E 175: Top 20 "Best Ideas" to Turn America Around for the Better
Manage episode 437007856 series 3442631
In the spirit of Late Night with David letterman…here's our Top 20 "Best Ideas" that could turn America around for the better.
20. New Vaccination Mandate for all deep state actors, politicians, questionable judges, media anchors, attorneys, and justices. The new vaccine requires them to take six boosters of truth serum and then be interviewed on national news by a panel of truth seekers.
19. A federal ban on Stupidity. Anyone found saying something stupid (defined as any statement proven as non-sense or unreasonable) is immediately fired (regardless of rank, wealth or status), and banned from holding any future position of power.
18. A federal ban on lying, cheating, stealing, including any deceptive statements or actions, that again can be proven as such, by an oversight committee of 9 and verified by a secondary audit committee of 7. Those found guilty, would be fired and banned from holding any future position of power.
17. Defund higher educational institutions that have more than 1 billion in their endowments. If registered paying students (Visas or not) are arrested for anti-American values at protests…the student is evicted from the institution and the college is fined $2 million per incident.
16. Mandate media benefit the good of the citizens. Stop telling lies, hold government officials accountable. Journalist found untruthful, inciting hate speech, are fined $500,000 per incident and their affiliation network is fined $1 million per incident.
15. Licensing journalists as influences of the general public, thereby if they are caught lying to the public, their license can be pulled and they lose their job
14. Audit all federal agencies and the Federal Reserve, including Forth Knox, which was las done in 1953
13. Disbar all lawyers and judges not following our laws
12. Hold a national convention of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Ancient Religious leaders to attend a week long working session to define and present spiritual paths forward to civility, peace and unity.
11. Cut all federal department budgets by 50%, DOE get cut 90%
10. Eliminate all pork barrel spending and require ALL NEW BILLS to be SINGLE ISSUE BILLS
9. More effective rebuking of Social Media users to begin forwarding and sharing uplifting Christian messaging and less about their dining experiences, concert pics or stupid selfies
8. Another “Wake Up” event, similar to 911, that CALLS US ALL BACK to Love of Christ; Love of Country and Love for our fellow man
7. Trump suggests 10 years in prison for destruction of monuments (no bail no exceptions) 1 year in jail for burning the flag!
6. Trump will request all resignations be submitted on Inauguration Day by top officials or expect to be fired without benefits
5. Get back to the understanding the Bible and how its wisdom and counsel served as this country's founding foundation.
4. “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God..." Ephesians 4:11-14
3. Hound the gates of Glory and ask God to show mercy and heal our land.
2. And this IS the confidence that we HAVE in Him, that WHATEVER we ask according to his will, we know that he hears us, and knowing that he hears us in what we ask, we know we have the very petition of our heart. (1John 5:14-16)
1. Let us approach the throne of grace with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of trouble (Heb 4:16)