Celebration of 40+ years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews, and comedy sets from standup comics... famous, and not so famous. All taped Live on my Comedy stage. The interviews will be with comics, old staff members, and Friends from the world of Comedy. Standup Sets by Dana Carvey, Jay Leno, Tom Dreesen, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry Miller, Mark Schiff, Bobcat Goldthwait, Paula Poundstone, Garry Shandling, Ray Ramano, Cathy Ladman, Willie Tyler & Lester, and MORE. My web site has many pictures, items for sale, and more information www.standupcomedyyourhostandmc.com
Explore the transformative message of reconciliation, the essence of the Gospel. Uncover the truth about Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, God's love, and your worthiness in His eyes. It's more than just changing behaviors, it's about fully living in God's grace. This sermon calls on believers to fully embrace the reconciliatory power of the Gospel, affirm their worthiness in God's eyes, and fulfill their duty as Christ's ambassadors. Give it a listen! EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Explore the transformative message of reconciliation, the essence of the Gospel. Uncover the truth about Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, God's love, and your worthiness in His eyes. It's more than just changing behaviors, it's about fully living in God's grace. This sermon calls on believers to fully embrace the reconciliatory power of the Gospel, affirm their worthiness in God's eyes, and fulfill their duty as Christ's ambassadors. Give it a listen! EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Scripture: Psalm 139: 23-24 Chapter 1: Understanding Triggers and Personal Wounds 0:00 - 5:11 - We explore the concept of triggers and how they relate to our personal wounds and traumas. Chapter 2: The Church's Role in Addressing Pain 5:11 - 6:24 - We examine the current state of the church and its responsibility in addressing personal pain. Chapter 3: The Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing 6:24 - 21:44 - We delve into the process of self-discovery and healing, emphasizing the need for honesty and surrender to God. Chapter 4: Addressing Injuries and Finding Freedom 21:44 - 35:21 - We learn how to identify and address our personal injuries to find true freedom in Christ. Chapter 5: The Power of an Honest Heart 35:21 - 54:15 - We focus on the transformative power of having an honest heart in our spiritual journey. EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a-- Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook , Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel !…
This message invites us to explore the profound truth that God knows us better than we know ourselves. It challenges us to confront why we often hide parts of our lives from Him, despite His omniscience. The story of Elijah fleeing from Jezebel (1 Kings 19) serves as a powerful illustration of how even great prophets can succumb to fear and isolation. God's gentle question to Elijah, 'What are you doing here?' isn't meant to accuse, but to prompt self-reflection. We're encouraged to listen for God's 'still small voice' in the quiet moments of our lives, rather than expecting dramatic interventions. This teaches us that intimacy with God often grows in stillness and vulnerability, not in the whirlwind of activity or emotion.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we explore the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19, focusing on how we can thrive through life's triggers. We're reminded that life is full of ups and downs, and the Bible serves as a roadmap for navigating these challenges. Elijah's journey teaches us that even spiritual giants face moments of fear and doubt. The message emphasizes that our triggers often stem from unhealed pain or trauma, generating fear-based reactions. We're encouraged to find balance between grace and truth, avoiding the extremes of coddling or becoming overly militant. By addressing our deep-seated issues and staying awake to God's presence, we can overcome our triggers and live out our calling more fully.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we're reminded that God meets us exactly where we are, not where we pretend to be. The speaker draws our attention to Psalm 42, where the psalmist pours out his heart to God in times of distress. We're encouraged to be honest with God about our pain, hurt, and suffering, realizing that being a Christian doesn't make us immune to these experiences. The key lesson is that God wants to heal our pain, but we must first open up to Him. By delaying this process, we only hinder what God wants to do in our lives. This message challenges us to confront our emotional wounds and bring them before God, trusting in His desire and ability to provide comfort and healing.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this spiritually enriching discussion, we are reminded of the profound reality that each of us, like Moses, is called by God to fulfill a unique purpose, underscored by our faith and our consecration to His will. Referencing the Biblical narrative from Leviticus, where Moses is instructed on sacrificial offerings, the dialogue highlights the importance of being set apart for God's plans. The key takeaway is our transformation through faith and obedience. The notion that Moses' journey, marked by encounters with God outside the bustle of life, can be mirrored in our lives today, suggests a pathway towards spiritual renewal and deeper communion with God. Through vivid anecdotes and interpretations of scripture, we come to understand the spiritual significance of calling, sacrifice, and divine guidance, prompting us to live lives consecrated to God's purpose, fired by faith and the Holy Spirit. EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we're reminded of the importance of rest in our spiritual journey. Jesus modeled rest for us, showing that it's not just a luxury, but a crucial part of living in rhythm with God. We're challenged to evaluate our lives and identify areas that have become unmanageable. The speaker emphasizes that God desires us to live in perfect peace, not constant busyness. By learning to hear God's voice, seek His direction, and rest in His presence, we can experience true spiritual rest. The story of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41) illustrates how our faith in God's ability can bring peace amidst life's chaos. We're encouraged to start small in cultivating rest and to remember that nothing is too chaotic for Jesus to speak peace into.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we're reminded of the profound importance of rest in our spiritual lives. Drawing from Hebrews 3 and 4, we explore the concept of God's rest - not just physical relaxation, but a deep, spiritual peace that comes from trusting in Christ's finished work. We're cautioned against the dangers of unbelief and rebellion, which can harden our hearts and lead us away from God. The story of the Israelites' journey from Egypt to the Promised Land serves as a poignant reminder of how easily we can miss out on God's blessings when we fail to trust Him. The message challenges us to enter into God's rest by fully believing in His promises and ceasing from our own futile efforts to earn His favor.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we're invited to explore the profound connection between rest and spiritual overflow. The story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42 serves as a cornerstone, illustrating the importance of sitting at Jesus' feet and truly listening. We're encouraged to move beyond mere intellectual understanding to experiential knowledge of God's love. This rest isn't about inactivity, but about rejuvenation, renewal, and transformation of our minds. It's in this place of rest that we can hear God's heart for us, understand our true identity as His children, and receive His love. This message challenges us to examine our own lives: Are we like Martha, distracted by many things, or are we choosing the 'better part' like Mary?EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we're reminded of Jesus' teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, particularly focusing on being the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The key lesson here is that our effectiveness and worth aren't determined by our actions or comparisons to others, but by our identity in Christ. We're encouraged to find contentment and joy in the mundane, everyday moments of life, not just in the spiritual highs. The speaker emphasizes that God doesn't 're-energize' our old experiences but provides fresh encounters in the present moment. This perspective challenges us to live fully in the now, trusting in God's continuous work in our lives rather than trying to recreate past spiritual experiences.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
We explore the profound connection between shame, guilt, and our inherent value in God's eyes. The story of Adam and Eve's fall in Genesis 3 serves as a powerful reminder that our tendency to hide after wrongdoing actually reveals how precious we are to God. Just as we grieve deeply for those we love, our shame demonstrates the depth of our connection to our Creator. This perspective transforms our understanding of guilt, recasting it as a gift that affirms our worth. We're challenged to live in the light, embracing honesty and vulnerability, knowing that God's love and grace are constant, regardless of our mistakes. This message encourages us to step out of hiding and into the freedom of truth, allowing God's glory to be visible in our lives.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
We explore the powerful theme of vulnerability and authenticity in our relationship with God and others. The sermon draws from the creation story in Genesis, highlighting how Adam and Eve's nakedness before the fall represented a state of complete openness and lack of shame. This ideal state was disrupted by sin, leading to hiding and shame. We're challenged to consider how we often use phrases like 'another day in paradise' as shields to avoid genuine connection. The message emphasizes that our greatest need is to be fully seen and loved, yet we often hide parts of ourselves out of fear of rejection. We're encouraged to embrace confession and vulnerability as paths to true freedom and deeper relationships with God and others.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
This message powerfully reminds us of the centrality of faith in our spiritual journey. Drawing from Jesus' parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18, we're challenged to consider: 'Will the Son of Man find faith on earth when he returns?' Our Christian story, from creation to redemption, hinges on faith. Like Abraham, we're often given a vision without detailed instructions, requiring us to trust God's timing and methods. The speaker encourages us to shift our thinking, emphasizing that miracles can occur with just one change in perspective. We're urged to wait on God, even when it's difficult, as these waiting periods are where we grow and develop a rich history with Him.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
In this powerful message, we explore the transformative power of God's perspective on our lives. The central theme revolves around John 4, the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. This narrative illustrates how Jesus sees beyond our past and present circumstances, offering us living water that quenches our deepest spiritual thirst. We're challenged to consider: What story are we telling ourselves? Have we allowed the loudest voices in our lives to shape our identity, or are we embracing the truth of who God says we are? The message encourages us to move beyond worshipping from our 'false self' - which glorifies our brokenness - to worshipping in spirit and truth, embracing our true identity in Christ.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
This message invites us to reflect on our spiritual readiness through a powerful dream analogy of a wedding. The central theme revolves around Matthew 25's parable of the ten virgins, emphasizing the importance of staying spiritually prepared. We're challenged to consider if we're truly present in our daily walk with God or if we're distracted by life's demands. The dream vividly illustrates how easy it is to become unprepared, focused on our own concerns rather than God's invitation. It reminds us that the most precious thing in our lives is God in our midst, and every day is an opportunity to engage with what He's doing. This message encourages us to simplify our lives, focus on what truly matters, and remain alert to God's presence and work around us.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
Listen to this powerful sermon that will transform your understanding of faith, surrender, and the divine love that bridges us to eternity. Pastor Tim delves deep into the heart of Easter's message, sharing how the resurrection of Jesus signifies a path to true freedom and renewal. Discover a community united by diversity and bound by the spirit of hope. Don't miss out on this life-changing message.EPISODE CREDITS: Produced, edited and mixed by Shera Dye. Artwork designed by Shera Dye. All rights reserved Freedom Church Bossier City. LINKS Visit us at our website here for more information. Sundays at 10:30a--Plan your visit here! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & subscribe to our YouTube channel!…
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