EP 016 - The Training Ecosystem at Science of Fitness
Manage episode 379434087 series 3493476
In this episode, Matt and Kieran discuss the evolution of the group fitness classes that are offered at Science of Fitness.
Growing from high intensity 'primal' sessions, which was the foundation for the rest of the group fitness classes, Science of Fitness has evolved into a one stop shop for all your health and fitness desires. With yoga, pilates, and strength and conditoning classes being the base with specialty classes like breathing, core and move all complimenting this.
We discuss the importance of longevity when it comes to health and fitness and why smashing yourself all day, every day in strength classes or high intensity classes may be doing more harm then good.
Doing the hard work which may look like actually slowing down and completing a yoga or breathing class, is what a lot of people may actually need.