E 186: A Prophetic Escalation of the Players in the Middle East - Part 1
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Currently, the US has 16 war ships and their support flotillas amassed in support of Israel. Six are in the Mediterranean Sea (west of Israel) and ten war ships are in the Red Sea to the south of Yemen and Jordon.
To help visualize the chess pieces on the board, to the west of Israel, is the Mediterranean Sea. Tel Aviv and The West Bank is centrally located in Israel and Gaza is on the southwest border of Israel. Lebanon is their bordering neighbor to the north, Jordon to the east and Egypt borders the south.
As you know, Hamas, a terrorist proxy of Iran, based in Gaza, and living amongst the Palestinian’s, albeit under the city of Gaza for protection, dropped out of the sky via hang gliders on October 7…one year ago, and massacred some 1200 Israel kids (young adults) attending an outdoor music festival. No provocation. Just evil unleashed.
The IDF, Israelis Defense Force, for nearly a year have attempted to clear Hamas fighters from Gaza. They discovered 1500 miles of underground tunnels, under mosques, under schools, hospitals, and under playgrounds…tunnels you can drive trucks through in places. They discovered weapons cashes inside hospitals and schools. Hiding if you will behind and within the Palestinian Gaza residents.
To the south, the Houthi’s, based in Yemen, fired rockets and drones at both Israel and US battleships. In the north, Hezbollah in Lebanon, picked up their involvement and started launching rockets at Israel.
Here’s our first glimpse of Bible prophesy. “Nations coming against Israel”…in the 21st century.
If you have just found us, Mark and I covered this initial attack on Israel, in great detail, in Episodes E85, 86, 87 and 88, E115-119, complete with biblical references, geography ownership…a great series for anyone that wants to understand the biblical significance of these events.
Two weeks ago Benjamin Netanyahu changed the course of the War against his country. He switched from defense to offense. Remember the 3,000 pagers Israel intercepted and rigged to detonate in the hands or pants of the Hamas rebels? And two days later, when Hamas switched over to handheld radios, BB had those rigged as well to blow up!
What this did was break the communications of the enemy, making comms, logistics and future coordinated attacks impossible.
This past week, while attending the UN Summit, when Benjamin Netanyahu came up to address the nations, many nations of the middle East, stood up and walked out. Some say this was a prophecy fulfilled, “when nations turned their back on Israel.”
Just after his address, BB gave the green light via a phone call to launched a massive attack on Hezbollah in Lebanon for their missile attacks into northern Israel, the week prior. They didn’t just counter tit-for-tat, like they’ve done for nearly a year.
This time, they had serious intel on targets all over southern Lebanon, and the targets were surgically removed.
This past Tuesday, October 1, 2024, in response to losing their proxy fighters, Iran launched 184 to 200 ballistic missiles at Israel and failed to land a single missile inside Israel.
Could Iran be fulfilling a biblical prophecy in Ez 38:5 “collation of nations”… Iran collaborating with Turkey, Syria, Russia, China and others…now that their proxies have been significantly disabled.