Podcast showcasing Variety Arts talent from around the world. Juggling, Magic, Standup Comedy, Impressions, Ventriloquism, Dance, solo musicians, and More! Series of 3 short videos of talent and Hosted by a different Tag Team each week. Lots of Laughs and great way to see a variety of talents in a podcast.
TRANSCRIPT FOR EP67 I have a free webclass for you, Launch your podcast in 48 hours and make it profitable. It is downloadable at www.askjoannelee.com/freewebclass (www_dot_ask_joa_nne_lee.com forward slash / freewebclass) Welcome to leader activated, hi I’m joanne and in this episode, i will be sharing with you Vulnerability : Why we should not hold back. As small children, we are open and free, sharing all of ourselves with others. As we grow and mature, however, we learn that the world can be a very painful place. We learn that not everyone is on our side, and not all situations are going to go our way. Over time, then, we also learn to protect ourselves. We build walls around our hearts, we convince ourselves that we never really loved that person who hurt us anyway, and we become in denial. Even worse, we begin to believe and internalize negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves.For myself, - as a stay home mum taking care of the kids, i’m always show to be tough, independent, the handy person, mother who knows it all….. However I was negative, have lots of self limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and feelings about myself, emotions and even suicidal at times. After joining SRW, i was encouraged by Genecia to share my story about my fears, my mistakes , all of these exposed my vulnerability which I was very relevant to show. I have always wanted to show the best version of myself to others even when im hurting inside. But deep down, I was unhappy. As you truly learn to accept and love yourself, you will find it easier and easier to show true vulnerability. If your sense of self-worth is strong, then you will no longer need others to define it or prop it up for you. You will be able to walk away from those who treat you with disrespect and attract those who treat you well. However, getting from here to there is never easy. Whatever path you choose, finding freedom from the fear of vulnerability is a truly life-changing experience. Connect with me through Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. If you would like to get your voice heard and be recognized as a leader online, I will like to invite you to schedule a call with me at www.askjoannelee.com/ask. (forward slash) spell out www_dot_ask_joa_nne_lee_dotcom forward slash ask I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where i will be sharing with you more tips and ways to activate the leader in you. This fear of vulnerability often leads people to cause pain to others. Hence It is important to learn from past mistakes and to always strive for personal growth. However, it is equally important to learn to forgive your own mistakes. How often are you quick to forgive someone else's mistake, or even truly bad behavior, while continuing to beat yourself up for a mistake that you made?As you truly learn to accept and love yourself, you will find it easier and easier to show true vulnerability. If your sense of self-worth is strong, then you will no longer need others to define it or prop it up for you.…
Hi I'm Joanne, welcome to the leader Activated. In this episode, I will be sharing with you on how to effectively work from home. I used to think like this. as a mom, I want to be with my children and seems like a dream come true y being able to stay and work from home. you don't have to commute working from home - some people like it while others do. seems easy to do it - especially for the guys but for the ladies especially mummies, it will be tough. Advantages of Working from Home Flexible schedule. ... Custom environment. ... Cozy clothes. ... It's easier to make calls. ... Knock off some weekend to-do's. ... No office distractions. ... Zero commuting. ... Save money. Disadvantages of Working from Home Willpower - to stop distractions. Difficulty sticking to a routine. The order you do things at work is almost never the order you do things at home. It can be tough to mirror your schedule and processes once outside the office. lots and lots of distractions: taking those little naps Boredom. no more colleagues to have pantry convos. Conclusion: Sometimes, The grass is always greener on the other side. When you’re at work, nothing sounds more amazing than a toasty day indoors with your favorite blanket. When you’re at home, you reminisce about making jokes with your co-workers and wonder if the coffee machine made good coffee that day. Key takeaways:- Be disciplined Make sure there are no distractions, I made myself a corner and get set up my working station, I function best when mimicking the office environment as much as possible Set an alarm of 30 mins interval - this helps me to focus on the task on hand and allocate enough time to do the task, this means no checking of the phone, texts until the time is up. Stick as much as possible to the routine just like work. Either way, it’s important to choose the environment you’ll be most successful in. As you begin to work longer and build more experience, learning to focus in any surrounding is a valuable life skill, and will only help your professional career in the long run — especially as remote-first companies are gaining traction. If you’re still newer to the workforce, start by simply finding out where you do your best work and why. Some important things to consider are what environment you stay focused in the longest, how long it takes you to get back on track, and how you best communicate. If you’re self-motivated, adhere to a routine well, and enjoy minimal distractions, then working from home is the right choice for you. If you thrive on social interactions, feel inspired by seeing others working, and stay on track best if others see you, then working from the office is the way to go. Occasionally there are projects that require more quiet time or more collaboration and resource planning. It’s important to be able to mix it up, depending on where you think you’ll be most productive! I hope that by sharing the above tips and my stories will give you some inspirations on your working environment and how best to work. Connect with me through my facebook, linkedin and instagram handler @askoannelee I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you more tips and tricks on how to activate the leader in you.…