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🥑 台灣時間 每週二 上午十點 更新發佈 《食材營養百科》是個介紹台灣人常吃的食材,針對其營養與功效加以介紹與解說的節目,由宋明樺營養師所主持,本節目非常適合對於注重飲食習慣、營養均衡與身體健康的朋友觀看,了解食物與食物之間的效果關係,清楚自己所吃下的食物之功效,達到樂活健康的境地。 奶類可供應人體鈣質、維生素B2、維生素D,可保持骨頭、牙齒健康堅固,儲存骨本,有效預防骨質疏鬆症或骨折,而蛋類則是有豐富的蛋白質,具有健腦益智、肝臟保護、動脈硬化防治、預防癌症與延緩衰老等功效,更多奶、蛋類的介紹就來看看宋明樺營養師的解說吧! 【LOHAS樂活雲】提供全球華人最SKR的節目內容與資訊,有健康、親子、理財、旅遊、英文等領域,結合專業人士的經驗談與分享,給您豐富且具知識性的影片與Podcast,讓您掌握最新節目進度。 【LOHAS樂活雲】官方網站 【LOHAS樂活雲】FB粉絲團 【LOHAS樂活雲】Youtube頻道 ...
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學生時代生日、節日都會收到手寫信 甚至是貼滿照片的板板 收到都會特別感動 那些信件你都還留著嗎? 那些青澀的心思現在再看會是什麼樣子呢? 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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想成為光鮮亮麗的大人,到了這個歲數發現自己不過只是擔心柴米油鹽的市井小民 十八歲的自己會怎麼看現在的我?我又拿什麼面對江東父老 T_T(當時的自己)? 如果你和結石一樣覺得活到近三十歲還是像一坨大便歡迎進來取暖 如果你是人生勝利組你可以去聽更有意義的節目 哈哈哈哈 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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油脂在一般人的印象裡是變胖的重要元素,但其實人體還是對於油脂有所需求,長期缺乏油脂,除了皮膚容易乾燥以外,也會影響賀爾蒙的平衡,而油脂有何營養價值呢?讓我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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海鮮類的食材充滿各種營養價值,而具有硬殼的海鮮食材更是對於身體有更好的營養,像是牡蠣,其整顆具有非常高含量鋅,蛋白質也遠超過牛奶,膽固醇卻異常的低,非常適合用來預防心血管疾病,更多貝殼類海鮮食材的介紹,我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集所介紹的香蕉、楊桃與釋迦富含豐富的維生素C,此外亦富含各式各樣的微量元素,不過這三種水果的含糖量偏高,因此攝取上還是以適量為佳,而更多的營養價值就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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帶殼海鮮類的食材有蝦子、螃蟹與龍蝦,其中這些帶有甲殼的海鮮食材具備甲殼素,可預防老人癡呆與骨質疏鬆等症狀,因此像是體積較小的軟殼蝦是最好攝取甲殼素的食材,更多有關帶殼海鮮的介紹,我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集所介紹的芒果、荔枝與榴槤所含有的纖維豐富,但其含糖量高,因此具有糖尿病、肥胖者與減重者都要注意攝取的量,那麼這些水果具有怎麼樣的營養價值呢?我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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魚類是熱量低,營養素高,蛋白質比例高,對於身體的吸收是非常迅速的,特別是兒童的成長更為適合,由於魚類又可以降低壞膽固醇,減緩血液凝固的時間,有效預防心血管疾病的發生,那麼更多魚類的營養效果,我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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菇類的營養價值非常高,而在攝取之前建議先把香菇拿去曬太陽,照過太陽的香菇將能提高人體吸收鈣的效果,更多菇類營養的介紹,就讓我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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豆類食材富含植物性蛋白質,非常適合素食者在攝取蛋白質上的重要營養來源,不過豆製品容易引發脹氣,因此在攝取上需適量,那麼更多豆類食材的營養價值就讓我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集介紹的奇異果、火龍果與百香果都對於人體的消化系統有著非常好的幫助,不論是防止脹氣問題或是排除毒素都有著顯著的效果,更多詳細的營養價值就讓我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本次討論的書籍是:《也許你該找人聊聊:一個諮商心理師與她的心理師,以及我們的生活》作者:Lori Gottlieb 作者Ted Talk:How changing your story can change your life. 這本書的作者Lori是一名心理治療師,書裡寫了她與個案們以及與自己的心理師的故事 個案的生命故事與作者本人的生命故事看似互相獨立,卻又相互交織,幫助了彼此的成長 「所有傷都是在連結之中好起來的」、「諮商關係的結…
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海藻海帶類的食材含有對人體營養的元素,不過由於現今的環境汙染問題,在料理的時候務必要先將食材泡水,讓附著在食材上的汙染物掉落,以免將汙染物質吃進身體,至於這類食材具有何種有益人體的營養呢?我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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鴨肉與鵝肉具有不飽和脂肪酸,在肉類的攝取選擇上可以增加,而羊肉本身為較熱的食物,非常適合秋冬進補,不過具有腎臟疾病的人則不適合,而上述這些肉類食材具有哪些營養價值呢?就讓我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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瓜類水果都具有豐富的水分與糖分,是許多人在攝取水果上的優先選擇,雖然有相當多的營養價值,但是若患有糖尿病的朋友,還是需要適量攝取,那麼我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明與建議吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集要來介紹根莖類蔬菜中的竹筍、玉米筍、牛蒡與秋葵,作為料理的搭配或是湯品的烹煮都有很好的食材價值,而這些食材又具有哪些營養價值呢?我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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雞肉本身所含的油脂較少,適合孩童、減重者與病後休養者攝取,而雞胸肉是所有雞隻部位維生素B群含量最高的,可以有效幫我們補充諸多身體需要的微量元素,而更多的雞肉部位營養,我們就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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莓果類的水果所富含的微量元素相當多,且擁有大量抗氧化要素,本集所要介紹的黑莓、藍莓與蔓越莓剛好都是台灣沒有生產,必須由國外進口才能食用的水果,那麼我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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根莖類蔬菜的常見度非常高,而紅蘿蔔、白蘿蔔、茄子與蘆筍的接受度很高的食材,然而這類食材雖富含營養價值,但是用不適當的方式烹煮或攝取,將另營養價值大打折扣,那麼有哪些注意事項呢?我們來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的說明吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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富含油脂比例高的豬肉,也是全部豬肉部位裡面脂肪含量非常高的部位,雖然口感吃起來沒有感覺,但實際上吃進去的脂肪卻是非常高的量,因此酌量攝取才是維持營養健康的不二法門。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Intro What makes a perfect summer jam? It has to be a catchy, upbeat song. It should have the feeling of a carefree, sun-filled day. It should make you want to dance. And you’ll know it’s the hit of the summer when you can’t help but hear it every time you turn on your radio. So what is this summer’s big hit? Is it “Alejandro” by Lady Gaga? Katy Pe…
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Intro Hi Friends! Labor Day happens every year on the first Monday in September. It is a holiday dedicated to the American workers who have contributed to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. Many people use the three-day holiday weekend to travel and visit family and friends. It’s also a common weekend for marriages. Beth is pl…
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Intro Summer is almost here, and that means it’s time to start the agonizing process of shopping for a new bathing suit. Finding the perfect suit that covers up everything you’d rather not reveal while still showing off all the right parts is difficult, especially for the ladies. But girls aren’t the only ones who can be faced with a swimsuit dilem…
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Intro When sailors went on long voyages, they would take citrus fruits like limes or oranges with them. Without them, or specifically, the vitamin C inside them, the sailors would die! These days, sailors have vitamin C pills, but that doesn’t mean that eating a grapefruit isn’t good for your health. Citrus fruits are a tasty way to stay well. One …
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Intro The mother of all Marvel superhero movies is here. Thor, Captain America, Hulk and Iron Man have all had their own successful movies. Now they are all teamed up for one giant blockbuster that tells the story of how these superheroes came to be so super. Not only is The Avengers full of colorful characters, it is directed by Joss Whedon who is…
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本集介紹的水果桑葚、覆盆子與草莓都非常適合製作成果醬,搭配吐司來食用,其中草莓是非常多女性朋友鍾愛的水果,但在食用前宋明樺營養師建議大家以毛刷清洗乾淨再食用,以免把農藥吃下肚。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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許多人面對家人、朋友狀態比較不好的時候 很想幫忙但又無能為力,或是說錯話讓兩個人都不開心 確實在我們的文化與教育中比較沒有機會學習面對與處理負面情緒 就讓這集把你在陪伴憂鬱的朋友時的不知所措一一破解吧 趕時間的話,直接聽30:29!教你5句正確陪伴句與心態 02:01 心理師與朋友的差別 04:53 憂鬱是什麼? 教你簡易辨別 13:46 為什麼陪伴很難 17:15 別再說了! 5句常見錯誤示範 (加油/別想太多/很多人比你慘/想想你擁有的/時間會療癒一切) 28:56 學起來! 面對憂鬱這樣做 (你重視的是什麼/盡力了就是夠好的/現在感覺不好也沒關係/你好棒!/我在這裡) 45:34 求助(就醫)的時機與方法 47:47 憂鬱陪伴者的感悟 52:27致深愛世界的我們 **因遠端錄音,品質不…
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Intro For some people, the commute to and from the office is the most stressful part of the day. Driving a car, waiting for the train, or taking a bus just to start work can take up lots of time. Working from home avoids that step and sounds very relaxing. Now that technology enables many people to do their jobs outside the office, more and more pe…
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Intro We don’t choose our relatives. We’re just born with them, and we have to do our best to get along with them. In fact, we have to love them. They’re family. Sometimes, that can be a challenge. We all have relatives who just don’t seem to have anything in common with us. But most of us also have at least one relative whom we love to be around a…
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Intro Hi Friends! There are lots of ways to travel from city to city in the U.S. – including airplanes, trains, buses, and even boats. But one of Americans’ favorite ways to travel is by car. People love to drive. The freedom of the open road and the fun of seeing all the interesting things between here and there make for a great adventure. Zach re…
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Intro A few short years ago, the life of the business traveler was great. You would fly first class from city to city, drink and dine on the company tab, stay in plush hotel rooms, and milk that unrestricted corporate expense account for all it was worth. But times have changed. With increasing operating costs, companies are downsizing their staffs…
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十字花科的蔬菜是平常餐桌上常常出現的食物,特別是甘藍菜,可以說是出現率最高的蔬菜,而這些食材都富含很多營養價值,對於癌症的預防也充分展現良好的效果,我們現在就來聽聽看宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Intro Rémy wants to be a chef, and luckily, he lives in the best culinary city in the world, Paris, France. But there’s one problem. Rémy is a rat. And rats can’t be chefs. They aren’t even allowed in kitchens! Listen to Mason tell Amanda about how Rémy the rat makes for his favorite movie of the summer, Ratatouille. Dialogue Mason: Have, uh, seen …
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Intro The lives of men have always revolved around water. There’s a reason most cities are located on a river or lake. Potable water has always been necessary and somewhat hard to find. But with increasing population and pollution, it is becoming more and more difficult to hydrate mankind. Some experts say that the next world war will be over water…
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Intro Hi Friends! When getting to know someone, it’s common to talk about where you come from. Your background has a lot to do with who you are, so you can help someone understand you better if you tell them about your hometown and your history. Also, it’s interesting to hear what someone else’s opinions are about the place where you grew up. Often…
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Intro Shortly after the final episode Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld was sitting around one day and started thinking to himself… “What is the deal with bees? Why are they so obsessed with honey? They know the beekeeper is going to come take it away, yet they continue to produce it. I think it’s time the bees did something for themselves for a change. I t…
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Intro Stuff has a way of piling up. Even if you have a lot of storage, you will run out of room eventually. Everyone has some things they could get rid of. But how? You don’t just want to throw your stuff away. That would be wasteful, and it’s got to be worth something to someone. Time for a garage sale! A garage sale, also known as a yard sale or …
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Intro Everybody loves fresh food! And it’s wonderful when you can grow this food in your own garden. However, many of us have limited space, and we can’t do a lot of gardening in our yards. But a popular new idea can help… vertical gardening! Vertical gardens grow on walls or in tall planters with different spaces for many plants. Growing food vert…
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Intro Even though we often complain about our jobs, nobody wants to get fired. If you have to lose your job, it should at least be for something crazy, like having an affair with the boss’s daughter or setting fire to your cubicle. But often, when businesses start losing money, they have no choice but to lay off a bunch of their employees. Times ar…
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Intro Put a pre-pubescent girl who wants to win a beauty contest, her angst-ridden teen-aged brother, her loving, mischievous grandfather and her gay uncle who has just tried to commit suicide together in an old VW bus with her well-meaning but stressed out parents and you’ve got the road trip for the movie Little Miss Sunshine, a poignant comedy a…
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Intro A free trip sounds like a lot of fun. But working when you’d rather be sightseeing or lounging by the pool doesn’t sound fun at all. Actually, that sounds like a business trip. Many jobs involve traveling. You might need to go to another city, state, or even a different country to attend an important meeting, visit a client, or work on a proj…
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柑橘類的水果富含的營養非常多,其中葡萄柚、柚子與柿子對人體的解毒、抗癌、抗氧化與抗自由基等功效可以說是非常有幫助,而這些水果的熱量或糖量都比較高,因此建議大家還是適量攝取為佳。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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五穀根莖類的食材種類非常多,宋明樺營養師這次要來介紹薏仁、燕麥、玉米與豌豆仁,這些食材常出現在我們生活中,對於有在養生的朋友更是不陌生,究竟這些食材有哪些營養價值呢?我們來聽聽看她的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Intro When movies first came out, they didn’t have sound. So stars like Charlie Chaplin became famous by using their hands and eyes to act. Over the last 17 years, Rowan Atkinson has become famous with a similar technique. Although his movies have sound, his character, a child-like man named Mr. Bean, speaks very rarely. Since so many of Mr. Bean’s…
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Intro Tests don’t have to be scary. It seems like a lot can go wrong, but as long as you prepare and stay calm, you’ll be OK. And it’s no secret that being well-prepared helps you stay calm. American students lose sleep over the SAT, which determines what colleges you can get into. People who live in other countries and want to study in the US have…
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Intro Are tests easy for you, or do exams make you freak out? Some people have no problem taking and passing tests. They are able to go to an exam without feeling nervous, and they stay calm during the test. They push through the difficult parts and excel. Sometimes, people like this don’t even need to study. They can ace their tests with very litt…
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Intro What makes you happy? American singer Pharrell Williams produced a catchy song in 2013 that took the world by storm. Williams’ song “Happy” has topped the charts in over 20 countries, proving that people all around the globe are looking for ways to genuinely celebrate and enjoy the good things in life. “Happy” was featured in the movie Despic…
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本集所介紹的小黃瓜、大黃瓜、苦瓜與絲瓜等食材,食用起來可能是部分的人不喜歡的味道,然而這四種瓜類卻富含了非常多對人體有益的營養元素,那麼現在我們就來聽聽宋明樺營養師的介紹吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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