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既然AI都來搶藝術家飯碗了,會不會以後的美與醜,都是AI機器人說了算? When ChatGPT was first introduced to the world, we were at first impressed with what AI could do. Pretty soon we were hit with the reality(遭受現實打擊) that many jobs today would one day cease to exist(不存在) because they would be replaced by AI. One field that people believe might be rendered obsolete(視為過時) is arts, an…
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At the beginning of a new year, many people like to make New Year Resolutions(新年新希望), but most resolutions tend to focus on oneself. For example, some people want to lose weight, some want to get better grades, some wish to find a partner, and some resolve to go to bed earlier. Although there’s nothing wrong with self-improvement, experts have sugg…
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廚神也非從小立志拿鍋鏟,茫茫人生還找不到夢想,也不代表一輩子看不到成功的曙光。 🐍 蛇年李老師陪你讀英語,愛智靈蛇蜿蜒向前行。 ☕️想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡,讓學習的湧泉源源不絕吧! 💁🏻‍♀️李老師的Facebook與Instagram: Facebook: Instagram: 💁🏻小幫手Aaron的Instagram: h…
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Do you know that from September 29 to November 25, the moon won’t be the only celestial being (天體)that orbits (繞行)the earth? If you look up into the space using a high definition telescope(高畫質望遠鏡), you will in fact see a mini moon, an asteroid named 2024 PT5. An asteroid(隕石) is a small rocky object that travels around the sun. After November 25, th…
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For people who bet in the future of electric vehicles, this will be an exciting piece of news. Researchers in Arkansas, a state in the Midwest of the US, have announced that they have found huge reserve of lithium (鋰的儲備區)in southern region of the state. Lithium is a valuable, scarce raw material that’s needed to make batteries for electric vehicles…
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Remember back in elementary school days, you are asked to memorize that there are seven continents in the world. And they are Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, Africa, Oceania. You are even asked to do some worksheets to help you memorize all of the seven. Well, that number might change in the future. According to an October a…
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Imagine discovering a lost city while you are pulling an all-nighter to finish your history paper. That’s what happened to an archeology student studying in Tulane University in Louisiana. Luke Auld-Thomas, a doctoral student at Tulane spotted the ancient Mayan site in the scans collected by NASA using lidar, a technology that uses airborne lasers …
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故事頗荒唐的但卻又很富英式幽默的文字,但,仔細想想,用這樣直球對決、一針見血的文字來敲醒執迷不悟的腦袋,不是也挺過癮的嗎🤭 聽完導讀後,有❤️動,真的先去網站放入購物車(🛒別猶豫了,畢竟庫存不多了) ☕️ 想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡吧! 💁🏻‍♀️李老師的Facebook與Instagram: Facebook: Instagram:…
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When we think of elite mountaineers, the people that come to mind tend to be Caucasian white men. However without Nepal‘s ethnic Sherpas‘ assistance, their record-breaking achievements would not be possible. Sadly, Sherpas‘ contributions to this sport remain largely unseen and unrecognized . Naturally they also rarely receive the lucrative endorsem…
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Recently a group of archeologists discovered a painting on a wall of a cave on an island of Indonesia. The painting depicts a boar, a wild pig, and three human shape figures. Because of its age, it’s hard to see clearly, but it looks like the humans are hunting the pig. Scientists believe the painting might be more than 51000 years old. They are th…
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What’s the worst nightmare that parents might have when taking their kids to a museum? Off the top of my head, it will be accidentally damaging a piece of priceless artwork or artifact 有歷史價值的手工藝品 and that’s exactly what happened to a family in Israel. Anna Geller and her husband took their three kids on a museum trip one day in early September. The…
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Faced with aging and declining population, the Chinese government is doing everything they can to coax women into motherhood. Mr. Xi, the leader of China, has repeatedly said that promoting childbirth is a national priority which ensures that women “always walk with the party”. According to a China correspondent working for the New York Times, the …
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As autumn is in full swing, flu, COVID season comes on the heels of it. The CDC of the US says while there’s evidence showing rampant COVID cases, the current variant, an offshoot of omicron, is not causing an increase in serious illnesses and deaths. One more welcome news on the vaccine front is that a group of scientists in University of Texas ma…
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Imagine being the first human to see things that others in the world have never seen and trying to convince others around him that the invisible organisms are real. That person is Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. Leeuwenhoek was born in 1632 in the city of Delft, Netherlands. By day, he made a living by selling clothes. By night, he made lenses used in mic…
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Stonehenge (巨石陣)is probably the most famous prehistoric structure in England. It is a collection of enormous rectangular stones arranged in a circle in an open field south of London. Archeologists say that Stonehenge was built over 5000 years ago, made up of 800 gigantic rocks. Some weigh more than two African elephants put together. To this day, h…
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When asked what he uses to write, to doodle, to take note, the AI poster boy, Sam Altman actually prefers the pen, even recommending several pens to a podcast host that interviewed him recently. Even though computer keyboards and tablets may dominate our lives, scientists are actually telling us not to write off pens and note pads just yet because …
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Have you heard of an exoplanet called HD 187933 b? Don’t worry if you haven’t**, **because neither have I. You might wonder what an exoplanet is. An exoplanet is a planet outside our solar system. HD 187933 b is very far away from us. In fact it will take 200,000 years to get there by rocket. To the human eye, this planet looks like Earth with its …
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Wi-Fi is now essential to every modern person’s life, but have you heard of Li-Fi. It’s been boasted as the new technology that could rock the world of the Internet. Li-Fi stands for light fidelity. Instead of using radio waves to transmit information like Wi-Fi, Li-Fi uses light waves, which makes the process faster and more secure. How does Li-Fi…
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So not just young people in Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan don’t want to have kids, so do those in the US. In fact, fertility rates are declining throughout the developed world, and the decline in the US actually accelerated after 2008. Last year, the fertility rate dipped to 1.6 births per 1,000 women, a historic low. One of the reasons is that yo…
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Being an avid reader, this tiny town is definitely my paradise, and on my bucket list to visit someday. Hobart, a small village with only 400 residents in New York state, has eight independent bookstores. One specializes in mysteries and science fiction. One caters to lovers of arts. It has attracted so many book lovers that it hosts several book f…
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Isabella Ducrot doesn’t fit into your image of a young, struggling artist. In fact it wasn’t until 2019, at the age of 88, did her works become internationally recognized. Today this Italian widow is still discovering the joy of painting at the age of ninety-three. This summer a prestigious museum in France is hosting her first international solo m…
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This summer, popular tourist spots are flooded with even more tourists. Many residents are fed up with the situation, and some of them have even taken their anger to the streets or out on innocent tourists, like what my previous episode said about Barcelona. The city government of Copenhagen is actually taking a different approach. As a saying goes…
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A group of seventh and eight graders in Pennsylvania set up fake TikTok accounts impersonating their teachers. In other words, they used their teachers’ names to create fake accounts, which they uploaded reels full of pedophilia hints, racist and homophobic memes as well as make-up sexual hookups among teachers. Hundreds of students viewed, followe…
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In October of 2023, some female high school students in New Jersey discovered that some boys at school used artificial intelligence software to fabricate some nude photos of them and started circulating those images online. The same event also happened to a group of high school girls living in Texas. This news is worrisome because it shows that you…
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As a parent, you should know more and more young people are experimenting with vaping, or e-cigarettes, so it’s crucial that you are aware of the danger posed by vaping. Foremost, e-cigarettes often contain more nicotine than regular cigarettes, so they are more addictive and harmful. Moreover some substances found in e-cigarettes have been linked …
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Administrators at a middle school in North Carolina in the US are finally fed up. Tired of students skipping up on classes in order to create TikTok videos in front of school bathroom mirrors, they removed all the mirrors. The spokesperson of the school said that some students were asking to use the bathroom seven or more times a day and spending a…
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Fed up with housing shortage, overcrowding, and increasingly high cost of living, the residents of Barcelona took their anger to the streets on the second Saturday of July. About 2800 people joined the demonstration. Some carried signs that said tourist, go home, and you are not welcome. Some even squirted water guns at diners eating al fresco (戶外用…
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如大家所預期的現任知事小池百合子成功邁向第三個任期。紐約時報這次用很有趣的角度報導東京都知事選舉。標題為 Is This Vibrant Democracy in Japan, or Has the Circus Come to Town? Fifty-six candidates ran in the election for the governor of the world’s largest city, Tokyo. Why so many candidates contented for the position? Campaign rules allow anyone who pays a deposit of about $19,000 to run for the gover…
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感謝高雄書林今年在盛夏的邀約!我們即將在113/08/19(一)~113/08/21(三)在高雄的書林書店,舉辦【洞見文學:暑期文學快充課】 我們將透過青少年小說Holes《別有洞天》,引領有興趣的學生與讀者,透過李老師精心設計的引導式問題,帶你深度體驗閱讀的樂趣,絕對是有別於以往枯燥且乏味的閱讀課,同場還加映國際時事英聽,不只要快充你的閱讀能力,更要讓你的聽力加倍提升! 對象|學生、想多方面提升英文能力的讀者 時間|113/8/19 - 113/8/21,10:00 - 12:30 優惠|學員限定,活動日於現場購書享75折優惠 費用|1800元,含講義費、𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙨一本(原價315元)、高中職英文學習歷程報告範例一本(原價200元)、結業證書 報名連結…
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你知道鞋子的設計是可以維持長達1000年的嗎?然而,每年有數十億的鞋子被生產,我們卻短短只穿100天之後就丟棄,而這些人造化合物卻不會因為我們不穿就消失,反而正悄悄地在地球上留下傷及土壤、水源、與動物健康的污染物,即便許多廠商正開發以植物為基底的鞋底材質設計,但仍然抵不過舊鞋難以再回收利用的事實。 本集文稿: Do you know that shoes are designed to last 1000 years, but most of us just wear them for 100 days? And because of the materials that they are made from, with every step we take, our shoes leave…
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你的夢想是什麼呢?若時機來了,你會選擇離開舒適圈實踐夢想,還是繼續待在原地維持現狀呢? 本集文稿: This episode is an inspirational story about a person who simply refuses to give up on her childhood dream. When Kristie Ting was little, all she wanted to do was to own an ice cream truck so she could drive around and spread the joy of eating ice cream around. Her love of ice cream was passed down …
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曾一度被列瀕臨絕種名單中的大堡礁,在今年底不再亮起紅燈,這是全球唯一能在太空中肉眼可見的生物群,更是孕育出一千五百種海洋生物的搖籃,然而聯合國教科文組織提醒,海水溫度不斷提高與有毒物質被帶入海裡,仍不可漠視珊瑚白化的環境生態問題。 本集文稿: At the end of June this year, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia was finally off the endangered list. The Great Barrier Reef is located in the northeast coast of Australia, and it’s enormous. It’s actually bigger than the Great…
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世界上的比賽無奇不有,在美國加州,有個叫「世界最醜狗狗比賽」,舉辦近五十年,今年獲得冠軍寶座的是已參賽五年的北京狗Wild Thang。雖說是比賽,但事實上是鼓勵大家擁抱不完美與正面看待缺陷。 本集文稿: Have you ever heard of the World’s Ugliest Dog contest? The competition has been taking place in California, US for more than fifty years. The winner of this year’s contest is an eight-year- old Pekingese named Wild Thang. This is Wild Thang’s fif…
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你有聽過聖馬利諾這個國家嗎?這個沒有火車與飛機直達的國家,還是全球最古老的共和國,從四世紀建國到現在,保留鵝卵石街道的風貌,然而位居義大利的疆土上,為什麼卻沒被併吞呢? 本集文稿: Have you ever heard of a country named San Marino? I have to admit that I have never heard of it before doing this podcast. Anyway, San Marino is the world’s oldest republic. Legend has it that it was founded by a Croatian stonemason named San Marino on Septe…
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後疫情時代,許多學生寧願待在家也不願去上學,而美國正試驗約台幣八百元,以獎勵學生兩週內高出席率的實驗。 本集文稿: Chronic absenteeism has been a huge problem for the US educational system since the pandemic ended. Educators and lawmakers are experimenting with different ways to solve the issue. One that Ohio state has come up with is to pay kids to go to school. If this policy is approved, the state gov…
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你知道日本是最富有的民主國家中,仍然未通過同性婚姻法的嗎?Netflix在近期上架的男男實境秀《The Boyfriend 夏日咖啡男友》,期盼能為日本帶來什麼影響呢? 本集文稿: Japan is the most popular country to visit among Taiwanese tourists. But do you know that Japan is the only country among the world’s wealthiest democracies that has not legalized same-sex marriages. And a Netflix reality show hopes to change this. Over ten e…
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本集是久違的英聽時事極短篇,我們一起來聽聽看在日本的女性,在結紮手術前得面臨哪些難題呢? 本集文稿: Do you know that in Japan when women want to seek sterilization procedures, they will encounter conditions that are the most burdensome in the world? How so? First they must already have children and have to prove that pregnancy might endanger their health. Moreover they are required to obtain the …
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在開始之前,我們先認識一些藥物名稱:opoid, fentanyl, OxyContin, heroin, morphine, opium,上述這些,都是止痛藥物,它們的立意都是為癌症患者或重大疾病患者減輕疼痛,但當含有成癮成分的止痛藥物,不再為了減輕疼痛,而是為了商業利益被濫用,病患甚至為了追求euphoria使身體亢奮狂喜的狀態,造成性命的垂危。造成這樣持續上演的悲劇是因誰而起的呢? 參考書目:Empire of Pain : The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty 《疼痛帝國:薩克勒家族製藥王朝秘史》 作者:帕特里克·拉登·基夫Patrick Radden Keefe 精選字彙: overdose (n.) 過量服用 opioid crisi…
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感謝高雄書林今年在盛夏的邀約!我們即將在113/07/08(一)~113/07/12(五)在高雄的書林書店,舉辦【洞見文學:給青少年的暑期文學快充課】 我們將透過青少年小說Holes《別有洞天》,引領有興趣的學生與讀者,透過李老師精心設計的引導式問題,帶你深度體驗閱讀的樂趣,絕對是有別於以往枯燥且乏味的閱讀課,同場還加映國際時事英聽,不只要快充你的閱讀能力,更要讓你的聽力加倍提升! 報名連結: 李老師與小幫手Aaron期待今夏與你的見面! 你有聽過Sapiens: A Brief Hist…
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你知道什麼是GLP-1嗎?含有GLP-1成分的Wegovy與Ozempic藥劑,已經讓很多人在短短兩個月,就達到減輕十公斤的效果,甚至很多政商名流都搶著使用。 然而,這款被作為減肥藥的藥劑,原先是為了給糖尿病患者使用以促進胰島素來降低血糖,但具有降低食慾的功效,卻意外被作為當前最有效的減肥藥。 在社群媒體的助攻下,已經紅透全球,甚至位於丹麥的製藥廠已經貢獻該國可觀的GDP數字,為了穩定經濟市場,還必須降低利率。 但面對這股熱潮,卻沒有人能保證副作用的影響,這樣的新興減肥藥劑,我們該如何正確看待呢? 想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡吧! 李…
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來自作者Kate Dicamillo的分享: "You have to decide who you want to be in the world. And sometimes you just have to forgive those people who hurt you. No matter what and why they did it." 「你得決定你想成為什麼樣的人,而有時候,也必須原諒欺凌你的人們,無論他們因為什麼緣由而傷害你。」 主題討論: 李老師分享英語學習的不二心法—放下單字書,拿起英文讀物。 青少年讀物導讀《少女三劍客:回家之路》Louisiana’s Way Home 出類拔萃的文字功力是讓讀者的腦海,浮現畫面。 書本《少女三劍客:回家之路》Louisiana’…
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主題人物:Sam Bankman-Fried Sam是一位奉信利他主義哲學的Y世代青年,他堅信著要以賺更多錢的方式來幫助更多人。 2017年開始,憑藉著在虛擬貨幣的交易,賺下了巨額財富,不只創辦了虛擬貨幣量化交易公司Alameda Research,更成立了虛擬貨幣交易所FTX,財富與名聲就此竄紅且名利雙收,一度躋身為百億美元富豪,更被富比士雜誌評為三十歲以下最富有人士之一,還列入全球百大影響力人物。 但2022年入冬後,事業如秋葉般枯黃紛飛,曾為全球前三大交易所的FTX宣告破產,更被指出客戶資金遭不當挪用,最後,在2024年三月受法院判處25年監禁。 短短五年內,大起大落的事業走勢如K棒般,一度衝破漲停板紅透半邊天,最後卻以跳樓式的崩跌,重重遭到人生黑棒的擊潰。 銀海無涯魅人心,來如疾風驟…
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這絕對是《李老師陪你探索英文世界》開台以來,最勵志又鼓舞人心的一集。 小說導讀:Raymie Nightingale《中譯:少女三劍客》 作者:Kate Dicamillo 作者介紹: 孩提時期,體弱多病患慢性肺炎的Kate已經帶給她身體上的拖磨,想不到在家庭破碎的環境下,更蒙上她精神壓力的打擊。不僅如此,在第一堂的發音拼字課後,更是完全聽不懂,憑藉著生母一點一滴地引導,使得她慢慢重拾信心,但出了社會後,運途似乎沒有順利多少,投稿作品後,更是收到多達1000多封的婉拒信件⋯ 如果是同樣的機遇發生在自己身上,會怨天尤人?還是繼續逆風挺進呢? 小說內容介紹: 三位有著不同際遇的女孩為了奪下佛州輪胎美少女后冠,交織在故事的主軸線上,但她們絕非為了表面的功名利祿,而是希望藉著比賽的成果,撫平小時候刻…
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是有沒有頭殼歹去?!你會為了獵捕深神秘的大王烏賊不惜傾家蕩產嗎? 大王烏賊是流傳於水手間的神秘深海巨獸,鮮少有人能親眼目睹,但我們卻能在鯨魚身上的勒痕與沙灘上的屍體一窺存在的蹤跡,牠的神秘,引發很多烏賊獵人的痴迷,使世界各地的烏賊獵人都不惜砸下重金,也要活擒到手。 這次李老師要導讀的是刊登在《The New Yorker紐約客雜誌》當中的紀實報導,由記者David Grann親自去紐西蘭與獵人共同捕捉烏賊的精彩故事 想知道最後的結局究竟是皆大歡喜還是茫茫浪花空一場呢?一起…
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你會帶賽又衰尾,有沒有可能是你祖先做人失敗? 業障啊各位!因為撿到一雙又臭又髒的原味運動鞋,竟然是棒球明星的義賣品,被警察逮捕後,還要送到一個名如日月潭實如荒漠的感化營,這些關聯竟然跟男主角Stanley的曾祖父失守百年前與靈媒的諾言,種下的惡果⋯ 不平凡的人生都有不可抹滅的過去,一起來聆聽李老師分享小說作者Louis Sachar的創作故事,與聽聽書中幾位角色背後的心酸血淚史,回首百年前大時代下的無奈與滄桑。 李老師與小幫手Aaron邀您一起按下播放鍵,為您導讀這本膾炙人口又歷久彌新的經典青少年小說Holes《別有洞天》。 想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡吧!…
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立志成為小說家,卻成為孕育小說家的搖籃:紐約客總編輯David Remnick的掌舵之路 小故事大啟發:聽聽現任紐約客雜誌總編的傳奇工作經歷 請李老師喝杯咖啡,支持她繼續說英文故事 想以行動支持李老師繼續說英文故事,來請老師喝杯咖啡吧! 李老師的Facebook與Instagram: Facebook: Insta…
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重點單字 molecular biologist: 分子生物學家 unique: 獨特的 fascinating: 令人著迷的 chemicals: 化學物 interact with: 跟..互動 sensation: 感覺 intentionally: 故意的 sting: 蟄 record: 記錄 stopwatch: 碼錶 last: 持續 rate: 定..等級 scale: 級別 based on: 根據 the late: 過逝不久的 entomologist: 昆蟲學家 unavoidable: 不可避免的 medication: 藥 breakthrough: 突破 inflict: 施以 stinger: 螫針 inject: 注射 toxins: 毒物 poisonou…
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重點單字 require: 要求 cursive: 書寫體 make a come back: 重磅回歸 law: 法律 take effect: 生效 connect: 連結 flowing: 流暢的 remove: 去除 curriculum: 課綱 typing: 打字 norm: 常態 recently: 最近的 benefits: 好處 take notes: 做筆記 historical: 歷史的 document: 文件 decipher: 解讀 Norwegian: 挪威的 activate: 啟動 electrical: 電力的 enhance: 加強 besides: 除了 請李老師喝杯咖啡,支持她繼續說英文故事…
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重點單字 passenger: 乘客 destination:目的地 jet stream: 高速氣流 wave: 浪潮 upper level: 上層的 atmosphere: 大氣層 flight: 班機 reach: 達到 record breaker: 破紀錄者 pandemic: 大傳染 reduce: 減少 incredible: 不可思議的 aid: 協助 limit: 侷限 The Atlantic: 大西洋 the Pacific: 太平洋 請李老師喝杯咖啡,支持她繼續說英文故事 Facebook: I…
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重點單字 pioneer: 先驅者 duty-free: 免稅 shrewd: 精明的 investor: 投資人 startups: 創投 pass away: 過逝 remarkable: 非凡的 fortune: 財富 amass: 累積 spirit: 精神 generosity: 大方 donate: 捐出 billion: 十億 charity: 慈善 anonymously: 匿名的 philanthropist: 慈善家 facades:外觀 wing: 側翼 conversely: 相反的 go through great lengths to: 費盡心思去 conceal: 隱瞞 identity: 身份 wealth: 財富 philanthropy: 慈善工作 med…
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