show episodes
The Whole Hearted Leadership is a deep dive into real-time coaching conversations with today's top-performing faith-driven leaders. The goal is to create space to have authentic conversations that move you forward. Lantz has coaching conversations with leaders like John Delony, John Eldredge, Garrett Unclebach, Jordan Raynor, Brent Beshore, Jon Tyson, William Vanderblomen, Shawn Tolleson, Ben Dozier, Ryan Michler, Morgan Snyder, and Josh Straub. To work with Lantz and receive his weekly Lead ...
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Welcome to the WILDSONS Podcast. A podcast for men chasing after a life of passion, adventure and freedom— life as it was meant to be. We have chosen to take this journey together, allowing God to forge us as his true sons, warriors and brothers. And as we’re guided by older and wiser men who’ve gone before us, we share stories and experiences gathered from the journey. Join us. You are welcome to come as you are.
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Jordan Abina

With all there is going on in the world around us, I want to talk to some visionary men and women to ask what they think is on the horizon. NEXPLORERS is all about taking time to think about what's coming, to dream about our future, and to explore the unknown.
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Welcome to Scroll Sessions, the podcast for entrepreneurs, business owners, and anyone interested in digital marketing! Join our team of experts from Scroll as we dive into the world of online business and marketing. From practical tips on starting and growing your own business to insights on the latest trends in digital marketing, we cover it all. Tune in to hear from industry leaders, successful entrepreneurs, and other like-minded individuals who are making a difference in the world of bu ...
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The Freedom First Podcast

Blain Smothermon / Eric Hearn

The Freedom First Podcast hosted by Educator Blain Smothermon, Law Enforcement Officer Eric Hearn and Friends. We sit down and have conversations with the most interesting people on the planet, people who live and breath a Freedom First mentality.
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show series
I thought of the last story we have from the life of the prophet Elisha. Jehoash was king of Israel at the time, and he went to visit Elisha on his sickbed. He knew that without the help of this great prophet, the future of Israel was looking dim. Enemies were closing in on every side, waiting for the kill. Elisha told the king to take in hand some…
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“He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings grass from the earth.” (2 Samuel 23:4) What makes your heart awaken? For what awakens your heart is worth paying attention to. Think about sunshine — what daily radiance is showered upon you through it, what immense golden goodness. Every …
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Can you imagine if on your honeymoon one of you sneaked off for a rendezvous with a perfect stranger? Adam and Eve kicked off the honeymoon by sleeping with the Enemy. Then comes one of the most poignant verses in all Scripture: "What is this you have done?" (Gen. 3:13). You can almost hear the shock, the pain of betrayal in God's voice. The fall o…
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The book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face. [John] You simply cannot neglect the heart and get away with it. The mind is a beautiful instrument, one we certainly want to develop all our lives and not only in the college years. But God gave us the mind to protect the heart, not usurp it. …
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Lantz and Randy discussed the importance of fatherhood, emotional intimacy, and a holistic approach to leadership in today's podcast. They emphasized the need for intentionality, communication, and selflessness in building strong relationships, both in personal and professional contexts. Lastly, they discussed strategies for overcoming feelings of …
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The Religious Man or Woman is a popular story option in which we try to reduce the wildness of life by constructing a system of promises and rewards, a contract that will obligate God to grant us exemption from the Arrows. It really doesn't matter what the particular group bargain is — doctrinal adherence, moral living, or some sort of spiritual ex…
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We now are going to war. This is the beginning of the end. The hour is late, and you are needed. We need your heart. If there were something more I could do to help you see, I wish to God I could have done it. Tears fill my eyes for fear I have not done enough. You must turn, then, back to myth — tomorrow and the next day and the next. Read the bat…
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Imagine, friends, a world without evil. Every demon has been swept away. Simply imagine a world without evil people, where everyone loves God and overflows with his holy love. You look to your right and left, and you only see people you can trust completely. Lot’s torment will no longer be ours; holiness will permeate all things. No wonder joy is t…
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Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. …
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The way to begin to get free of this debris, to remove these limits you’ve unknowingly placed on Jesus, is first to name what the problem is. Where are you having a hard time with Jesus? Where is your struggle with him? Do you find it hard to believe he loves you? Or that he loves you because of what you do? Do you feel like you are always disappoi…
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This is what Jesus nearly always does when he comes to mend those rifts in our hearts. He brings his comfort and mercy to those times and places where we suffered the shattering blow, and the heart in that place often feels the same age as it was at the time of the event, even though it might have been decades ago. It might be a surprise that Chris…
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Once we begin thinking of all the deceptions the Enemy is about with regard to our lives, we have a tendency to become obsessed with him, fearful of what he is going to do next. Once we take him seriously, he switches from his tactic of “I’m not here” to one of having us worry about him day and night, which is almost a form of worship. God’s intent…
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Chase Replogle, a pastor and author of A Sharp Compassion, believes all this offense is making it harder to hear the truth. It even prevents us from hearing Jesus’s good, but sometimes hard, words. A Sharp Compassion offers readers a closer look at Jesus’ most challenging words. Through a careful study of the conversations in which Jesus offended, …
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We all have a way that we do life. We might call it our personality, or our natural bent — the way we handle pressure, the way we listen, the way we look for happiness, the way we control our world. We didn’t sit down one day and willfully choose to adopt it but it remains a choice nonetheless. Call it your style of relating. It is a carefully craf…
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Unwanted sexual behavior impacts the whole family. Even when kids don't know the nature of the problems their parents are wrestling with, they intuitively feel the impact in their bodies. The ripple effects of betrayal and infidelity on kids are deep and complex but there is hope for recovery for the entire family. In this 2 part series, Kristin in…
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Maybe the most devastating limit is simply the idea that “Jesus doesn’t act like that anymore.” (Or, “Jesus doesn’t act like that with me.”) Sure —he was amazing in the Gospels. But that was then and this is now and things have changed. Or so the idea goes. In one fell swoop, this belief shuts down just about everything and anything we could hope t…
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Let me say this again: the story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears it. I hope you are beginning to see that more clearly now. Otherwise, much of the Bible will not make sense to you. Much of your life will not make sense to you. I will go before you and will level…
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You are not your sin; sin is no longer the truest thing about the man who has come into union with Jesus. Your heart is good. "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you" (Ezek. 36:26). The Big Lie in the church today is that you are nothing more than "a sinner saved by grace." You are a lot more than that. You are a new creation in Ch…
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Prayer sets up a terrible dilemma for us. We want to pray; it’s in our nature. We desperately want to believe that God will come through for us. But then ... he doesn’t seem to, and where does that leave us? I believe God is in the dilemma; I believe he wants us to push through to real answers, solid answers. For one thing, this reality we find our…
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Twice, in the famous chapter of Romans 7, where Paul presents a first-person angst about our battle against sin, he says, "But this is not my true nature. This is not my heart." As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature ... Now if I do what I do not want to…
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Jesus is a fierce, intentional man to be sure. But his passions are neither reckless nor momentary. Could a small, unintimidating figure accomplish such a sustained riot? To pull off driving “all of them out of the temple” would require more than a few seconds and repeated blows. This is a sustained assault. If a frail man with a meek voice tried t…
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Warning authentic conversation follows. Be prepared to talk to your kids about sex if they are listening. -- Meaning Making is for those who have laughed and cried and loved and lost and are now staring down the decades that remain, wondering how to ensure they don’t miss out on the exquisite chaos of the here and now. No one is broken, everyone is…
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When Neo is set free from the Matrix, he joins the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar — the little hovercraft that is the headquarters and ship of the small fellowship called to set the captives free. There are nine of them in all, each a character in his own way, but nonetheless a company of the heart, a “band of brothers,” a family bound together in a si…
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“Love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus taught (Mark 12:31), implying a direct link between one and the other. Loving our neighbor is clearly an essential to Christian faith; I think we all get that one. But the qualifier “as yourself” is lost upon most people; it confounded me for years. It almost sounds too pop psychology, something you’d see on …
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Every woman is in some way searching for or running from her beauty and every man is looking for or avoiding his strength. Why? In some deep place within, we remember what we were made to be, we carry with us the memory of gods, image-bearers walking in the Garden. So why do we flee our essence? As hard as it may be for us to see our sin, it is far…
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The longing for things to be good again is one of the deepest yearnings of the human heart. It has slumbered in the depths of our souls ever since we lost our true home. For our hearts remember Eden. Most of the time this beautiful, powerful longing flows like an underground river below the surface of our awareness — so long as we are consoled by s…
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The constant push in Western Christianity to “make it practical” betrays our favorite apostasy—it exposes how utterly fixated on the present moment we really are. Yes, we need to embody God’s love in the world today. The human race is not well; things fall apart. We must care for the planet and all creation; we must fight injustice. But we speak of…
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Human beings need oxygen in order to live. Lots of it. So our loving God provided us a world completely engulfed in oxygen; we swim in life-giving air like fish swim in water. Put your arm out — it’s surrounded with oxygen. Look down at your feet — they’re wading through it too. God also arranged for the daily replenishment of this planet-wide ocea…
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Lantz and Tod Bolsinger discussed the role of leadership in facilitating transformation, with a focus on personal growth, adaptive leadership, and the importance of transformation. They also explored the differences and similarities between the marketplace and ministry worlds, the concept of sabotage in leadership, the importance of mentorship in p…
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In this world where we find ourselves living, having joy often feels both crazy and out of reach. To have joy in the midst of sorrow — or the current news feed — can seem impossible. And all on our own, it is impossible. But just as the angel Gabriel said after making his outlandish proclamation to Mary that she, a virgin, would give birth to the S…
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On the day Adam and Eve fell from grace, they ran off and hid in the bushes. And God came looking for them. He called to Adam, "Where are you?" (Gen. 3:9). Thus began the long and painful story of God's pursuit of mankind. Though we betrayed him and fell into the hands of the Evil One, God did not abandon us. Even a quick read of the Old Testament …
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The struggle with problematic sexual behavior is rooted in our young, emotionally undeveloped parts and their drive to run from discomfort. In order to heal and be set free, we must go deep with our inner child to address the hurts and perceptions we developed when we were young. Kristin interviews Eddie Capparucci, a licensed professional counselo…
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Yes, dear friends, we are already God's children, and we can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. (1 John 3:2 NLT) We have an expression that we use to describe someone who's out of sorts, who's not acting like the person we know her to b…
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But there’s something deeper that calls to me, something richer I have tasted which compels me to let go of the life I keep rebuilding in order to learn how to love. I want God. Can you name a better reason? There is simply no other fountain of life; there is no other waterfall of joy. God is the bliss we seek. This is what the Scriptures are tryin…
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One of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet wit…
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What do all the great stories and myths tell us? What do they have in common? What are they trying to get across? Wherever they may come from, whatever their shape might be, they nearly always speak to us Three Eternal Truths. First, these stories are trying to remind us that things are not what they seem. There is a whole lot more going on here th…
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The book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face. [John] You have entered the Warrior Stage of a young man’s life. Young men have been at the center of most of history’s revolutions. Deep in your marrow lies a passion to bring down tyrants, overthrow oppression, and fight for a better world — …
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The loss of personality confounds our imitation of Christ. What happens is, our particular brand of church seizes upon one or two of his virtues as the essence of Christ for us to follow. Justice. Mercy. Righteousness. Whatever. You cannot live a life on one quality any more than you can speak intelligently using one word. Meanwhile, we continue to…
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Ricky Dixonson, former CEO of Bluebell Ice Cream, shared his leadership journey, emphasizing the importance of empathy, intentionality, and faith in navigating through challenges and building a supportive team. He also discussed his personal experiences with crisis, the significance of staying true to the company's culture, and the role ice cream p…
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There is an overlooked passage late in the New Testament that is going to begin to connect some dots for us in a wild way. It comes from the book of James, and he brings us back around to the old man, Elijah, praying on the mountain: “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it…
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How quickly do betrayal and slavery fall upon Joseph after his father gives him the coat of many colors, the symbol of his delight. We don’t know exactly how much time has passed, but those events are told in the same chapter in Genesis, barely verses apart. The result is a stark contrast, the time of being the beloved son cut short by a betrayal. …
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There is nothing like stepping out your door into a bright and beckoning world. This is why people vacation in beautiful places. It is also the secret to the stories you love — that magical moment when the hero or heroine steps into a "brave new world". You might still remember that lovely catch of breath and skip of heartbeat the first time you fo…
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Let’s name the “levels” of our being: You have fleeting thoughts throughout the day, most of which are insignificant. You also have longings, hopes, and dreams that are far more important. Deep within you, you have experienced the cry for love, hope, and joy, which feels almost primal to your being. I call these layers of our being the Shallows, Mi…
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In order to learn who we really are, we must have a place in our lives where we are removed from the materialism, entertainment, diversion, and busyness that the Vanity Fair of our society and culture immerse us in. The things sold at the booths in the Fair are tranquilizers that separate us, and protect us, from the emptiness and need of our heart…
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Be very careful how you interpret “unanswered prayer.” Our hearts are so vulnerable in these moments. It’s just too easy to lose heart. The conclusions come rushing in — God isn’t listening; he doesn’t care; I’m not faithful enough; prayer doesn’t really work. Catch yourself! Don’t let your heart go there! Ask Jesus to help you interpret what is go…
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You shall know them, Jesus said, by their fruit. The principle holds true for anything in life. It is especially helpful in diagnosing what the enemy might be up to. What is the fruit of what you’re experiencing? What is its effect? If it continues, what will the results of that be? What will be lost? Jesus said he came that we might have life and …
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Lantz and Luke had a comprehensive discussion on various aspects of personal growth, leadership, and spirituality. They emphasized the importance of healthy relationships, physical fitness, and integrating mind, body, and spirit. Additionally, they explored the challenges and opportunities of midlife, the significance of embracing life's grief, and…
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We’re going to want our souls strong and ready for the days ahead, filled with God, not fried and empty. So we must practice soul care. I’m not suggesting you go on a witch hunt for every neglected place in your soul. There’s way too much loss in there to take on all at once. Many people are afraid to feel any of it, fearing that if they start cryi…
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The struggle with problematic sexual behavior is rooted in our young, emotionally undeveloped parts and their drive to run from discomfort. In order to heal and be set free, we must go deep with our inner child to address the hurts and perceptions we developed when we were young. Kristin interviews Eddie Capparucci, a licensed professional counselo…
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It seems that much of what Christians believe they are called to these days is a cluster of activities that include regular church attendance, Bible study, prayer, giving, concern for justice, and attending the annual men or women’s retreat. Now — what is all that activity for? What are those things supposed to do to us, or in us? If it’s not resto…
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