1667 只有认识自己,才能找到幸福|自我觉察挑战|Day 22
Manage episode 430751960 series 181562
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今日格言 Only through self-understanding can one find happiness. —Leo Tolstoy 只有自我了解,才能找到幸福。—列夫·托尔斯泰
Day 22 自我察觉挑战 How do I respond to obstacles, hardships, and "bad" things that happen in my life? 对于挫折、困难、或遭遇的坏事,我是如何面对? Although I don't like these things, I face them bravely and try to resolve them, sometimes relying on myself and other times seeking help from others. I allow any negative emotions to naturally pass through me, seeing them as inevitable experiences in life.
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