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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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show series
his episode is about the reasons for creating this podcast. I hope this podcast can help me find partners, cooperators and friends who have same interest in education. As saying does, many roads lead to Rome, I may be one of them, and because of my limited experience, my thoughts can be immature, but I sincerely hope you can share your points of vi…
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This episode is about the relations of 9 topics I have recorded. In this episode, I will give and explain the relations of 9 topics one by one. In general, the first 4 topics are the basis of my stance on education reform/revolution, the next 2 topics express education from an individual aspect, and the last 3 topics are about the significance of e…
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Thanks for listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: In ecosystem, diversity depends on variation of life and places species occupy. Education needs diversity, but so many people treat diversity by our appearances, identities and ethnic groups, which are learned from stati…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Isaac Newton said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” I sincerely thank and respect the ancestors’ work and efforts, and I think we should follow their steps to improve education …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: This society never lacks wealth and talents, just as this world never lacks gold and diamonds. However, they both need a way to find them. The first one who found gold and diamonds is only a spreader of the news, bu…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Lifelong learning, as Wikipedia explains, is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons… It not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: The ability to choose helps us cope with future’s uncertainty, and the ability to learn deals with the past and the present. One who has ability to choose must own the ability to learn, but not everyone who is able …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: Should we use our definition of excellence to decide others’ future, or should our views are being changed by others’ excellence of all kinds? SAT, for example, brings convenience to the evaluation process, but it i…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: When education is for everyone, it is only a privilege to keep giving to fill a bottomless hole. When it is for all people, it helps people realize what they need and then helps them to satisfy the needs. As Chinese…
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: What is the biggest risk when improving education system? Financial barrier or our avarice for talents and our indifference to unequal opportunities? The main difference between people and things is that things are …
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Thanks for your listening! Please feel free to leave your comments and/or opinions to Synopsis of Today's Topic: For an admission officer or an interviewer, does he read applications as part of his job or a sense of mission to seek the talents? It’s different that one works for salary, one works for responsibility and one work…
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如果你或其他你知道的人有牙齒,下顎或面部肌肉疼痛的經驗,那可能是因為你磨牙或咬牙所引起的。好消息是,可能你的牙醫生可以幫助你開一個量身訂製的Comfort Hard/Soft 咬合板處方單。咬合板可以讓你牙齒磨損的傷害抵消,這是個很有效的解決方法。想要知道更多的資訊,請點選這裡。由Glidewell Laboratories
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當你需要美麗且堅固的臨時牙時,你的牙醫生,可能會用 BioTemps 為處方。BioTemps 是你在治療時間,等待你的新牙冠或牙橋製作時來戴的。它最棒的地方,是因為它看起來很真實,所以,沒有人會知道你戴的是臨時牙!請向你的牙醫生尋問更多有關的資訊。由Glidewell Laboratories
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在美國,歐洲和澳洲,PlaySafe 是運動口護罩處方中最常開的運動口護罩。它有不同程度的厚度,能提供最大的保護,當你解放你內心的運動爆發力時,這個運動口護罩是依照你口腔的舒適度,來量身訂製的。看看為什麼 PlaySafe 比其他一般店家賣的運動口護罩更有效果,還有它是如何讓你可以把你所有的精神專注在它需要專注的地方 : 那就是你的比賽上!由Glidewell Laboratories
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當你要取代幾顆或數顆不見了的牙齒時,Simply Natural 全套義齒 和 Simply Natural 局部義齒是可移動式中,最理想的解決方法。如果你想要有看起來自然的全套義齒,而且可以提供舒適感和合適度,你可以採用配合Simply Natural 全套義齒。或者,如果你需要以即美觀,又實惠的解決方法,來取代不見了的牙齒,那請向你的牙醫生尋問,有關 Simply Natural 局部義齒由Glidewell Laboratories
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根據統計,在北美洲有超過九千萬人在睡覺時會打鼾。如果,你是受到這種令人困擾的習慣中的千萬人之一,那 Silent Nite 就是你可以得到更多休息和睡眠的答案。十個人中的八個人,可以使用它來阻止打鼾,請向你的牙醫生尋問,看看 Silent Nite 是否為你的治療方法。由Glidewell Laboratories
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很多牙醫生信任 Captek 牙冠和牙橋的美觀和強度,那是因為它們的自然的生氣,以及高度生體相容的黃金金屬合成物。正如你的牙醫生一樣,你也會愛上這個看起栩栩如生的 Captek,根據哈佛研究所的研究-它的細菌累積數,還比自然真牙的表面所顯現的還要少!由Glidewell Laboratories
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No-Prep 薄片瓷面牙冠是個用來遮蓋牙齒污點,變色或者是有缺裂牙齒,最完美的解決方法,或者也可以用來填補牙齒和牙齒之間過大的空隙。它只有 0.3 毫米薄, Vivaneers 可以在不用打針,鑽鑿或受痛下,給你你一直夢寐以求的笑容。如果,一個全新的笑容是你渴望的,請向你的牙醫生尋問,如何讓你的願望在兩個短短的看診時間內成真!由Glidewell Laboratories
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以 zirconia 為底的全瓷修護品,其歡迎程度漸漸增加,那要感謝 Prismatik Clinical Zirconia。在牙冠和牙橋上的選擇,它看起來很明亮而且十分耐用,這個美觀的修護品和你的自然牙齒可以很漂亮的交融在一起。今天,就向你的牙醫生尋問有關 Prismatik Clinical Zirconia 的好處。由Glidewell Laboratories
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當你要來取代你口腔中那顆不見的牙齒,齒科植牙可能會是你尋找已久的解決問題方法!不像其他的治療方法,齒科植牙是較保守的選擇,那是因為他們並不會對周圍健康的牙齒造成負擔。請向你的牙醫生尋問,看看你是否是這種高成功率手續的適用者。由Glidewell Laboratories
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要有明亮,潔白的笑容,現在是舉手可得的。那要感謝你的牙醫生,可以量身訂製漂白牙托和凝露。每天只需要三十分鐘的時間,就可以擁有你想要的自信和你一直想要的美觀!量身訂製漂白牙托,是依照你的口腔來量身訂製的,好確保完美的合適度,而且可以在短短的一個星期內看到成效。由Glidewell Laboratories
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