59: Zach Lambert: A Holistic Inclusive Bible Interpretation
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"Have you ever had a difficult time reading Paul’s Epistles? Ever felt like your questions were not part of the preapproved rhetoric of the groupthink? Zach felt the same way growing up in the Southern Baptist Church and lived at the edges of inclusion, fading further away from his faith. And then he read the Gospels and wondered why his church was not talking about this Jesus guy at all. Today’s conversation is about progressive Christianity and the inclusivity of the early church. We discuss the shift from a way of living and embodying the teachings of Jesus to an emphasis on intellectual agreement with a set of doctrines. We also explore the misinterpretation of Paul's letters and the need to understand them in their historical and cultural context. Zach shares his personal journey from growing up in a conservative evangelical church to finding a radical encounter with Jesus and reconstructing his faith. We highlight the importance of engaging with the life and teachings of Jesus and the need to move away from an insulated subculture of information. The conversation explores the historical link between evangelicalism and fundamentalism, highlighting how evangelicalism has always been fundamentalism with a new coat of paint. It discusses the rise of a nationalistic, state church in the United States and the need for a coalition of shared value churches that embody the work and way of Jesus. The conversation also delves into the formation and purpose of the Post-Evangelical Collective, a non-profit organization that aims to support and resource churches in the post-evangelical movement. The upcoming book by Zach W. Lambert focuses on providing a holistic understanding of Bible interpretation and offers healthier lenses for engaging with scripture.
Zach is the Lead Pastor and founder of Restore, a church that locks arms with the community to help bring restoration to people and neighborhoods in our city and around the world. They say, “We don’t have everything figured out, but we are on a journey of restoration through Jesus who loves people without prejudice or qualification. Restore is a place where you can be yourself, ask questions, and won’t be pressured to conform to any stereotype.” He is a native Austinite, and holds a Bachelors of Science in Communication and a Masters of Theology. Zach is also the co-founder of the Post Evangelical Collective--a group of pastors, artists, and leaders committed to full inclusion, holistic justice, deep and wide formation, a gracious posture, and the Way of Jesus. He has just signed a book contract with Brazos Press to author a book dedicated to help people wounded by harsh and legalistic church leaders rediscover the goodness and life-giving power of the Christian story.
You can connect with Zach’s church here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdqbo_vHkBQ7VWGh9o8TaWQ
You can connect with the Post Evangelicals here: www.PostEvangelicalCollective.org
All Music for this episode is provided by Axeltree
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