Guest Connie Wyatt Coleman
Manage episode 271096142 series 2784719
Hello and welcome to warrior divas real talk for real women. This is your host Angie Lehman ro and in the studio with me today I have Connie Wyatt Coleman. She is a dear friend of mine. She has a long lineage of, of expertise that she brings to the table but more importantly she is a woman that's after Christ's heart and ferociously runs after him every day of her life. So I cannot wait to see we we talked a little bit about how this show may go.
And then we said, You know what, we just need to have one of our talks on the air. So that's what we're doing today. Welcome, Connie. Good to be here. Good to be here. Rules of Engagement. No throw punches today. No throw punches. But that's what we do when we get together, right? Yes. And you know what i have treasured it. Very few friends will take
friendship and allow accountability with it. And we've had a long history of being able to love each other and hold each other accountable at the same time. We have and you know, it's one of those things that we have laughed together. We have cried together. We have been mad together.
We have watched our children grow together. When we met I didn't have grandchildren and now I do. That is crazy. And they're big. They're six getting to see him too.
Yeah, they're beautiful. So, you know it's it's crazy. All the all the things that have happened your girls have grown up gone through high school ones about to get married, you know and, and praise the Lord she has not been a bridezilla. Oh, goodness. That is a Praise the Lord. Yes, I will take it in this day and age with everything going on in the world to
kind of put some things in perspective. Yeah, puts things in perspective for us. So I'm glad to hear all that's going good and all of our lives but you know, we also know that not everybody's doing good with things going on in their world. It doesn't have to do with if you're hearing this and listening to this in the middle of the Coronavirus thing. It doesn't even have to do with that. Some people just have a hard time getting by day by day. life on this earth is just hard, right? It just is. I
I watched a video. Last night somebody had a lady and a pantry. She was singing the song Jolene. But instead of singing it, please don't take my man it says please come and take my man.
And she says, and if you don't answer I'll have to call Irene.
And so I know this affects people in a humorous way it affects people in an angry way and a pic affects people in a lonely way. And one of the things we like to do on warrior divas is just shine a light into that darkness in so you can see a way out and we were talking last night and one of our studies in
john, where you know, that where
there was a challenge to the to the apostles to be that light and to continue to live that light out. Not
To expose, but that that fear and evil cannot reside in the light. And truth is the way truth is the light. And
so, you know, I started thinking, what are some of the ways that I could poke and prod Connie to open up the truth of Christ to to the audience today, you know, because she didn't take a whole lot doesn't take a whole lot. If you get to follow her on Facebook, she shares some little morning devotionals on there quite often that are very good, packed, powerful, very easy to read. And that's not an easy task for someone who is as educated as she is to speak the commoners language that I can read and understand. I love it. All these people getting on and sharing their messages on Facebook and all that stuff in there using all these big words and I'm like, okay, I didn't know I was gonna have to break
a dictionary and a thesaurus to figure out what this person saying, I just want it to be relevant. And that's something that Connie does. Every time she shares in this season, haven't you? There's been a lot of ugly and we'll address some of that later. But there's been such an influx of creativity and
letting their light shine like you're throwing them out and, and even people that maybe didn't before coming on and just time and time again, using all different ways of creativity to make it through this season to encourage other people to love on others, with social distancing in place, but right, you know, just some real creative ways to intentionally reach out to each other. Well, you know, and it's the what it was at the Dallas orchestra performed yesterday. For the first time together since the beginning of
March and they did it all from their own living rooms and did it online together. Yeah. Wonderful. What a wonderful way of you know, right now one of the things that this is teaching us is how to push through limitations. What a great thing. You're telling me I can't do this, but I'm gonna find a way to still be relevant in the world I live in. Yes. And what a great thing for all of us. Wow. Yes, personally and professionally. I know.
My staff up CEO at wise choices Resource Center in pregnancy Resource Center indicator and just getting together with the staff on zoom and going okay. We know what the box is. We know what our limitations are. We know what we can do safely and what we can't within the guidelines and protocol, but Okay, now,
step outside the box. How can we continue to reach our clients
To reach our partners in ways we haven't thought of before, right? That would be sustainable, really, even after this season is over, because there's the good news this season will eventually be over. Well, and while we're recording this today in the studio, we're actually recording this on Good Friday. We are. And the reason I kind of wanted to do that is it's a part of the time that we're in our darkest hour where it's actually between the 12 and 3pm. Our time I know that's not the time it is and in Jerusalem, but our time, this would be the time that was the darkest of the dark days going into Easter weekend.
It's Friday, it's Friday, but you know what Sunday's coming. And we have the benefit of hindsight to see that. Yeah. But you know what Jesus had the full
sight to prepare his disciples before that, so that they wouldn't have to live in fear so they wouldn't have to. They could see hope at the end. You know, I think the thing that gets me is how quickly we judge them. Mm hmm. Because I he tried to tell you, he tried like multiple times, yeah. But then I look at myself, right? And how many times has he fully told me and we have full revelation of Scripture, right? How many times has he shown me the plan and that he will not leave us he will not forsake us. He, he is coming again. And he is victorious. And we have the whole counsel of Scripture and yet we still back up and fear and we still wonder and doubt in the middle of the season if
if what he said is true, and if it will hold true.
So it's
Real easy to look at Peter and go walk. How could you deny him? Right? Well, Connie,
how can you live in fear and deny the power he has in your life? Well, we were talking about
we read the, the gospel of john, in our group Bible study yesterday. And one of the things that we read about was
right after that were Peter, you know, had denied him three times. But when Jesus made it so important to go and see his apostles multiple times after he, after he had risen, and there's the one occasion where he's talking with Peter. And he's telling asking Peter over and over Do you love me? And Peter saying, yes. And do you love me? Yes. And do you love me? Yes.
Excuse me.
And I think the reason gee
This is asking him that is to get Peter to say yes to Him. But also for Peter to hear Jesus say that I love you get it sunken into Peter said, Peter is kinda like my six year old grandson. You got to repeat it a few times for it to sink in. And sometimes you might have to inflect your voice a little more than you really need to you know, it's that Moonstruck snap out of it moment.
Oh, God has to do that to me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Walking through a situation just this last week. And just like, Lord, I could really use the cliff notes at this point. Right. Right. One other chapter just who, let's, let's get some cliff notes here. But well, one of the other things we talked about in our study this week in our warrior divas Facebook group and if you're not a part of it, you should be a part of it because we're starting to do more and more studying in there. And because
We're on a mission to equip and empower.
Not just our generation of women, but women that are coming back behind us, you know, we want it to be a legacy project. And so one of the things we were discussing this week in there was how the Roman soldiers and pilot inherit, they had no clue as to what the scripture said. So when those Roman soldiers are at the feet of Jesus about this time of the day, and they're casting lots for his garment, they had no idea they were fulfilling prophecy. Yeah. The one that pure steam on the side and didn't break his legs. They had no idea they were fulfilling prophecy.
And yet he realized who it was right?
No, I I'm like you we kind of talked about this weekend and I can't believe you know, we're sitting here right now and
Think about all the things that happened on that Friday and just
like today, things you never dreamed, you would see happen, right? The Son of God hung on across Really?
His disciples
did not deny him.
I mean, Christian people would rather loose Brabus than Jesus. I mean, who are we right? But then I start thinking about Saturday.
And when the sun goes down, it's it's the Sabbath, right? And somehow in the middle of the chaos, and the trauma,
they go back home, and even though they don't get it, they don't understand it in the middle of the doubt.
When the hope of their expectation is in the tomb,
they walk by faith
And they cry out to the Lord on the Sabbath. And that, that Saturday to me has always been.
I mean, you know how it is when you come through a trauma and and you get back to your house and you kind of sit down and you kind of start feeling yourself and see if you have, you know, do I have flesh wounds? Did I really survive this day? Did that really happen?
And then Saturday, what, what do I even do with this? What do I even really still believe? Where is my heart Really? And in that quiet Saturday, they still observe the Sabbath. Right? They still honored what the what he had been setting in motion for years. And I think, I think right now is the time to do that. You know,
I think some of the trauma of this COVID thing may be kind of adjusting and now we're moving into
Okay, I've survived the first part, I'm not mortally wounded. I'm not bleeding anywhere. What do I do with today? Right? And that's when we come back and we draw on everything that the Lord has sewn into us.
Yesterday, the day before, the in his previous sness He called us to a season of prayer or diving into the word and if we will, but sit still in his presence. He will draw those things out and you said give us the hope. That Sunday's common Sunday is going to get here he is going to fulfill His promises. He is going to draw us out of this. But I just feel like truly rotten, right in this season. That man this a Saturday season it feels like well, you know, I think there's some some big truth to the fact of the numbness that you just brought up. You know, when all this first started happening, I know
I talk to a lot of people there. They're like, I've just slept a lot and watched a lot of Netflix I'm basically Netflix didn't chilled, which I know that there's another slang for that at times but, you know, sleeping and watching TV sleeping and watching TV, it was a it was a numbness it was this shell shock. It was a What do I do now there were some people that haven't slowed down our grocery workers, our truckers, our doctors and nurses. Those people haven't slowed down, our food processing plants, farmers, they all are still showing up every day. And so, for me, my husband and I own a plumbing company and our plumbing company. While our residential calls haven't been as much. Our commercial calls are still happening because we serve a lot of restaurants, hospitals, food processing plants, right. So for us life hasn't shifted as much as it has for others.
I'm still doing coaching as a matter of fact, I've had people come and hire me since this happened because now they're shifting to add online to their already brick and mortar business or whatever it is. So I'm helping them through that transition along that ways. So
that I still had a day or two where I was like, Whoa, what is this gonna do? And then my sleep schedule got off and all sorts of things. And like the apostles, I had to go, Okay, it's time to get up.
Yeah, yeah, you know, I'm kind of like here. When this first started, God called me to go to the square there and indicator in our small town at seven o'clock every morning, and just pray around the square.
And it was, I thought, just gonna be one day. And then when we when we were there that day is like, no, this is every day until this is done. And I was like, oh,
Because I don't leave the house at 645 in the morning on a normal day. So, um
yeah. So it's it's kind of been that kind of thing that God did that made me stay on a schedule. So I do that and then I go to the office and I'm only one there but you know, Hey, get the work done that needs to be done and then I'm home by two or three my husband's already retired so we were kind of already that's a new normal so getting used to him being retired and home. And so yeah, it hasn't changed as much as a lot of people's lives have.
Man You're right. There's there's some people really adjusting and another thing we've talked about is just the grace that you know, your two days kind of came in the beginning.
Someone else's
reality hit or just
I don't know what you even call those two days, right? crash or shut down or process level we're hitting over the last couple of days as layoffs are starting to happen. Yes. And there will be some like my personality is kind of the kind that just gets through it and doesn't really even see things. I'm a trauma triage person. Yeah, and I'm in it and then once we get done, and it's over and everybody else is all excited about going to work then then mine will come right but as sisters we have to be able to embrace each other and and recognize that we do process all that different. And not only that, but whether one sister isn't as concerned
as someone else or as
sheltered in place. I guess that's shelter in place is the is more out and about or another one is
more cautious.
There's grace for both right? And instead of bashing each other man, we can do better. We can support each other, encourage each other and walk through different seasons in different times, right? And hopefully we're we do that better than I'm seeing some.
You know, like I said earlier in a lot of ways you see a lot of amazing creativity and intentionality coming out and then sometimes,
wow, you know, fear can either mask itself as overly confident or as under confident, and just what we're typically used to seeing fear look at look like
and even in either one, we have to have grace to come alongside and encourage meet them where they are, right. That's what Jesus did for us. That's what he did for Peter. What you were just talking about. He met Peter right?
Worry was right. The typically boisterous Peter now became the overly cautious Peter, right. And Jesus every time
put that and just think I didn't even think about that that's just a number of hours between him being overly confident and slicing the soldier's ear off right. And a few hours later, he's the other way and denying haven nosing. Right? Wow, I had never even really write that. But just a number of very brief hours, that Peter goes through all of that, and yet the Lord had grace, calling back to truth, but had grace and love and mercy for both extremes. Well, you know, we were talking in our study this week about the Pharisees and the Sadducees how they, how they were manipulating pilots so much, you know, and pilot saw it. He he recognized it
And as we read through each of the Gospels we read, you know, Matthew one day mark one day, Luke one day, john one day, and we've got some other verses about the resurrection and, and all that stuff coming up that we're gonna discuss later on today. And the when we're discussing that I said, you know,
the Pharisees and the Sadducees were going to pilot going, you know, he's he's stirring things up and they were pointing at Jesus now all I can think of is, when you point at somebody, you got three fingers pointing back at you, right? So they're pointing at Jesus saying he stirring them up. But in reality, he was stirring their hearts and getting them to see something beyond what the Pharisees and Sadducees were teaching them. That's when they get in trouble. And therefore, oh, come out. They were like our sheep bowls.
are not staying in line. Like, we love
them to stay in line and they're starting to want to look behind the curtain as they say in the laws, you know. And, you know, I love the part where we read last night, that pilot when he put the plaque over Jesus's head that said, the King of Kings King of the Jews, you know, and they're like, no, it needs to say he claimed to be they were trying to spin it. I said, they're like the media today, you know, they're always trying to spin it to put the right words to get the biggest attention to get this to get the things approved. You know, and, and I'm not out here call on fake media. I'm not doing all that stuff because I have some very good friends that are part of the media that do their due diligence. So you know, I'm not going there. I'm not getting on that bandwagon. But on the other side of and with me being in radio media and podcasting, now I am the media.
So, but on the other side of it
is, we need to be cautious of the people around us that are stirring things and pointing to others deflecting to others. We need to have the mindset to look exactly at what is the truth.
And the difficult thing right now is in so many ways, no one knows no one knows right? The truth really is except
you can always know the truth of Scripture, right and always know the truth for the direction of your life for how to treat others are how to walk through problems, even if you don't know the truth of whatever problem it is you're facing or whatever the
disaster for lack of better word, right is.
Because anytime you're walking through one you don't know the truth of it until you get all the way through it and see but this is
is I mean, this is one that has
shaken the world. Yes, rightly or wrongly, and I shake in the world.
And I don't think we've seen half.
And I don't say that, like pessimistically, I don't think the curtains have been pulled back to see the spiritual ramifications of this as much as anything else. Well, I think we talked a little bit too. And the reason I brought up the Pharisees and the Sadducees, we talked a little bit before we came on the air about
we need to be very careful about having a religious spirit during this time. I was in a group the other day and somebody was like, Hey, we're gonna do a call Friday at four, something like that. And somebody on the west coast is like, Well, you know, I'm observing that I'm reading my Bible, because it's Good Friday and the guy goes, well, what's good Friday, you know, and somebody
said, Well, for those that are religious, it's a sacred holiday. And let me just tell you, all right, for those of you that don't know me, Well, I have a sassy side.
Why are you laughing? Connie?
We did I learned it from Connie. No.
I did. Well, you asked my husband, he would say you learn from the best, but
we didn't mention no throat punches, right. I think that might have given a clue. Right? Right. So, but in that group, when the person said, for religious people, in my right part of my mind, I knew she meant no offense to it.
But in my sassy part of my mind, I wanted to say, Well, I'm not religious, but as a Christian, I observe. Yeah. Because to me, there's a difference. There is a difference in being a Christ follower, and full of grace, because what we talk about
About earlier with Jesus talking to Peter, he was talking to Peter after Peter had denied him three times. And he was asking Peter, do you love me? And he asked him three times do you love me? Helping Peter rehabilitate his own heart and his own guilt over the denial of Christ. He was having that intimate moment with you. You know how we, we do. We talked about my six six year old grandson, though that you grab them by the face, you put hands on either side of their face to where their cheeks are just squished up just right. And you go Do you understand me?
And that I can envision in verbal picture. That's what Jesus was doing with Peter. You know, yes, you've made mistakes. Yes, you are a zealous person. But I want you to be zealous for my people. Yes, big difference. Big difference bead my sheep tend to my sheep.
Love My sheep, and being religious about whether or not they're going to church and trusting God for a miracle to heal them and keep them safe and all this.
it's exhausting being self righteous.
And you know what's funny is we can all go there so fast because I mean, let's admit it black and white is way easier. You know?
It's just easier. It is. And the Sagittarius and Pharisees were very black and white, very legalistic by had it down to a science.
But Wow, how they could get it wrong. Right. They could get it wrong. And that just to me, just goes to prove how
easy it is to get off track. They knew the word, right. If anybody knew the word they knew the word right?
didn't have the spirit. They had the religion in the relationship. And here's the thing that really, really gets me.
They knew the word they knew the prophecy.
And watching those soldiers go, were to the to on either side of Jesus and breaking their legs, but not breaking Jesus's leg and piercing him in the side instead. You wonder if they're looking at that going, whoa.
I think they looked at it and said,
Let's fix the mess up our deal. Right? Because at the same about the same time, they're casting the lats. Yeah. to both of those were fulfillment of prophecies by people that were not prophetic people to fill. We're not people of studying of the word, you know. And one of the things I talked early on in the week about was Judas
You know, we call him Judas, the trader,
but he was the first domino to fall in setting the prophecy emotion. Yeah.
Yes, Jesus knew it was all coming.
But for it to happen those 30 pieces of silver had to be exchanged.
Okay, we don't like to think of
a life that includes
broken better and betrayed.
Well, that works.
Um, yeah, it's a betrayal. Right? You know, and and we get all bent out of shape when it happens to us and prayerfully we're not doing it to others. But
yeah, we've got a live on a really, really tough planet to try to walk out and
While he promised us he would lead the way and he would never forsake us, he did not promise us that it was going to be a simple walk, or a simple
journey and to think that
a betrayal was what kicked off.
The prophecies is just kind of telling.
Well, you know, a friend of mine shared something last night we talked about the,
the being laid off of work. You know, there's I've had several friends over the last few days have posted that they've been laid off work and some of them are taking it very well. You know, God's got something better, but some of them are feeling like a betrayal of their employer or the government or even if they work for a friend of theirs, the friend you know, but one of the things that
she was a friend of mine
Catherine Clift shared was she remembers her husband when he used to do his daily live worship podcasting
said that God doesn't demote he promotes and God is always faithful and I was like, What a great reminder to all of us, no matter what we're facing, some of us may be still stuck on Friday still, and and you know, now dealing with the numbness of Saturday, but Sunday is still coming.
And, you know, I,
one of the things I loved yesterday and reading from john, you know, I, I found something new I liked from each of the Gospels. You know, Luke really was great as well. But john, when he he, we call him the narcissist of the Gospels.
Jesus loves the one who Jesus loves, but there's a reason I mean, one of the things that
That I found yesterday in the scripture that not really picked up on it said,
Well, let me find it. I've got it right here. And I say I've got it right here.
And Jesus was looking down is is near the cross of Jesus did his mother, his mother sister marry the wife of colobus
cloak, ah, whatever.
Sounds good to me, and Mary Magdalene, when Jesus saw his mother there and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her woman, here is your son, into the disciple, here's your mother. From that time on, the disciple took her into his home.
Why would why wouldn't john, thank you as the favorite.
Jesus just gave him the blessing of his mother
and gave john the honor of stewarding
Her to the end of her days. Yeah, I would. I would think I was the favorite too, wouldn't you? Well?
Yeah. But also, that comes with a price. It does. He was the only disciples still standing around the cross watching all this happened. Right and he loved, right. So, again. Yeah, I mean, look, I'm I'm Jesus's favorite. He loves me best. Right.
Will I follow him? Right? On Friday? Well, john 30 right in john finished strong. Yeah, Jesus, and even better question.
Survive Friday.
Love Saturday. Rejoice on Sunday.
What are we going to do with Monday and Tuesday, right. I mean, really, you get through the battle, you survive it. You rejoice and you see the victories and you
See what the Lord has done for you? And then what are you going to do go back to how you were living on Wednesday and Thursday?
I mean, what are we going to do with it come Monday and Tuesday Are we going to forget about it and just awake earlier, they thought they were at the top of the world.
And now their world is totally shattered at their feet. And so good question to all of us. So we've had Coronavirus still do. And I'm not at all downplaying the suffering, whether it's health wise, financially, emotionally, that people are going through, but we will survive it. Right. What are we going to do with it? What are we going to do on Monday, that carries the victory that Jesus paid the price for and that we're going to celebrate on Sunday.
What are we going to do on the Monday after Coronavirus?
Right, where will our loyalty and our and our walk and our faithfulness be man? Well, and to be quite honest, if you look at the beginning of the 1900s, we had World War One, we had the Spanish flu. We had the Great Depression. We had World War Two, all before 1950. Right? That's a lot to pack into a 50 year period. That's a lot.
And so we as Americans, you know, even though we're hurting other countries as well, we as Americans,
are countries country has seen difficult times.
We have come through difficult times. That's the time known as the greatest generation, right?
can't even believe what if now is the beginning of the next greatest generation.
It can be they can boo but the choice is ours. What
Do we want it to be? One of the things that we talked about? In? I think it was Matthew that just struck me so solidly is
when the Jews were saying crucified, Jesus crucified Jesus, and parshas pilot was wanting to wash his hands of it. They were like, his blood is on our hands in the hands of our children.
You know, it's, it's apparent the things we do today are the things that our children dream, reap the benefits or the consequences of its Yes, it's just a known fact. So what is it that we what is the legacy we want to live
now is
blessed the other day to be able to record a message for a conference
Coming up for heartbeat international and just a little seven minute kind of like a TED TED Talk. And
the topics had been picked way back.
I don't know last September, probably.
And it's it's so funny how God worked it out because I had submitted a topic for a workshop, but they had asked me to do this talk on a different topic.
And they got crossed. And so what they actually did was put in the,
all the paper, all the promotional stuff that I was doing my seven minute TED Talk.
And it was a different title.
And, you know, in my fleshly, I was like, Well, I can make this work. I can make that title work with the message I already know I'm doing. Well, the title of the message was living out a god sized dream
and I kept trying to make
At work with a message on, I'm just gonna be brutally honest on walking in your authority. Right? Well, you can make the to kind of coincide except when the Lord wants a fresh word, right? And yeah, that you want the cliff notes and he doesn't do that. And so
you know, you you kind of go through it. I'm like, Lord, in the middle of everything that's going on.
You really want me to speak about living out a god sized dream? Really? Um, I don't really want to be virtual so they can't throw anything at me. So this is a good this is a good thing, right? Um, but he just he took me totally off where we are but took me to Solomon. Hmm. And just you know that he asked for understanding and discernment and judgment and God wrapped it up in a nice sized bow and call it wisdom hmm and said for that I will give you
Also wealth and honor.
And I kept studying that message him guys don't get it. I mean, a Who am I to ask for a god sized dream in the middle of all this and be? I don't even know what to ask for if I did, right. And I got to I think it's First Kings chapter three got to verse 15. And it says,
then Solomon awoke.
And I was like, whoa,
wait a minute. You go back to verse five, and it says Solomon was in given which is a place he shouldn't have been in darkness at night, which is kind of where a lot of people feel we are right now. Right.
And God came to him in a dream. Hmm. So all the things that that we remember that Solomon recounted his lineage of from David and from God's promises and everything that's been sewn into him.
We aren't smart enough, right? We aren't good enough. And if we really do want to live out a god sized dream, it really can start now.
Right? And it's
just having the conversation with God to know what his size dream is yes, because we can't. It's not about us dreaming and dreaming a dream and saying, hey, God, will you please bless this? It's about us.
Coming awake,
and letting him teach us what he's already sewn into us. You know, whether it's our setup, or our hang ups or whatever it is, he's already sewn it into us. And when God speaks things into us, he sometimes speaks things into us, that you may not even know is a possibility. Yeah, just because in
I was thinking about Noah. Yeah, Noah builds an ark, because it's gonna be flooded. And it's never rained on the planet Earth up into that point. I mean,
no wonder people were calling him weird and crazy and all sorts of things. But it rain had never fallen on the earth before. And he's building this thing that's supposed to flow. It's supposed to do all this stuff. So God will call you to do things that other people may look at and go, why are you doing that? That's crazy. And chances are if it's a god sized dream, they're going to do that because I find it's a fusions three,
three this month
says now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we can ask. think or imagine
Yeah, I can dream up a lot of really cool stuff.
But God can do beyond write any of that according to the power that works
within us
all about His power, His Spirit working through US and US following where he leads in this season, in good season, in difficult season, right.
And I guess there's a question for us. It's Friday, Sunday's coming, right.
We're kind of on Saturday where it's kind of a still in between.
What are we going to do with that time?
If we really are supposed to shelter in place and a lot of us are home more and have more time on our hands?
What are we doing? I mean, now's when you want to start a god sized dream.
Well, you know heard a new partner. I heard a new episode of Tiger kings coming out on Easter Sunday
I'm joking. I there is one coming out on Sunday but that's not an endorsement of any twitch
that's not an endorsement by any means. I'm just saying you know
how many people are more excited about that than the fact that the tomb is empty on Sunday night?
Yeah, I'm just spoiled it. I've read the book. I've read the ending.
Truly, you know if we have a little extra time and you know, I know a lot of your listeners are, love the Lord and are living some amazing, amazing lives and dreams and ways of tuned on enough to to see the different ways they help.
their communities and each other. And I mean, just some amazing women on here, just say,
what are we doing with this time?
What if we really did, let's just call it Saturday.
And we spent the season of Saturday
letting him awaken us to what he wants to do next.
You know, I'm gonna throw my husband under the bus for a minute, just because he's not in here and I can do that. But early on in our marriage, you know, we would say some things like a lot of married couples do. We may say some things that maybe some of us that have been married a while do too, but the ratio Yeah, that's a whole different topic. We need a different expert
that we say stuff to each other that we say in the heat of the moment that we wish we could have taken
back, because it does cause hurt. It does cause pain. It does cause strife. But there was this phrase that my husband said to me one time early on in our marriage, we're having marital difficulties. And he said,
I love you. But I'm not sure I'm in love with you. And that was rough. Don't get me wrong. We've gone to counseling. We've been married 27 years now almost 28 years now. We got over it. He and he is still alive. It's I'm still married to the same husband. You know, but the other part of it was
me asking myself on a regular basis. Do I love the Lord or am I in love with the Lord?
Because when you love somebody, you're like, Hi, bye. I love you. I mean, I've told the cashier Love you. Bye bye.
But when you're in love with somebody, you want to spend time with them. You want to know what makes them happy. You want to do things for them that make them happy. You want to find a way for y'all to live your lives completely together.
And that's a huge difference. And where I took offense to Mike saying that to me so many years ago, I'm thankful now that he said that to me, because I've had to dig deep and I've had to ask myself that question, as am I living my life as if I'm in love with Christ? Or am I living it as if I'ma Love you, bye.
Oh, sorry, I thought we weren't gonna do any throw punches today. Huge, huge difference, you know, yeah, it's it's a difference in looking for his hand and looking at us
Just that simple. You sit down to study your word to see what he can do for you. Or you sit down to study His Word to hear his heart, right? And see him face to face it
it'll change your life forever. Well, there's there's been times
the more and more I get into the word, you know, used to I'd read the word, and I'd write my little journal and put it have a whole lot of my thoughts in that journal.
And I was super smart. Yeah, I was good at what I was doing right. But then, the other part of it is what I started realizing was when I was starting to write things in my journal questioning things. Normally it was questioning motives of my heart.
It was questioning how willing I was to walk with God how big I was.
Willing to dream with him? How if I could discipline myself in this area? Whoo, I hate that word. Discipline myself in this area that he would open up this area for me. You know, and the more disciplined I became, the more the doors were opening. And I'm not talking about religion and law. I'm talking about being disciplined to be more in tune with him in his calling. walking the street in the neighborhood, not as a hooker.
Okay, walking the street in my neighborhood.
She had died laughing at me right now.
Hey, Jesus, loved tokers. Anyway.
Oh, yeah, that walk in my neighborhood Street. Even if we're not able to be within the six feet with each other
I can still share a smile. I can still share a Hello. I can touch bases with people in my in our Facebook group the other day.
We have a neighborhood Facebook group, right? And here's my thing. There is a church song we used to sing. Back in the olden days they don't sing it so much because we think so much contemporary now, you know, in my church, but back I don't even think I've ever sung this in the church I go to now Whoo, that was a rabbit trail anyway.
The song you they will know we are Christians by our love. Yep. All right.
Well, if you're having intelligence, not by your intelligence, not by me telling you I'm a Christian. Because if you're having to tell me, then I probably wouldn't have never known it from your actions. Not by all the oh
they won't know it by all
The things we don't do, right? The
somebody in our Facebook group post the other day was in our Facebook group for our neighborhood was posting about their next door neighbor. Right? Not one of the neighbors in the almost 300 homes in our neighborhood. Their next door neighbor
was mad because their next door neighbor had called city out on them because their trash cans had been in front of their yard and was mad that they had called the police instead of coming over and having the decency to knock on their door and have the conversation and all this stuff on Facebook. So they put it on Facebook and then said in there several times and I'm a Christian and data and all this stuff. I'm like you're making it worse. No, you're a religious person. Please don't. Please, please don't tell anyone that you're a Christian. Just please don't. And then the other part is is we wanted to tell them to will. Couldn't you have gone next door and had the conference
They're Christian.
They're Christian they they everybody should cater to them.
You know, my favorite along those lines, if you talk to any waitress, oh, you're about to push a button here. The the time they hate to wait on tables the most is when the rude people come in after church on Sunday because they're very rude. They're very demanding and they do not tip. No, they leave little pamphlets and little business cards with Jesus loves you on it and they don't tip their server. They're also probably the ones that don't tie the well at church either. I'm just I'm not judging. I'm not judging. I'm just putting it out there. We can do better. We can do better. Because here's the thing. Once the Sunday came, you know, I love it. I keep going back to john because not because it's the freshest
But because he was just more in tune with the behind the scenes the things that most people don't talk about his favorite well I relate to him really well because I'm everybody's favorite but
but john whenever he runs the team he stops and looks in but in true Peter fashion john notes that Peter grunts straight in all right.
So Peters in there John's in there they go back. Mary's telling the other disciples all this stuff by now she seen Jesus she's had a conversation. But you know when she went and talked to Peter and john, she was trembling. She was wondering she was she was upset. It didn't really say she was fearful, but she was upset. But by the time she broke the news to the rest of the disciples, she was elated. She had seen Jesus. I mean, look
When you are in a terrifying situation
and even now if it's in your spirit, hers was audibly.
You hear the Savior
call out your name
didn't get any better. It calms you instantly. It fires you up instantly. it verifies everything you've ever thought he sewn into you before told you before.
And that's all it took was for the man she was in love with the teacher, the Savior she was in love with not just love distance, distant link
to just in the craziness of the moment.
Call out Mary. Well, I think I think it for me, you know, people like oh, you just like that it was a woman and you're
into women empowerment and all that stuff. I said, There is so much more to this than that. I said, here's the thing. Mary had seven demons cast out of her. She had already seen what she thought was impossible become possible. Yes. Who better for Jesus to show himself to somebody who was already primed and ready to see what they believed was once impossible.
I mean, how cool is that? I love it. You know, I feel like I'm that person.
My husband thinks I'm that person.
Which demon am I talking the hangry one.
that has
lived less than a chosen daughter of the king.
has heard his voice call me to himself and has forgiven and redeemed and restored and allowed my place of deepest wounding to become
his place
to show off what he can do, right? I
totally identify with what you just said.
Well, we have to take a quick break because you know, they like for the commercials to run here to pay for our radio time slot and all of that. So we're gonna take a quick break and when we come back, we're gonna dive into what happened from Sunday and beyond.
Hey, this is Angie Monroe of the warrior Davis show broadcasting live each Tuesday 11am Central from globe life park in Arlington, Texas, login to hear real talk with real women that will empower and equip you to make a more
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All right, and we are back with Connie Wyatt Coleman. And we are having some great conversation. We've talked a little bit about Friday and Saturday and leading up to that, and we've talked a little bit about Sunday. But you know, one of the things that
as we were talking about Jesus appearing to marry and then to his decision
a lot of times it would have made more sense if you look at it if he would have gone from today's standard of people gone back and shown himself to the Pharisees the Pharisees the pilot and gone
okay keep me
I don't know we're
coming out
Oh, we have jumped the shark now. But you know he in my mind that's who I would have shown myself to you thought you could keep me down boom. And a lot of tastes today we see that people in today's society. I was down this is my comeback. I'm you know, you know someone's
So said this about me and I defeated that and I have made myself this because of that you had made yourself squat.
No self made nothing. I'm a self made man say, I make those all the time.
There's a
doctor of theology. That friend of mine that had a post up yesterday, and
he says, Some of y'all aren't gonna like this. It's Dr. Mike Brown.
And I really don't care.
He says before I say what needs to be said I acknowledge the sacrifice and work of American people attempting to do all we can do to mitigate the virus. There has been cooperation, sacrifice, adaptation and behavior monitoring.
Which are commendable and noteworthy and exemplary. I love my country and its people. Having acknowledged all that, well, here we go again, claiming all our hard work and sacrifices beginning to turn this virus around.
just heard on TV how impressive we have been in lowing the projective death tolls. Meanwhile, men and women of God who are battling in the spirit against this calling millions to prayer and sounding trumpet for repentance, a return to the Lord and a humble petition for his deliverance are mocked and castigated. See I can learn big words and lampooned as antiquated, flat earth fools, believers who are praying, fasting and calling out to God or patted on the head like little ignorant trolls that must be tolerated until their kind will eventually be absorbed by the globalist monolith with all of this sublime
And superior wisdom say that he's one of my people that writes some big words that I have a hard time with. And
so, you know, he's, he says, quit claiming God's glory for ourselves less through our arrogance, we inform him we can handle these problems on our own.
Romans 121 through 22, because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God. Neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. professing themselves to be wise they became fools. God forgive us remember us in Deliver us. You are refuge in our strong tower forever and ever.
So my,
I thought that was I thought that was a good deep word for us.
sit with because,
you know, even the disciples could have gone. Have you seen my Jesus? Looky there, he did this and then he was boom, then he was back as
well and leave it to Peter he kind of did. Right. Not in those terms, not in his own strength, right. But after
Jesus was on earth and after he showed himself to the people and after he transcended
that's when that's when Peter
walked in and the power and an anointing fell. And I mean, yeah, he was. He might not have done it with the mic drop. Right. But I mean, he did he was like, just an airdrop. Yeah.
Whoo, y'all
This is the Jesus who offers you salvation. Right? This is the Jesus who offers you eternal life.
Spirit had opened up and people could hear truth and understand truth and the huge movement of people coming to understand who Jesus was, and what he was here to do.
Just exploded.
Well, you know,
so what are we going to do after Sunday? Well, first off, we we need to not be like Thomas.
Poor Thomas. You know, he was the one that because he hadn't been there and seen Jesus when everybody else did. He he had to touching him and poke his hand into his side and all that stuff. Believe. It doesn't say any of the other disciples did that. So
Thomas was a bit morbid we know that.
But when when we did this,
you know, I love that Jesus without saying he was omnipresent, showed he was omnipresent in this because if Jesus had come back and said, john called me and told me that you were doubting me and who I am, then Jesus would have said it there because john would have written it down. But Jesus didn't say that. Jesus came in and said, Peace be with you then said to Thomas, Put your finger here. He was laying Thomas that he already knew what Thomas needed to believe.
We did. He didn't have to articulate that to Jesus.
Jesus already knew.
And guess what?
He knows what each one of us need.
Well, okay, so we're going to talk about Christian versus religious again.
If I put out on Facebook or in a group that I have an unspoken prayer requests
if somebody it then I somebody comes to me and tells me that they can't pray for me because they don't know what what I need prayer for because it's unspoken.
Why are you trying not to lab
that that that they need to know what I need prayer for so they can specifically proof to God for me.
She's got this look on her face to people like she's trying to choke back. Tears of laughter
I'm waiting for how you responded.
I'm sure I'm sure that wasn't one of those that I held back on the keyboard once. But basically, somebody had shared in one of our groups that someone so needed prayer, no, I
shared that someone so needed prayer, please pray for her. And they came back and, and it was like three comments of you need to tell us what's wrong so we can pray the right way and ask the Holy Spirit to intervene, intervene the right way, and dah, dah, dah. It was just like boom, boom, boom, boom. And
mine was very short and to the point, when more through better, we can do better. She keeps a weekend. I mean, let's be honest, spiritual abuse takes all forms. It can be sassy or ferrocene. smacking somebody over the head with a Bible verse instead of meeting them where they are, and loving them and loving them to a new level.
And ladies, let's just say it, it can be women who mask prayer, as gossip beauty shop for your circles. Yeah.
God does not need you to know the details in order to sit down and say,
Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus help my friend. They need you. They're crying out to you, you know what they need? And I know you're able. Right? Amen. Right. I don't need another detail. There is nothing about my prayers that can really do it. It's just us petitioning together. Let's take it a step further. So obedience, if you need to know the details, the Holy Spirit is able to quicken your heart on what to pray for, right?
You don't have to, you just don't have to write I can't tell you how many times that I have heard prayer
meetings, turned into gossip sessions because we cannot just simply say hey, so and so nice.
Prayer. In order for people to really truly pray fervently, we think they need to know the detail that you know, because her husband this and her daughter that and her son did the other end, right.
That's a failure on Christians, brothers and sisters, to take prayer requests to the Lord seriously.
And it's a failure on our part to abuse each other. With gossip when there's no need for it if we're truly relying on the spirit to pray. Sorry, you just hit a nerve.
I cannot stand it. Well, you know, last year
it's interesting. We're coming up on a year
my friend Kim passed away,
and on
the wee morning hours of a
April 18.
I woke up in the middle of the night, my husband and son were up in Arkansas with my parents and woke up in the wee mornings of the night and I wrote a letter to her in in Facebook Messenger, just letting her know how much I loved her how much I cared for how much you know, I didn't. I didn't know where she was in her medical crisis at that time to if she was even reading things or not. And
I went back to sleep. After I wrote that letter. It took me a while to go back to sleep, but I basically cried myself to sleep that night after writing that letter.
And I woke up the next morning, and there was a post on her page. That said, Please pray for my family.
I had not verbally talked with my friend in weeks
But I knew that day from that post on her and what God had started my spirit overnight
that my friend was soon to answer death's door.
I knew it.
I didn't have to have her pick up the phone and call me. I didn't have to have her daughter pick up the phone and call me. I didn't have to get a text. I didn't have to get a detail about how the body had ravaged her system. The chemo had ravaged her system so much and done it. I didn't mean any of that. You didn't have to comment on the Facebook post inside tell us what's going on? No, no, no, you know, I didn't have to do that either.
All I had to do basically about the time I saw that post, my husband called from Arkansas to tell me that we had lost another loved one in Ohio. That was our third death then since January and on his side of the family.
He's trying to talk to me. As he's talking to me, he can notice that my voice ain't right.
And I could just go, I said, I have this sense that Kim is dying.
And he's like, Well, what do you know? I'm like, that she's dying. And he goes out of you know, that. I'm like, it's just a sense, you know? And it was just
and she was the one that pushed me and challenged me and never wanted me to hang back to what she was called to, but she wanted to be involved into what we were doing. Yes. Right. And so, being in tune with her brought me in tune with God. being in tune with God brought me in tune with her.
Last week.
God I post, from a cousin in Georgia saw posts from a cousin in Georgia.
Just saw one of the kids posted, please pray for my family.
Instantly I knew what had happened. Before my husband even got confirmation of what had happened. I instantly knew because I'm connected with that mom.
And we have shared our hearts with each other.
And were to share each other's hearts. The Holy Spirit intervenes to communicate in ways between us that when we don't have the strength or the energy to pick up the phone and make the call, the Holy Spirit can say, hey, you need to text them. You need to call them you need to check on them.
When you find that true, yeah.
Some of us are better at doing it.
I mean, I
just yesterday
I mean, I considering my older brother, right?
And he posts to Facebook almost every morning. And
I saw it yesterday morning. He had posted it Wednesday.
But I just saw it. And I mean in the first three or four words,
I could hear in his voice that something wasn't right. Right. And he was he was absolutely transparent on the post just that it had been a rough day and he's, you know, walking through this and a pastor friend had passed away, but there was just something
deeper, it felt like, again, to your point, I know his heart, right. And so I just text shot him a text real quick. And I'm like, Look, I know, I know you're trying to navigate all of this and blah, blah, blah, and just know in this moment, right now. I'm praying strength for you.
And I almost he texted me back
He said, You know, when I posted that yesterday I had this, just this feeling just this over, was overcome with it.
He's a little did I know,
by 10 o'clock last night, or the night that he posted that deal, but 10 o'clock that mind. His father passed away. Oh my goodness, he got the call. He was able to get there and he had about an hour with his father.
But that he didn't he didn't have to ask outside of that post.
Say Anything else was going on? I had no clue his dad had been sick again. Right.
But I just knew after hearing his voice that he needed encouragement Hmm, I had no clue anything else that had transpired. Didn't need to know right. The need to know just needed to know that I was reaching out for him.
So can do what do we do after Sunday? Yeah.
We live life with people. And when God put somebody on your heart, follow up with it, right or no follow up. I, I can't tell you personally, how many times
you know, I've told you 100 times I thought before I took this job that I knew what spiritual warfare was, I thought I was prepared.
I had no
No, no, no clue, no clue. And there have been many times, just online that it's not something that people ask for prayer for necessarily, it's not something that you would ever put on Facebook, but just the, the battles that come and God has quickened to other people's spirits, right to to call or just to send it, send a text or, hey, you want to go have coffee, you know, just any little thing but somewhere along the way,
the Holy Spirit put me on other people's hearts.
When I needed it, and they didn't need details,
probably didn't even share details when we went to coffee. Right? Not with a lot of them.
But some of them just Hey, you just crossed my mind. I want you to know, you know, I love you keep going strong. Well, and, and here's the other thing that you have to realize even Jesus had tears to His disciples. He took his disciples within places. He taught lessons that they were all able to hear and do. But even when he went to have certain moments with disciples, there are some that were closer to him than others, that he confided in more so than others. And that's okay, too. Yeah. You don't have to tell everybody everything that's going on. You know, you shouldn't and Connie's one of those people that knows a lot of what goes on with
If she doesn't know it right away, she'll know it at some point when we have a discussion. And, and I'm hoping that I always hope that I'm that friend to my friends whenever I'm doing that as well, that they feel that they can speak and open their hearts to me and tell me anything. And it will not shock me it will not hurt me it will not push me away. And that I will not think that they are less than a Christian. I will just love them as Christ loved them. You know, and, and we need to be that friend to others. I know. One of the ways the Lord has done that, for me is just for several. I don't even remember when he really put it on my heart but somebody was going through a trial and
you know, just letting them know I'm there letting them know I'm there. I don't you know what, I'm available to you whenever you need me. You don't have to tell me a thing. You don't have to tell me what's going on. just text me the word
Jesus, and I will know immediately, right? That you need prayer that you need me to intercede in your behalf and you need me to stand in the gap or stand strong with you. Hmm. And that's all I need to know.
That's it text me the name Jesus. Right.
And I have some friends that that take me up on. Right. And I'm thankful because I have friends that
man, I can just sit and pray, please pray.
And that's where the power is. Because, look, here's the truth when when we're in the middle of a battle, right?
We may think we know
what our prayer need is.
Chances are just like right now, we don't know truth. We don't know truth of situation that we're in right now. And when we're in the middle of a battle, a lot of times we can see pieces and parts but we can't pull ourselves out.
Have it far enough to see the big picture, right? And if I'm telling someone what to pray, instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to tell them what to pray, hmm, if they're praying for what I want them to pray for, that may or may not be what I need, it may or may not be what the Lord has for me. So if I truly want people to pray where the need is,
I'll leave that up to the Holy Spirit as much as possible.
You know, as you're talking about that, I started thinking about the movie,
you know, cuz,
and there's a reason for it when you're in the middle of the tornado. When they were they were driving into the storm to get the data from the storm twister. twister. That's what's called twister. Yeah, Helen Hunt. Yeah, she dropped, they dropped their driving in there to get all that data out of it. But to drive in there, they had to have the other one stay back to be able to tell where the tornado was going and where
Their exit route was too close because they were too close and, and you know, even being in the truck, she's like cow,
another cow. He says, I think that's the same cow.
Because at that point, they just didn't know what direction was the right direction out and, and there's been times where I've been in the thick of it and I'm like, I don't even know how to pray for me, right?
I just don't even know what I need right now. Sleep, sleep would be nice. When when Ali had the twins and we were all here. It was like Sleep, sleep would be nice, but you know.
But then
there have been unexpected blessings that have happened because what happens when you just say I just need you to pray and you don't give guidance to what you need prayer for. The Holy Spirit supernaturally opens.
have so much more than you could ever imagine because you've opened your receiver up to receive more than you ever hoped was possible.
Just kind of who he is. Isn't that awesome? Our God is a great God.
My dad, he's kind of cool.
Yo, I'm also loved that. After Sunday, the apostles went fishing.
Yeah, they went right back to living their lives. I did. Not the same. They were forever changed and, and yes, Jesus showed up and did the miracles of the fish. And then like they said he in that I love me. Do you love me, Peter, do you love me? He was reinstating Jesus. Jesus was reinstating Peter at that point he was he was getting Peter to realize his role and his purpose in being the rock the foundation that the church was going to be built on. That Yes, you may stumble and
Ball. But there's still grace. You're still love your there's still like place for you. And how many of us have stumbled and fallen in life? I know I have many times more than three. More than
more than more than three. But you know, I love that too because he
Do you love me? Yes, Lord, right Feed my sheep. Right? Feed my sheep. It's not about you, right? It's about others.
But the whole scenario is, well, Jesus, cook them breakfast, hmm. And then told Peter to feed his sheep. We can't give what we don't have. Right. The Lord feeds us so that we can feed others. It's not about us. It's not about promoting us. It's not about a platform for us. It's about the Lord sowing into us what he has for us
To live in us and through us, and then us beating others with that. Because
if you're not
spending time with the Lord and you're not in His Word,
then I can say, hey, Angie, you know I'm rooting for you, all day long. I can share my great intellect, intellect with you.
Be slim pickins more than one.
What do I have that really offers you any hope? one thing and one thing only the love of Jesus Christ, right? He says it into me so that I can sell it into others
into story. And that's just what did he win over death hell in the grave to do
to feed us? Right so that we can feed others.
But that's what the whole that's what living on a god sized dream is about.
Right. It's it's not about us. It's never about us. It's always, always about sowing life into others. Always. Well, and, you know, when he's telling them wait, we joked all week there's so quit hoarding the toilet paper. It's all about it's not God, toilet paper. Sorry.
But, you know everybody talking about spraying and praying but are they really pray in
the Lysol spray and pray, spray and pray that
you know, we make fun of the disciples being told so many times we talked about that earlier.
But we've already talked about how we've been told multiple times, but when he goes in, he talks to the disciples and He presents himself to the disciples. And then he presents himself to Thomas he goes in there because you have seen me you have believed Blessed are those who have not seen any
Yeah, believe me, and believe, you know, here's the thing. They had something a gift, john 316, you have a gift that I'm giving you, you know, my only beloved son.
This is a big love gift I'm giving you It's better than a diamond ring girls.
And I'm giving you this gift.
Enjoy your time with him.
feed off of your time with him absorb from him as much as you possibly can. Because you have no idea the legacy that your involvement in these three years with my son is going to have. I mean, they couldn't even grasp the fact that he was going to come back from the dead. Could you think they would be able to grasp that 2000 years later we would be sitting here talking about him. And then
the most favorite one of all
Yeah. And the Doubting Thomas.
I mean, no, who would have thought it? No.
And we're in a microwave society. Now we don't think about that either. No, we don't think that the decisions that I make today
affect my children.
We might think that far.
But we don't even
can't even fathom
what the Lord has passed us because of us. Right, if we will
surrender to what he's calling us to do.
All right. You know, Kim Slater had her surgery and beginning of January, and she has had an opportunity to look internally both physically and spiritually
During this journey, and I saw her on that podcast the other day, yeah, she is.
With God's help she is slaying it. Oh yeah, she is she's doing amazing she, she has God gave her the word of the year this year as restart.
And that was before January one came around in January 2 she had her open heart surgery right. And when I went and saw her The day after she came home from the hospital, she has a heart shaped pillow. And on there, the doctor drew it has the it's a heart like a Valentine heart shape.
heart but it has a picture of a heart medical wise on there. It's what she could use to hold up against the wrists incision when she went to cough because it was going to be painful, right.
But on there, the doctor drew and showed her what he had done internally on her
So she could see scientifically what was done physically inside of her to open up her, her get blood flowing better. And it was amazing. The day after her surgery days after her surgery, just the color that was back in her that hadn't been there in years he didn't know. And just not knowing how bad she was until it happened. But with that change, it's had overflow effect. She has lost weight. She has started eating healthier, making healthier choices, learning about how to fuel her body the right way, learning that she actually likes to exercise. She doesn't like getting started. But once she started she actually likes it. You know, so she can just get past that little bump of starting. It's like me riding the bike with a stun the other
A Day in the neighborhood. We go to one driveway, and he'd stopped so I'd have to stop my bike. And he was taking arrest like a six year old knees, take arrest, he was taking arrest. Then he rides to the next driveway and he stops about the time I get my momentum going, I have to stop again. I stopped and started I don't know how many times down just a block of my street riding down the street and back. And that's the hardest part for me to getting started. Once I got going. I was on a groove. I was ready to go
to the next driveway to the next driveway when we had stopped again, in a sense, like, I need a break and hate.
And I'm like, Are you serious? Do you need a break? He goes No, I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Boy, not to love somebody.
But how hard is it that many people say the Getting Started
is the hardest part.
You know? And there's a quote by Zig Ziglar says, You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
Yep. If you want the greatness and the goodness of all that God has for you, you have to start spending time with him. The only way it happens, the only way it happens.
And I told Mike, I said, I haven't drained much in the last year. I really can't tell you on a hand how many times I've drained the last year.
I've been reading more intently this week. I've been reading my Bible the last year but not
not as ferociously as I have.
In the last month.
My dreams have woke up and this week they have gotten even more intense like I wake up and I know
The dreams I had when I was sleeping. So let me tell you
back Solomon, right, that verse 15 says, he awoke and behold, it was a dream.
So he awoke. And he got his little back, but back to Jerusalem where it belonged. And he offered sacrifices to the Lord, which for us, is kind of the moment of decision.
Are we or are we not going to be willing to walk out what the Lord is sewn into us? So he awoke, and then right, that Getting Started you're then it's walking it out. His then was when I mean the very next thing, the two moms come to him fighting over the baby, right?
I mean, it's like, so he, he, he had asked for understanding discernment and judgment. So he walked back through everything they had told him and repeated it back to him. So I had understanding. He exercise discernment. Premium is the word I'll cut it in half. Not exactly the
deserve you and I will. But
and it brought him to a point of judgment being able to see who the had the true heart of a mom. Right?
He walked out what God had told him in the dream. So he awoke. And then you're in your then he's already woken you, hmm. awakened you. However, I've been woke, woke.
you've read, dedicated to be in back in the word right and back into what it's
all that He has for you in that word, then, then he's walking you step by step.
It's just, it's not difficult. Well, it may get hard. And here's the thing. I've been raised in the church. Yeah, I've read the Bible my whole life. Here's the thing I want people to understand. There.
There are times that we let things come up against us that distract us and pull us. And sooner or later things get edged out
of our lives. And sometimes it's our discipline to
be as
absorbing of God's word as we need to be. So
reading the Bible is one thing. But being, being to where you're chasing after God is a totally different than on sometimes there are seasons. Walk in the neighborhood every morning, just on a leisurely stroll is one thing walking the neighborhood at a five mile pace for in an hour is a totally different walk. I want to go on the first one with you, right? But you know, but when Jesus I want to go on the second one, right? Let's go. Let's do this. Let's it's Monday. It's Monday. So
Now the apostles are going out and they're getting to say, Hey, did you hear?
They're getting to be the CNN and the BBC. And actually, they're the ad.
News. After death news, Oh.
Well, it was the BBC
broadcasts before Christ and the ad news after death news. They were the ad news. The good news, they were the ones that were going out. And hey, did you hear? Hey, are you know Jesus is alive? Hey, we've got this. Hey, come do fellowship with us. Come to our house, come to our whatever. You know what? They said groups of 10. Right. Home groups don't have to be larger than groups of 10.
Yo, the maybe maybe God trying to focus on
The bigness in the focus of the four walls of a church to us being the church in our bodies, yes. Temple, temple, little bit of Temple, not tempo temple.
You know, I'm reminded I love this phrase of this guy that comes up to a pastor in the church parking lot. He's like, Pastor, so and so over here needs their electric paid, and the church needs to pay it.
And the pastor looks at him and goes, Okay, church, pay it.
Because it's not the four walls. It's not the budget that looks all pretty. It's not, you know, how all of that flows. And if you've got the best worship service going on, if it's like a major production, that's not what it's about. It's about being in tune with the heart of God and that's not a nine to noon on Sunday thing that
And every minute of every day of every week thing. Yeah. Because those disciples
if they had just heard of Jesus and heard the story of what had happened,
their recounting it would have been drastically different. Right? But they knew him. They loved him. They walked with Him, they spent time with him. They saw how he lived in everyday life, which for him,
was was perfect. Those that walk with me in everyday life don't get that blessing might not right. But they knew him. Right. And so
our testimony cannot be the same.
If we don't know him on that level, or if we've let the relationship get stale,
Or if we're one step back, and we know of him. And I heard this about this guy and that he did this and that that happened, right? instead of like you said, being able to say, my Jesus, my Jesus, my, Jesus did this. And I know it because he showed himself to us after. I mean, he showed up to what like 500 and some of the people right after He resurrected, so it it's not. It's not a secret, right? But he came to those who loved first and they went with him to the others and it just we have to have that relationship. You can't survive.
disease, Corona, losing jobs, fear you can't do it just knowing him. one step removed. My pastor told me a story. My Sunday school teacher
taught me this, my small group leader taught me that
you have to know Him for yourself.
My mentor and friend, john Maxwell, right? He teaches us all the time he goes, you may share a story that I shared with you, because but once you get to feel uncomfortable with that story, because you claim that story is your own. You don't have to say my friend john told the story once. Because you've told it three times. Now you've put it a part of your teaching. You can make it your story now. Yeah. He said, it's just like reading the Bible.
He goes because you're getting intimate. With the details. Yeah. And he goes, and it's my and he does a when we do our international training twice a year. We didn't do it in March this year. Because of all of this. We had a virtual summit instead. But
he does a church service.
On the third morning every time and it's opened all the family members, all the visitors that come with the trainees and stuff and it's a packed out crowd. And he always shares from his heart in the most transparent moments there. And it's always a good teaching, but he, he talks about being the one that Jesus takes to the mountaintop with
And Jesus knew before he got there, he didn't sit there and go, Well, let me see. He already knew before he got there, who he was going, who, who was qualified to go to the mountaintop with him, because those who had spent time with him more intimately than the others and had paid attention more intimately than the others. He took those a little bit higher, and he still had time to himself to pray that they went higher with him and
For me, looking and reading each of these stories and reading the Easter story, in each
version of the gospel,
brought the story more alive to me. Because in the first three gospels, it says Mary came back and got the other disciples
list that has nothing to do with john and Peter going to the tomb.
It says that Mary came and told the disciples that Jesus,
Matthew, Mark and Luke left out that john Pater had already gone to the
chapter and john, we had some no I was there first.
There, so. So taking the time and going and reading the stories, you know, one of the things if you've been out of the Bible for a while if you've been not as ferociously chasing after God as you should have been
Start in the New Testament,
read the stories of Jesus and find the versions of the stories in each gospel. Because the other night I said when a police officer shows up at a crime scene, right? He gets witness statements. He doesn't just go and get one witness statement. If there's multiple people he gets everybody's because that's how you can get a better complete picture of what happened, right?
That's what's going on with the Gospels here is you're getting multiple personality types. With a different sense of vision, john was more in tune with the way people personally struggled through their decision making, where Matthew was more analytical about it.
Luke was a little more colorful, so each of them had their own perspective of which they shared the story. And so if you're out there and you're
ready to kick it off,
Get in there and read those Gospels. If not. We are starting in our warrior divas Facebook group a morning devotional every morning. We'll have a Monday night discussion every Monday night starting
in not this month, well, this Monday Coming up, we'll start it. So you can join and watch the Facebook Live of the devotional in the morning. You can read your verses yourself, follow along in that and then come back and discuss all of them for the week with us on that following Monday night. Maybe we can get Connie to come on and do some guest devotional devotions for us.
Straight from her study area at her house. And her little happy spot she has.
And Connie I just want to thank you for coming on today. I know. Good Friday is a day that we like to Observe but it's also day we like to just celebrate our Jesus. So, thank you.
I thank you again for coming. And for those of you remember to tune in next week for another show of warrior demons, real talk for real women and until then you be blessed. Thank you
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