1653 环游世界是生命全新的一种改变,你准备好了?|自我觉察挑战|Day 9
Manage episode 423991951 series 181562
Self-awareness is the first step in change. —Carl Jung 自我觉察是改变的第一步。—卡尔·荣格
Day 9 自我察觉挑战
How do I deal with change? New job, new house, new lifestyle, new people, new rules, new technology.. do I tend to avoid it, welcome it, fear it, like it, complain about it, stress out about it, worry about it?
我是如何面对改变?新的工作、新房子、新的生活方式、新的人、新的规则、新科技... 我是倾向逃离还是欢迎它?害怕它还是喜欢它、抱怨它、感觉有压力还是担心它?
I actually quite like change and generally welcome it. However, I often notice that it takes me a week or two to fully adapt. During this period, I pay attention to the nuances of the change, and I observe both its benefits and drawbacks.
我还蛮喜欢改变的,基本上欢迎改变,但是我常常会注意到自己可能一两个礼拜的变化, 感受到它们到来的巧思,它们到来的好处和坏处
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