How One Bold Move Doubled Revenues — with Derek Ford, MD, FRCSC (Ep. 292)
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Hello, and welcome to "Beauty and the Biz," where we’ll discuss how one bold move doubled revenues for Dr. Ford. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of "Your Aesthetic Practice – What Your Patients Are Saying." Furthermore, I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, helping them get more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, “How One Bold Move Doubled Revenues — with Derek Ford, MD, FRCSC.”What if one bold decision could double your revenues and completely transform the way you run your practice?
Specifically, this week’s episode of Beauty and the Biz features an interview with Derek Ford, MD, a Royal College-certified plastic surgeon in private practice with offices in Toronto and Ontario. In summary, in the interview, we discuss how Dr. Ford took calculated risks that paid off in big ways. First, let’s dive into his story:
Indeed, after leaving academia, Dr. Ford started small by renting space in a colleague’s office. Then, as his practice grew, he moved to a 1,100-square-foot medical building near a hospital. Additionally, the building provided access to a surgical center. However, he soon realized that he needed more control and flexibility to truly grow his cosmetic practice.
Interestingly, that’s when he made the bold move to buy his own condo in a high-end retail neighborhood, just blocks from the hospital. Consequently, he built out a state-of-the-art facility with two operating rooms and patient consultation areas, all under one roof.
In short, here’s the kicker:
- First, this move doubled his revenues.
- Next, the ability to perform surgeries and see patients in the same space was a game changer.
- Additionally, he reduced operational costs and improved efficiency while elevating the patient experience.
Moreover, Dr. Ford shares his fears. He wasn’t sure he could afford the investment. However, his story proves that calculated risks can lead to extraordinary rewards.
Finally, if you’re looking for inspiration to take your practice to the next level, then this episode is packed with insights and lessons you won’t want to miss.
Catherine Maley, MBA
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Visit Dr. Ford's websiteCatherine Maley, MBA:
Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.
If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.
And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.
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