E 190: The Book of Revelation: Understanding the Characters and Symbolism of Prophecy - Part 2
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Today we are going to give you the Symbolism Connections referenced in Rev 16:13+. Here's the code. Symbolism in Revelation: Dragon = Satan (Rev 12:9), Lion of Judah = Jesus, frogs = demons (Rev 16:13), Beasts = nations, Horns = rulers of nations.
A quick review of the nations mentioned in the story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream: (see Daniel 2).
Daniel 2:31-35: In the dream, Nebuchadnezzar saw a great statue made up of several different metals: a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet of iron mixed with clay.
Daniel 2:38: The head of gold represents Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian empire (605 - 539 BC) (this was the first kingdom conquered by);
The Medo-Persia empire (539-331 BC) represents the chest and arms of silver.
The Persians were conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great (331- 168 BC), represented by the belly and thighs of brass.
The Greeks were conquered by Rome (168 BC - 476 AD). Rome being legs of Iron mentioned in Daniel 2:40
The Romans were defeated by the Barbarian tribes, which disintegrated into 10 divisions (representing the feet and toes of iron and clay (Daniel 2:41). The Barbarian tribes eventually became the modern nations of Western Europe.
Alemanni = Germans; Visigoths = Spanish; Franks = French; Suevi = Portuguese; Burgundians = Swiss; Anglo-Saxons = British; Lombards = Italians
The Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths are all extinct.
The reunification of the Western Roman Empire is a dream that has failed every time. European monarchs attempted to establish unity, Charles V tried and failed, Louis XIV of France failed, Napoleon failed, The Kaiser failed, Hitler failed…ALL failed because God told Daniel that “they will not adhere to one another.” (See Daniel 2:42)
Those seven prophetic words have controlled destiny for more than 1500 years…the only thing that will unify the Western Roman Empire - is the arrival of the GREAT STONE of Nebuchadnezzar’s area,..the Kingdom of God which is mentioned in Daniel 2:45
We are currently living in the toes of the image, in the “days of these kings” (Daniel 2:44). Everything in this prophecy has already taken place except one thing - There are no new kingdoms to come in the prophecy…only the kingdom of God.
The typical teaching says that there’s this place in Israel where many nations are going to gather to fight this great battle against Israel.
What made this teaching new to us, was that they went back into the old testament to help interpret the passage in Revelation, which is a great practice, but I have never heard someone do this with Rev 16:13, which talks about Armageddon.
- Mount Sinai where Moses was given the 10 Commandments
- Elisha called down fire to consume the gods of Baal. (Mt. Carmel, 1Kings 18)
- King Saul fought his last battle and died, along with his son Jonathon. (Gilboa)
- Later, the transfiguration took place where Moses, Elijah and Jesus were all glorified before Peter, James, and John. (Mt. Tabor)
The valley between these mountains is Har-Magedon (in the original Hebrew language), which we translate to Armageddon. In this valley many battles were fought, many trade routes were established and many people traveled bc, thru’out time, it was a natural crossroad to get to many places in the Middle East.
So what’s the point of bringing up the history of these mountains and the valley where so much took place.
The people of that time would understand that Har-Magedon is a place where God shows up to do His work, to make things happen, to set His course for what is to come.