more to attract a new patient than to retain an existing patient
- Loyal patients spend 67% more than new patients
- The average new patient conversion rate is only 5%-20% while the average existing patient conversion rate is a whopping 70%-90%
- Existing patients spend 31% more on their average order size value and this makes sense because your existing patients already know, like and trust you and are much more open to your recommendations and extra products and services you offer.
You're also not wasting a ton of time following up on bad leads.
On top of that, your conversion rate is so much better, so your valuable time is spent with patients who say yes rather than with price-shopper strangers who never book.
Lastly, 46% of patients spend more after they join a loyalty program and
83% of patients say a loyalty program will keep them coming back.
THIS is how you leverage your time with your preferred patients who are now worth 10X more to you.
And you stop wasting your time with those who nickel-and-dime you and then bolt for the next special deal from your competitors.
(Sources: SEMrush and ProfitWell)
So, to recap, here are the 4 game-changing shifts to win in 2025:
Shift 1 - Patient Centric vs. Money Centric
Shift 2 - Drop the Discounting
Shift 3 - The Secret Weapon
Shift 4 - Retention is the new patient Attraction secret
OK, hopefully you now see how you can make some simple shifts to 10X your revenues using the resources you already have without advertising or discounting your services, WHILE simultaneously increasing the number of patient visits, referrals, reviews and shares on social media.
If you want to learn more, please visit KISSLOYALTYCLUB.COM for details
And that wraps it up for this episode so please subscribe to Beuty so you don’t miss future episodes and you have any feedback for me, you can schedule a call with me at my website, www.CatherineMaley.com or feel free to DM me @CatherineMaleyMBA.
Until next time…
Catherine Maley, MBA
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Catherine Maley, MBA:
Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.
If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at www.CatherineMaley.com, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.
And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.
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