A Call for Universal Good Mental Process
Manage episode 311071149 series 3082332
Today's episode features an idea that has been keeping me up at night. Could there ever be some universal good mental processes that everyone agrees on that lead to more happiness and results in our lives? If so, could they become non-negotiable as professional ways to behave in meetings and discussions. I'm fascinated with this idea and share some of those good mental processes as examples in this episode.
Drama is an enormous interference in our life and at Reality-Based Leadership we have found that the average person is spending 2.5 hours per day in drama. This is arguing with reality, blaming, moaning and whining, resisting change, not aligning with their organization - saying things like "this is sick and wrong and shouldn't be happening and I wouldn't have made that decision..."
It is chaos instead of clarity.
Drama is simply mental/emotional waste in our minds that lead to us taking poor actions and getting bad results. In business, if we have waste, we eliminate it by putting in a good process.
How could we get rid of emotional waste? Using good mental processes.
In this episode I consider a world where we had everyone align to good mental processes that the research shows leads to more happiness, better choices and better results.
If we all are looking for relief and peace and incredible results. Surely, it would make sense to have a chance to universally align to proven good mental processes.
That is a Reality-Based Leadership workplace. A No Ego workplace.
Some of those great mental processes includes our Ego Bypass Tools we teach leaders. You can learn those here!
Questions for self-reflection also trigger the use of a good mental process. Here are some of the heavy-hitter questions discussed in this podcast:
- What do I know for sure?
- What would great look like?
- Is what I'm about to say going to add clarity or chaos?
- What is my role in this situation? Decision-maker? Consultant? or just to be informed?
- If I wasn't judging, what would I be doing to help?
This episode is great for anyone wondering:
- How can I lead beyond drama with my teams
- How do deal with conflict at work
- How to manage teams more efficiently
I mentioned Cy Wakeman and my dissertation podcast we did on everything you'd ever need to know about giving and receiving feedback at work - Here is the link to watch that!
Thank you guys for tuning in. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this one!
If you have any feedback or questions let's continue the discussion at any of the places below:
For more of my videos and behind-the-scenes footage of my keynotes and speaking engagements check out my YouTube Channel.
If you'd love for me to speak at your next event you can check out my Speaker's Page to learn more.
You know the deal - stay drama-free my people.