The REAL Reason You Are Unfulfilled | Dr. Erin Show
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The Real Reason You Are Unfulfilled: Embracing Divine Discontentment
Have you ever felt that nagging sense of unfulfillment, even when everything in your life seems "fine"? You have a steady job, a comfortable home, and relationships that should make you happy, yet something inside feels off. This feeling is not a flaw or a sign of failure—it's a sacred signal known as Divine Discontentment.
What Is Divine Discontentment?Divine Discontentment is the soul's way of nudging us out of our comfort zone. It’s the inner whisper that tells you there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing. While it might feel like restlessness or dissatisfaction, it’s actually a profound gift, a call to growth, evolution, and the expansion of your consciousness.
In the human experience, we are never meant to stagnate. Life itself is a constant process of becoming, and when we resist that flow, we feel stuck, empty, or unfulfilled. Divine Discontentment is your soul’s reminder that you are here for more: more love, more purpose, more alignment with your highest self.
Why Do We Feel Unfulfilled?The feeling of unfulfillment often arises because:
- We’ve Settled for Comfort Over Growth: It’s easy to choose the safe, predictable path. But growth requires stepping into the unknown and embracing the challenges that come with it.
- We’ve Forgotten Our True Nature: At your core, you are an infinite being, capable of limitless expansion. When you disconnect from this truth, life can feel small and constrained.
- We’ve Stopped Listening to Our Soul: Busy schedules and societal expectations can drown out the quiet voice within, leaving us disconnected from our inner guidance.
Fulfillment doesn’t come from achieving external goals or ticking off boxes on a societal checklist. It comes from aligning with your soul’s purpose and embracing the journey of self-discovery. You are here to:
- Expand Consciousness: Each challenge and breakthrough helps you awaken to the deeper truths of existence.
- Evolve Spiritually: Life is a series of lessons designed to help you grow into your fullest potential.
- Contribute to the Collective: As you evolve, you naturally inspire and uplift others, becoming part of the collective awakening.
- Acknowledge the Feeling: Instead of judging or suppressing your dissatisfaction, honor it as a sacred message.
- Deprogram False Belief Systems: What is my soul calling me toward? What excites me? What would challenge me to grow?
- Take Inspired Action: Start small—take a class, meditate, journal, or explore a new passion. The path will reveal itself as you step forward.
- Trust the Process: Growth isn’t linear, and fulfillment doesn’t happen overnight. Trust that each step is part of a divine plan.
Divine Discontentment is not a burden—it’s an invitation. It’s your soul’s way of reminding you that you are not here to live a small, ordinary life. You are here to grow, evolve, and expand into the infinite being you are meant to be. By embracing this sacred restlessness, you open the door to a life filled with purpose, passion, and profound fulfillment.
Answer the call. Your next evolution is waiting.
Caller Question: "Hi Dr. Erin, I’ve been struggling with feeling stuck in my life, like I’m living on autopilot. I have a good job, a stable relationship, and a nice home, but I feel unfulfilled. I don’t even know what excites me anymore, and I’m scared that I’ll wake up one day and regret not living fully. How do I reconnect with my purpose and reignite my passion for life?"
- Spiritual Mind Treatment
- Awakening
- Deprogramming
- Divine Discontent
- Divine Presence
- Inner Work
- Soul's Purpose
- Scientific Prayer
- Universal Law of Neutrality
- Universal Law of Mentalism
Dr. Erin Fall Haskell is a doctor of divinity, master spiritual coach, international best-selling author, creator of E4 Trauma Method®, founder of Spiritual Psychology School and Soulciété community. Her mission is to awaken a billion people by developing spiritual leaders. She helps clients heal their trauma, discover their soul's purpose, and make an impact. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
0:00 do you ever feel like you are discontent 0:04 like something is completely unfulfilled 0:06 within your life even with success even 0:08 with having everything that you might 0:10 need there's something still missing 0:13 well today you're going to definitely 0:14 want to watch this podcast because we're 0:16 going to break on down some universal 0:18 law truths of why you are feeling that 0:20 way and what you can actually do about 0:22 it we're also going to break down this 0:24 week's universal law which the is the 0:26 law of neutrality there's only one 0:28 universal law but there's many distin 0:30 and we're going to actually pull a card 0:32 for the call in today as well so stay 0:35 tuned welcome to the Dr Aaron show may 0:38 you live your 0:44 truth hello Divine beloveds I'm super 0:47 excited and honored to be with you here 0:49 today I am Dr Aaron Dr Divinity teaching 0:52 metaphysics and universal law and 0:55 spiritual coaching recognizing the truth 0:58 of who you are which is all knowing 1:01 Divine Spirit you are the I am you are 1:04 the highest Consciousness experiencing 1:06 yourself in this fractal of the unique 1:09 Divine expression called you as a human 1:11 so today we are going to go over a few 1:14 things a call in about how to get 1:17 unstuck because I know we all get super 1:20 stuck at times uh and as we go into this 1:23 new year new energy and a new unit of 1:25 time it's imperative that we understand 1:28 how we are creating through universal 1:30 law the subconscious mind is one with 1:32 the subjective mind and the 1:34 superconscious mind and we're also going 1:36 to go over this week's universal law the 1:39 universal law of neutrality we're going 1:42 to answer this question from a 1:44 perspective of metaphysics from this 1:47 week's universal law card and also I'm 1:49 going to pull aards so that we can 1:51 really truly get a full perspective of 1:53 what is going on so before we begin we 1:55 always begin with a spiritual mind 1:57 treatment which means we are connecting 1:59 the right and left hemisphere of the 2:02 brain the right and left hemisphere of 2:04 the brain and also the heart and the 2:06 head taking a deep breath 2:08 in and in this affirmative mind 2:10 treatment one recognizing that there's 2:13 one source and one cause of life and 2:16 that is divine I recognize that this is 2:19 the truth of who you are the truth of 2:21 who I am and I recognize all everything 2:24 the relative experience is all for 2:26 growth all for further Enlightenment all 2:29 for the evolution of the consciousness 2:31 of the one Divine mind and in this I'm 2:34 knowing the truth for each and every one 2:35 of us in this Divine day this Divine 2:38 year and this Divine time knowing there 2:40 is only here and now and so I simply 2:43 know Perfection with ease Grace and 2:46 power as together we say and so it is 2:51 and so it is okay let's make sure that 2:54 we are recording yes okay so the call in 2:58 today the question asked is let me just 3:02 pull it up here real 3:04 quick okay so here is the Callin I've 3:09 been struggling with feeling stuck in my 3:11 life like I'm living on autopilot this 3:14 is from Sarah who is 37 doesn't say 3:17 where she's in from but she's been 3:20 living on autopilot she says I have had 3:22 a good job a stable relationship at a 3:24 nice home but I feel unfulfilled I don't 3:27 even know what excites me anymore and 3:30 I'm scared that I'll wake up one day and 3:32 regret not living fully how do I 3:34 reconnect with my purpose and reignite 3:36 my passion for life well first of all 3:40 Sarah I recognize and I know I have 3:41 definitely been there in some stuck 3:43 times I remember one time when I um hit 3:47 my 30-year uh and I was officially a 3:52 millionaire and I felt completely 3:55 unfulfilled everything that I had bought 3:57 into in by the culture 4:00 and my programming had told me that I 4:02 would be happy one day and I realized 4:05 that it wasn't the truth and so what I 4:08 would say Sarah is to really get that 4:11 we're not here for Comfort we're here 4:14 for growth right so just when you think 4:17 you've arrived you haven't arrived right 4:19 so just when we think hey we got that 4:22 job that we always want to get we you 4:24 know got the relationship that looks 4:26 good or seems okay we have children that 4:29 fulfill us but why is there something 4:31 still missing right because we're here 4:33 as Divine Spiritual Beings here for 4:36 growth here for evolution for eternity 4:39 right we're here to experience the 4:40 divine presence but we're also here to 4:42 experience the Divine discontent that 4:45 always demands that we grow always 4:47 demand that we expand our Consciousness 4:50 so Sarah I would say the first thing is 4:52 to really truly deprogram your first 4:55 Awakening even by just asking the 4:57 question is Awakening to say hey I'm not 4:59 going to pretend anymore I'm not going 5:01 to pretend that everything's okay when 5:03 really there's kind of a pit in my 5:04 stomach of saying hey there's got to be 5:06 more than this right so I congratulate 5:08 you first on that secondly is 5:10 deprogramming knowing that whatever the 5:12 cultural programming whatever you 5:14 thought was going to make you happy it's 5:16 really getting rid of those programs 5:18 another thing that can play into this is 5:20 recognizing that there's a Divine 5:22 discontentment and this is something I 5:24 struggled with for a long time also I'd 5:26 start projects stop projects I was like 5:29 why am I always feeling like discontent 5:32 and as the saying goes that what we 5:35 resist persists but the truth is that 5:38 there is a Divine discontent that 5:41 actually is working for us so as Romos 5:44 and the great Masters would teach that 5:46 we're here for the right here and now 5:49 and that we should be really fully 5:51 fulfilled in that divine presence and as 5:53 that is true the equal and opposite is 5:56 true as well which is that we have a 5:58 Divine discontent 6:00 and this is an actual term in 6:02 metaphysics Divine discontent means that 6:05 there's something in you that's always 6:07 wanting to expand always wanting to 6:09 emerge always wanting to evolve and so I 6:12 know sah that there's something more for 6:14 you there maybe something more for you 6:16 to do for the collective there may be 6:18 something more for you to do in the 6:19 healing of your lineage there may be 6:21 something more and we can never know 6:23 that we have to go into to do the deep 6:25 deep transformational work to be able to 6:28 birth that higher purpose that higher 6:30 power passion and purpose and that is 6:33 yours to do so let's read this from this 6:37 week's um universal law card answering 6:39 this for Sarah so the universal law card 6:43 of this week is the law of neutrality 6:45 the truth is that there's only one 6:46 universal law but there's many 6:48 distinctions of universal law what is 6:50 universal law you can go check out some 6:52 of my other videos on that but universal 6:54 law is how we manifest the advanced 6:56 teaching of how we manifest how 6:58 consciousness s Spirit from the 7:00 innermost self to the outside or from 7:02 the upper you know through the portal 7:05 which is through the zero point field is 7:07 going through what is called the filter 7:09 or the subconscious mind and that that 7:12 is actually projecting out into the 7:15 world as the form as our divided filter 7:18 but the truth is that we're all knowing 7:20 all abundant and we're manifesting 24/7 7:23 so Sarah let's take a look at this of 7:24 answering this from the law of 7:26 neutrality and the law of neutrality 7:29 States I'm going to read it here just so 7:30 I make sure that we get it correct okay 7:33 it's practicing 7:35 nonattachment and staying equanimous so 7:38 that means Sarah that it's in the 7:40 judging right so even maybe you are in 7:43 this place of saying hey I'm not really 7:45 fulfilled and we don't want to 7:46 spiritually bypass that by just going 7:48 neutrality but at the same time we can 7:51 practice neutrality as well so the this 7:54 law the law of neutrality teaches us 7:57 that the secret of experiencing will the 8:00 moment we end judgment we free ourselves 8:04 from feeling the effect of polarity okay 8:07 when we emancipate ourselves from 8:09 conflict upsets viewpoints and we're 8:12 able to authentically be the cause of 8:14 Our Lives Spirit our true self creates 8:18 from nothing it is first cause aligning 8:20 with this law sets yourself free be here 8:23 now so the question I'd ask for you in 8:25 the practice Sarah would be to accept 8:29 that you are unfulfilled to not try and 8:31 change it fix it or whatever but really 8:33 just be with it like be with the 8:35 emotions and be with the feeling and 8:37 being 8:38 unfulfilled without judging it without 8:41 trying to fix it or change it because 8:42 that's resisting it and persisting it 8:44 right really listening like what is your 8:47 heart and soul saying in being 8:50 unfulfilled right and so that's the 8:53 message is trying to come through all 8:55 emotions are the resistance of the 8:57 higher self trying to guide us back to 9:00 truth trying to guide us back to truth 9:02 and so in this really knowing may you 9:05 you know experience the tug of war but 9:08 really recognize what are you actually 9:10 having the tug of- War for you know what 9:12 is the truth being birthed out of these 9:14 emotions within you okay and then let's 9:18 do um a little drawing of seeing what's 9:22 happening from a perspective of 9:24 whatever's coming through so just if 9:26 you're out there Sarah or anyone 9:28 struggling to move past being 9:30 unfulfilled or stuck patterns or 9:32 anything let's just know that there's a 9:33 Divine Perfection and a message coming 9:35 through right now and this me message is 9:38 the law of mentalism I love this okay so 9:41 the law of mentalism states that we live 9:44 in a universe of mental pictures and 9:47 your mental state is creating your 9:49 reality so one you can either hold the 9:53 mental state of the Perfection of what's 9:55 what is and you can also hold the new 9:59 mental picture of what you choose to 10:00 create for your life and energize that 10:03 regardless we live in a universe of 10:07 mental pictures and whatever you choose 10:09 to create in your life has to be the 10:12 vibrational match so if you're having 10:14 the feeling of being 10:16 unfulfilled and kind of stock patterns 10:19 your life is going to outp picture as 10:21 unfulfilled and stock patterns okay 10:24 everything begins in mind because it is 10:26 a mental universe so in this again we're 10:30 just going to know the truth for Sarah 10:32 and for anybody out there feeling stuck 10:34 and ready to go to the next thing I 10:37 invite you to not spiritually bypass it 10:40 not just try and pretend and fix it 10:42 maybe with drugs and alcohol or shopping 10:45 or workaholism or whatever it may be but 10:48 rather feel all the feels of that being 10:51 unfulfilled and stuck patterns and 10:53 listen to that get frustrated get sad do 10:56 all those things so that you can 10:58 actually do the deeper work to transform 11:01 and transmute that Divine discontentment 11:04 okay so in this again let's do a little 11:06 of spiritual mind treatment taking your 11:08 hands together you can rub them together 11:10 you can just hold them together you can 11:12 do whatever you want you can place them 11:14 in your hands the truth is we're 11:15 connecting the one Divine 11:18 mind merging and unifying our individual 11:21 mind with the Divine mind I recognize 11:23 Right Here Right Now the power that be 11:24 the power that Sarah is the power that 11:27 Divine discontent I say thank you for 11:28 the Divine discontentment thank you for 11:30 that Divine discontentment I recognize 11:32 there is a glory there is a there's a 11:35 blessing there's a gift coming in that 11:37 Divine discontentment and it is for 11:39 Sarah to become more for her to express 11:40 more for her to experience life more for 11:42 her to be more for her to live more to 11:44 her to fully experience herself as 11:47 knowing thyself and giving that to the 11:49 world and so I say thank you Sarah thank 11:51 you for the Divine discontentment thank 11:53 you for sharing that that stuck 11:54 energetic because I know so many 11:56 experienced that may we know the truth 11:59 of liberation of knowing that she has 12:01 the power of her mind in the mental 12:03 Universe She has the power to neutralize 12:06 it with nonjudgment she has the power 12:09 because she is the power she is the I am 12:11 she is the highest Consciousness that is 12:13 her true identity and so I know she is 12:15 meant for more than what she's doing 12:17 right now she is meant for growth she is 12:19 meant for evolution she is meant for the 12:21 expand of Consciousness in her one 12:23 Divine mind that expands to the Divine 12:25 mind and so I say this with absolute 12:27 certainty In The Name Of Truth 12:29 as together we say and so it is and so 12:33 it is okay you guys if you have not yet 12:35 subscribe and share this video out May 12:38 we know the truth together um it's so 12:40 important for us to get in right mind 12:42 and know we've not been taught the core 12:44 teachings that we really need to know of 12:46 who we are how we reprogram our 12:49 subconscious mind how we align to 12:50 universal law have a beautiful blessed 12:53 day and may you live your truth409集单集