Episode 25: Willful Direction
Manage episode 461957918 series 3583227
When what we say is influenced by what we see of the world, we are like a boat being influenced by the winds, the emanation of others as they buffet our sails. Some push us ahead, some work against us. Some cross us and force us to reposition or take our sails down completely. We then are reminded that when we do still our waters, we should do so with intention. That doing it out of fear, fear of the new or unknown, leads us to a place where we have no grounding, nowhere to anchor ourselves as we work to understand and ingest this new information that challenges our worldview. Sometimes the world emits toxic sludge into our waters. Venomous, it seeps into us and we are faced with its consequences. Like a factory spoiling the river, we must navigate around it. And sometimes it is us who spills that sludge from our own emotional factory. How are we handling the production, and the sludge it can create? For we are the director as much as we are the orchestra. What we will can shape the lives and actions of others, just as their will can play out on us. In the end, we are the ever-burning flame, and all action, all power, comes from within us. We have the power to shape our actions and the world around us.